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A Romanophile's Thoughts on non-Roman Topics

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NYC Exhibit on Spanish Civil War

Great review in the NY Times. I don't know what is more disheartening: (1) how violently totalitarian Communists--like the lackeys of Stalin--celebrate their resistance to local authoritarian fascists--like the thugs of Franco, or (2) how naively Western liberals buy into #1.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Wikipedia Defies Chinese Censors

First, Yahoo! cravenly handed over user records to Chinese auhoritarians authorities. Then, "Don't be Evil" Google promptly complied with Chinese demands to censor results from web searches. What next? The censorship of No-MSG recipes on Epicurious.com? Will the whole internet be forced to kowtow to the brownshirts in Beijing?   Not on Jimbo Wales' watch! Wikipedia, the ultimate source of truthiness on the internet, will not yield to Chinese demands to censor their content. Read the whole s

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Yahoo! sued for ratting out Chinese dissident

According to this Voice of America piece, The wife of a Chinese dissident jailed for publishing articles on the Internet says she plans to sue U.S.-based Internet company Yahoo for allegedly helping to put her husband in jail in China.   I hope she wins her case against those unprincipled yahoos, who are resuscitating the old Stalinist claim that capitalists would sell the Soviets the rope with which to hang them. Good on VoA for covering this heroic woman.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Global Scare-Mongering

I admit to be a congenital contrarian. I choose Cato over Caesar, Macs over PCs, ancient history over modern, and so on. As John Tierney puts it, "Just because everybody believes something doesn't make it wrong, but that's a good working hypothesis."   Given this penchant, it's probably no surprise that I've been highly skeptical about the CO2 theory of climate change since I first heard about it in 1990, a particularly hot summer in the US. Although I wrote my very first research paper on t

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Google Vs Yahoo On Net Censorhip

Although Google has been rightly taken to task for capitulating to Chinese demands to assist in censoring dissidents on the internet, rival Yahoo has been doing vastly worse--actually assisting Chinese authorities in tracking down and imprisoning dissidents. More in today's New York Times. What a shame--now I'm going to have to abandon Yahoo entirely.   Does anybody have a suggestion for a good MyYahoo alternative?

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Distribution Of Income And Unrv Posting

I mentioned in a thread on the Gracchan grain dole that the distribution of income is typically best described by a power function (sort of like an exponential/logarithmic curve). You probably have some inking of this distribution if you've ever heard a politician or professor complaining bitterly about the fact the top 1% owns 50% of the wealth (or whatever it is in your local area).   However, economists have been pointing out for some time that this power law of income distribution really

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

The Forum Today

Thought you might enjoy a photo I took while in Rome this summer. Note the focal point: the Roman Senate building, still standing while the Basilica Julii is in ruins. Yes!  

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Witch-doctor Watch

American religious broadcaster and all-around wacko Pat Robertson was talking to God recently (or at least stopped taking his meds), when Robertson learned that Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was caused by the Vengeance of God. Apparently God is none-too-pleased about the Likud-founder/bolting prime minister "dividing God's land" .   No word from Robertson yet about why God was OK with Saladin and his little capture of Jerusalem. Maybe God just likes turbans. Or maybe Pat Rober

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

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