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A possible golden road in front of me?

So, in the humanities and social sciences, most of 'us' are well-entrenched in the academic hiring process. Letters and dossiers have been sent, and the first round of interviews are about to commence. The usual process is to interview either by phone or at a convention (which tends to occur right after Christmas, or perhaps the first week of January), followed by an on-campus interview which lasts 2ish days; this second interview is usually done in January or February, so that decisions can b



And people wonder why

Ok...just to note...it's taken me almost a week to blog this...only because every time I think about it, it infuriates me.   Thesis: People don't know how to raise kids anymore.   Events: I was sitting at a local fast-ish food restaurant (meaning: it's still burgers, fries, etc., just that they cook things to order), minding my own business, when this group sit behind me. 2 women, sisters or -in-law from the sound of things, with 2 kids (boy was about 4, girl about 5) who belong to one of



I felt the earth...move...under my feet...

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!   So, at 8:04pm PDT, there was about a 5.0 earthquake centered approximately 6 miles from my place. It were funnnn!!!   Ok, it wasn't fun...well, not 'not fun'...kinda thrilling. See, if you're born in 'earthquake country,' you know what to do in an instant: find a place to take cover (under a desk, in a doorway), make sure you have something on your feet, and ride it out...it doesn't last long. But this was the first one in my life that I really, real



Oh the idiocy of it all...

I decided that I'd go out for sushi tonight...and being that I live in Japantown, well, I knew it'd be good. Oh boy...I oopsed big time.   I'm allergic to shellfish. It's an interesting food allergy...comes in a variety of forms. Usually, the afflicted person is more affected by either crustaceans, mollusks or cephalopods; for me, crustaceans are evil. It also afflicts the poor soul in a variety of ways: the worst being apoplectic shock, others are covered in hives, and those like me are



New digs!

So I'm finally able to move out on my own again, and am now 'broadcasting' from my new apartment! It's a small studio in downtown/Japantown San Jose, in an old Victorian. No, Don Tomato, it doesn't have A/C...it has a gas heater. That's it.   But this place is almost done. Most all of the boxes are unpacked; the rest will be done once my brother puts up a bookcase for me. Some stuff remains in his garage; other will be given to Goodwill/Salvation Army. But most everything I have fits in



Fruit of the Silvery-Green Tree

What is it about olives?   Just...what is it about them?   I used to hate them until very recently; the brine or cure in which they are placed often either tasted bad to me or really didn't sit well in my stomach. In general, most things that are pickled set my tummy into the duck-and-cover position, unless the balance is so light on the vinegar that it hardly has bite. Sourkraut is a total no-no, and most gardinera mixes (Italian pickled veggies, which are often part of an antipasto sprea



Lookie what I got in the mail!

Innit puuuuuuuuuurdy!?   (BTW, to borrow the British expressions...I'm bleeding on Cloud 9, but and completely knackered...but am enjoying some champers to celebrate nonetheless!)   (I can't upload the damned picture, for some stupid reason, but it's in the Gallery: click here)



Lazy days

What a feeling...I would have slept in, save for the 10 pound roaring lioness sitting on my chest at 7:05am, wanting to know why I hadn't gotten up 5 minutes earlier like usual (I swear, I need to train Bella on the concept of sleeping in...). But I really had nothing to do today. I finished all of the planning for my Tues/Thurs course, and the other set of courses is all planned--now I just need the contract and other paperwork to get into the system, which would allow me to upload everything



Well, folks, it's over. My career as a student has now fully come to an end. My dissertation has been accepted by UMI, the publishing group which tells us if the work is 'up to snuff' for the College of Grad Studies. I have been billed for all graduation fees ($8 for processing, $55 for uploading the dissertation (both are automatic), and $65 for having UMI register my copyright with the Library of Congress (which is a pain in the ass that I am willing to pay for)), and they have been paid.



A banner day

Well, folks, the word of this week has been: culmination. I uploaded my finalized dissertation to UMI, which is the publisher that UT (and many, many other universities) uses, and it's currently under review. I mailed my final papers to the Grad School, and they were received today. All that's left is for them to finalize everything, bill me for my processing fee...and that's it.   I woke up this morning, and i felt...calm. In my mind, when I pay that final fee, then I'll be really done,



Ah, the feeling of summer!

There are aspects to summer that everyone can count on. The sweet smell of blooms in the garden. The salty air experienced on a vacation at the coast. Watching lightning bugs flicker in the evening darkness.   For me...I can count on the fact that I'm not just mosquito fodder, but I'm a gormet meal.   Well, I must be...it doesn't matter what I do, I'm bitten. I've yet to find a product, either natural or chemical, which keeps the suckers off of me. I've been offered all sorts of remedie



Lunch, even in 15 or so minutes

I've come to a realization in life.   Well, more than one, but this is just the latest.   I can multitask very well--indeed, I have all my life. Working in a kitchen, I can have 3 pots going at once and know what's going on. I can even carry on a coversation while doing it. I sing along to whatever music I have filling my domicile while I work in the kitchen or in the garden. In fact, even if there is no electronic device playing music, the music in my head is playing, and I'm singing



The coolest ever

I want this on record: I have the coolest students ever.   My Intermediate Spanish class is a unique group. 60% of them are over the age of 50, and are taking this to better their knowledge...no requirements here. The rest are a mix of college-aged and teenaged students, taking the course for credit towards their school or degree. They all knew, like their colleagues in my other classes, that I was gone last week for my dissertation defense. But this class was different.   First, they bo



I got the sleepies...

I want to take a nap...I've been so revved up, I couldn't sleep hardly at all last night, and now I'm finally starting to crash...but I leave Austin today! I gotta find a hole somewhere to sleep for a couple of hours.   Usually when I travel, the 'time difference' (2 hours between California and Texas) affects me for a day, and that's it. But my body won't let me work on 'Texas time' at all...my stomach is still ruled by Pacific Daylight Time, and getting to sleep last night was damn near im




Dun dun dun dun DUN dundun dundun dundun....   In about 90 minutes, I'll start my dissertation defense. So why am I on a computer, you ask? Because I had to print out stuff, and since I have time to kill, I decided to spend it doing something, rather than waiting around nervously.   Oh, I won't be on here long. But it's weird. I'm jittery...not a lot, but a little. Nerves of steel had better show up quick...   Update at 11...or this afternoon, whatever.



Humility and blessings

I often count my blessings, noting that I've been smiled upon by Whoever Up There for the opportunities that I've had, and hopefully will continue to have. This year, 2007, is a huge year for me and my family, for so many reasons. This year I will finish my dissertation, and get some kind of full-time job; My parents are about to move, having sold their house of 30 years and have bought a brand-new house in a new development; My youngest brother, having finished another set of travels,



And the countdown begins!

2 May 2007. 12noon CDT. That'll be the judgement day.   No, not the one with the pearly gates, and some Peter-man standing there with his list. Instead I speak of the day when my professors decide if I'm worthy enough to stand with them as a colleague.   The 'final' draft will be sent out Tuesday; one month after that I will be in front of my academic setting, answering questions that I've prepared for, as well as others that I haven't.   This is it! I'm geeked for this...I want this



The Lord of the Boxes

Boxes...they're everywhere.   Here...there...everywhere.   Empty boxes, waiting to be filled with all sorts of momentos and knick-knacks.   Partially-filled boxes, waiting to be completed, marked, and taped.   Full boxes, bursting at the seems, ready to be shipped off to their new, albeit temporary home.   Now I can't find a blessed thing, for all of these boxes are surrounding me!



Wanted: 3 more hours in the day

Wanted: 3 more hours in the day   Job description: I need 3 more hours per day in order to finish all of the work that I need to do. In those said 3 hours I need to do a combination of any of the following activities: ** sleep and/or rest ** eat ** grade papers ** finish editing ** play with Bella the Feline ** have a pot of tea ** go out into the garden and play in the dirt ** take a walk ** go for a swim   Compensation: Getting more things done



The blur of the 2nd interview

Today I have been at a 4-year public university, having a second interview for an Assistant Professor position. I'm not tired; I'm not fatigued. I'm...wilted. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you the schedule for the day. Note that I got **location censured to protect my chances** yesterday afternoon, and rested up well last night.   7:30am--picked up by the department chair 8:00am--meeting with dean--all talk by her, whilst I sat and nodded and listened 9:00am--meeting with selection co



The famous Ramos

Lost Warrior's comment about holiday traditions got me thinking about one in my family: Ramos Fizzes. Depending on who you believe, it was created in New Orleans (by some bartender named Ramos) or in San Francisco (prolly not true, but I'm sticking by this version out of sheer regional pride--and, yes, I truly believe that the martini was created in a bar in Martinez, California...screw NYC). Certainly the recipe in our family is a version of the ones more commonly known...the use of Peychaud'



The countdown begins...

4 May 2007. That's the defense date. From now until the end of March, I'll be using any time I have that's not spent in the classroom or on the retail floor probably in the library, working furiously to finish my dissertation in full. The pre-defense went well--many comments, mostly that I need to focus more on my topic (I'm too talkative and vague...go figure lol), but my committee gave me very specific details as to how to hone this. But, overall, they liked what I had written so far...and



No Need For A/c...

...cuz I'll be working with the coooooooooool people...IN NORDIES!!!   Yep, you saw that right...I'm the newest member of the sales team at the local Nordstrom's. Women's active wear. Lots of workout gear, lounge suits, and general clothing for women who wish to look posh as they perspire/glow. I see commission checks rolling in!   But first: 3 full days of training...but, hey, that's why they're good...the sales staff are well trained!



Customer Service!

I decided that, due to my relative endpoint in my dissertation process, I could afford time to work a part-time job in the department stores around here during the Holiday Rush...meaning I'd make meager wages, but quite a few hours, and would get the nice employee discount.   Now, just as a background: I'm the daughter of a very successful salesman, and I can schmooze with the best. I know how to work a crowd, juggle stuff, and take care of business. I've done 'hotel front desk' types of job



Where's My Blankie?

Today I printed off the dissertation. All 150 pages of it. Oh, there's plenty left, since this is the first time that my committee will have the entire work at their disposal. And I've done quite a bit of re-arranging of previous work, to go along with more editing than I care to do. This is all in anticipation of a 'meeting of the minds' for the first week of November, when I must fly back to Austin. I'm mentally exhausted.   But, oh, wait! In the last month, I've put off so many chores



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