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The Trials of Sextus Rocius

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Ahh, So Good To Be Back...

I apologize that I've been gone for so long. I just couldn't bring myself to come back for quite a while becuase I lost my intrest in Rome for a moment, then summer came and I've been jumping around. Anyways, now I'm back, but probley won't be very constructive for a week or so...   Anyways, just has possibly the best day of the summer yesterday for reasons too long to explain. Basiccally just happy to be back. Thats all I've got to say for now I guess.

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius


Well, today was a good day. I had little homework, and I spent most of the day bobing around in various things. I went on a nice trip with my dad to Sears and then to some other stops in the convertable (which I think he bought out of his mid-life crisis) which was fun. We started talking about politics and what was going on. My dad is different from me in political views in a lot of ways, but we are the same in some. He is very anti-muslim. He sits on the stand point that even though not all of

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Palm Reading And The Expectations For Tomorrow

Well, I had my palm read today. Not much of value. Stuff about I was going to either become a very religious man or die early in life, I will be married in my late 30s, I'm agressive and what not. I think palm reading is a bunch of huey though, after all, the outcome is purely a result of the conditions around you and more imporantly, your hand. If it is very cold out, you hand will have a lot of blood in it, or very little blood, which woul affect the "signs" appearing in your hand, this means

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

A Personal Favorite Site Of Mine

One of the sites that I frequent daily. Today boasting a very silly and anti-love valentines day joke front page. If that puts you off, look up some articles, Uncyclopedia won't let you down (the front page will say Emotopedia for today though)   Uncyclopedia.com

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Things Are, Quieting Down

Well, I've got really nothing to complain about, though I'm sure something will emerge as I write this, and consequently I'll have to change the title, but oh well.   Of my most pressing matters to contend with, is a band concert on march the 8th, which happens to be my sisters birthday. However, thats the least of my worries about the concert, its in a month and we got our music a week or so ago, which (any one who's been in a concert band would tell you) is not alot of time to prepare it, es

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

My Troubles With The Goths

Goths, we all know the general style, dyed hair, dressed in all black all the time, strange religions that seem to encourage depression (such as wiccan, etc) and general glumness.   Oh all things, of all peoples, of all sub-cultures, I hate this group the most. The reason, simple, it takes people with good prospects for life and who are inteligent, and turns them into depressed, poor-preforming, unsocial members (or outcast depending on your view) of society. The problem, is that these people

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

The Muhammad Cartoons

"We have chosen not to show these comics tonight on the ethical grounds that we are scared to." -Steven Colbert   Yes, these comics seem to have sprung up from such a tiny, and seemingly unimportant newspaper in Denmark. Images such as depicting the prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turbin have struck off WORLD WIDE muslim anger and now literaly thousands, if not millions, with hateful feelings towards the cheerful northern European country of Denmark. Though the Dutch have tolerance for al

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

My Decision

Well, I thought long and hard, and I've gone through my head many times over what to do, I've fought with myself, with my better instincts, and all my codes of life. I've decided to break my strict regimen for the sake of my mental health and for self indulgence, for I fear I can't hurt myself too much.   I've decided that I should persuse my feelings, what ever they be, for the girl at school, and try to at least get her so say a word that I can hear (she is excessively quite) if all goes we

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius


Miserus Sextus, so seemingly lonesome.   I've grown more and more apart from some people that I used to have daily conversations with. The girl that I dispise and hate but was still friends with, I now rarely talk to. Another person who I used to have conversations with is a Half-gothic Wiccan, who now hates me. My old friends seem to remain though, which is lovely for me. Aparently I'm the type of person that people love to follow around, which is to my advantage.   Otherwise though, I'm re

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Can't Help But Share

A clip from "The Producers" by Mel Brooks   the song is entitled   Spring Time for Hitler   Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now it's..   Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay We're marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race   Springtime for Hitler and German

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

The Quest For The Sword...

Well, this time comes around every year now. You see, a couple of years ago, I made $300 watching dogs while people were away. Due to some very careful and disciplined spending, as well as only using the money people give me to by things now, I've only lost a portion of the original 300 dollar sum, which is now brough down to 250 dollars aproximatly.   Of course, every now and then (about every 6 to 12 months) I get a great desire to spend my money on something novelty. Unfortuntly, money do

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Con Flab It!

Yes yes yes, I need to vent. I'm completely upset today for no particular reason about the Terrorists! Stupid stupid stupid terrorists. I agree that western culture (american in particular) is far too sexual, and that something needs to change that, but I doubt they or we are going to get any where by being gun-slinging nut jobs on a stick....   Though my least favorite part, is knowing that its OUR country's fault for letting Iran become a nuclear power...   Please, in responses, don't give

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Can't Find A Reason...

I've scoured my mind for reasoning, none to be found. Looked to different philosophies, nothing to help me. Finaly I resorted to seeing what they actually say in health class, not too much help either.   I can't figure it out with that girl, so enigmatic and attracting, but gosh darn it my feelings are just stupid childish things, no reasoning to it at all. I've come to the conclusion that its hormones acting up in my teenage years, curse them for befuddling my thinking. Pretty sure I suppose

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

My Politics

Ah, so I am confronted so oftenly now with where I stand politicaly. Of course, like all things there is a history to this, and I beleive I am now beleiving in a form of democratic socialism (by some people's standards) though I have found no political party in existance that matches what I beleive. Well, as far as my political beleifs, they've gone through several phases:   1. First off, I cared nothing for politics. This was as a young child. I lived in the "bubble" of early childhood with l

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

A Trial Of My Life

Through out my life, and as through out all people's, I have faced trials if you will, though a recent one seems to be clashing with myself more and more. This is the battle of Instinct versus Brain, Hormones versus Philoshopy, and to not become something I don't wish to become. This is my battle with uncontrolable desires and feelings of attraction, from which we all suffer at one point. I don't care for my body to force me to feel things I don't wish to feel, which seems to be happening.  

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

A Friend Of Mine

Ah, alas, I haven't written on this lovely blog of mine for a while, but I'm coming back to it with the start of the new year. With the new year, new relevations have come about me.   Among the strangest of these, is I've realized that I have a friend, who is an almost exact personification in what I see wrong with lots of things, other kids my age more specificaly.   Let me set the picture for you, she is a relitively successful student. She does not fail, but she does not ace every class.

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

My Religion

I have a religion in a sense, which is not Christianity, Budhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Polytheist. I am a Athiest which in a sense is a religion. I'm an Athiest for certain reasons. My religious stand-point has gone through several phases. This was one of the trials of my life.   1. When I was a little kid I was a christian. I was not old enough to think if something was logical or illogical yet so a full heartedly believed in a higher power. I didn't know the things I know now and nothing was

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

Rather Depressing

Among the frequent trials of my life, being the odd ball, the unpopular, the hated, the pessimistic, the nerd, the freak, and the history geek. I was plagued as any one would be with periods of time were I hated myself and all those around me.   The turbulence of my early childhood, lookingback, seems to have been caused mostly by deaths of those in my family, who at the time were discarded in my mind becuase I didn't realize that their death affected me. As a young child I was racist, from w

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius


So often are humans foucused on emotion, that they forget why they feel a certain emotion when a certain thing happens, and instead relate that thing to the emotion with out thought.   When some one insults you, you get angry, why would you not instead become happy? There is more explaination for the latter than their is for the common answer. One might become happy becuase they realize that the person insulting them has stooped a level below where they are becuase the agressor took a pre-emt

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

A Sad Day Be Black Friday

I was watching the news a few days ago and saw the rage of black friday. I even went shoping in it for a bit. After the experiance, I relized how insane some people will go over a game console, more specificaly, the XBox 360.   Such insanity I've seen before, like when a ice storm hit my town, or when the great black out of 2003 hit and everyone went into a panic. Those were all more major events and everyone freaked becuase of the sudden change. But, such hussle over a game console is simply

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

School, A Dread

Ah school, were you go to learn and socialize, but, I dread this place unlike my usual enthusiasm for learning (well at least compared to my peers) becuase of something scary that takes place tomorrow.   I go back to school from my wonderful 5 day vacation, 4 of which I spent up in michigan where it snowed and I had a great time. 1 of those days on vacation I spent in a car if you total the to and from times. So, I came back from the trip, and thoughts of school and friends came rushing back t

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius


As I lumbered out of the 12 hour car trip from Michigan, fatigued and ready to hit the hay, I turned on my computer, went to UNRV.com and logged in. What do I see to my surprise! But, a notice flashing up in my face telling me I had been promoted to equestrian status by the omnisceint Triumvirate. It brought a spark to my eyes and I told the few people who I had avadible to tell at 10:30 PM and then got to doing my blog.   Well, with much happiness, I know wait for something exciting to happen

Sextus Roscius

Sextus Roscius

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