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Get out of my head!! It's not safe in here!!

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Spring Has Sprung And It's Finally Worth Going Out

It's finally nice out. Finally. I read for 3 hours yesterday, and a little bit today. It was nice all week, but I was trapped in school . they're saying we could get snow again tuesday, but i hope not I'm sick of snow. Sick of it. Good bye, snow. It's 55.2 degrees F here, which is actually warm for North Eastern PA, where in the winter being anywhere above freezing is considered warm. The mountains are beautiful, but best enjoyed in late spring through early fall (the fall leaves around here are



She's Baaaack!

Lol computer is finally up and running. FINALLY. Took long enough. LOL I had a heck of a time with my internet connection, updating Norton and the like. I have to get ADAware too again. Finally got my IM back, and I'm working on getting my channel back soon (I lost my channel because I hadn't been on. They didn't realize my comp crashed). Lol so I should be more active again now.   Monty Python is on PBS on Wednesday nights. 8:00. XD



Should Be Back Soon...

My computer will be back this week (hopefully) or next week, unless something else happens. YAY!! I'm sick of having to use library computers, or my friends', because the library computers are always blocking things (I couldn't make this entry yesterday, they blocked access to my blog I don't know why. I know there's nothing inappropriate in here...) and they blocked access to the "Romana Humanitas" section of the forums (possibly because it mentions wine? I have no idea. They are so stupid). I




So, yesterday was my eighteenth birthday. Officially an adult. Wow...kind of a smack in the face lol.   I got my drivers license yesterday, on my eighteenth birthday and hid the fact that I was taking my test from my mom, so I could surprise my entire family with the news. I was going to wait 'till we were at the restaurant to tell them, but they took their jolly good time in us leaving and so I told them all while we were still at my house. Probably a good thing, because the way they reacted



Irc Can Be A Pain..

OK lmao I finally got it worked out. Get this...   I thought I would like to have a chat for Ancient History, so after trying a hundred times to find a server (none of which Trillian would connect to) I stumbled upon BrokenIRC and thought it would be funny if "BrokenIRC" was the only one that wasn't "broken" so I tried it. What do you know, it works. Isn't irony grand? So I join the help channel, get some great help from an admin there in setting up my channel step by step. I had some problems



Cybele (on Pertinax's Request)

Cybele was also known as Magna Mater and was a fertility goddess from Phrygia. She was associated with the Earth and was worshipped on mountaintops. Her worship was "wild, emotional, bloody, orgiastic, and cathartic" and was led by eunuch priests (called Corybantes) who ritually castrated themselves and assumed women's identities.   She was also known as a goddess of caverns and fortresses, and of wild beasts.   In Greek Mythology Cybele was known as Rhea. She was renowned as the mother of



New Favorite Book :)

I picked up a book at the library today, it's called A Pillar of Iron by Taylor Caldwell. It's a historical fiction novel about the life of Cicero (from his parent's life the day of his birth onward). An ambitious read (sixty-seven chapters!!! of really tiny print!!! 649 pages!!!) and at first I wasn't sure I could finish it, but I'm already just into chapter III and it's great...actually easy language to understand and I was laughing about something or other the whole time I was reading it (Cal



Life Is Good...mostly...

I finished the article and it's waiting to be published, go me! [edit]I just realized it IS published! thanks guys! It can be found on the UNRV homepage!   I got another 83% in AP Chem   I went to the Sportsman's Show in Harrisburg on Friday and let me tell you, it's worth a trip, but you really cannot see it in one day. It TOTALLY redefines the word "huge". (I got a pretty little piece of agate from the Yellowstone River there. It kind of looks like a lopsided arrowhead and it's all pol



Roman Religion

The rough draft is finally done! I've sent it to PP for editing, hopefully it will be published soon (and NO "sneak peaks" you guys ) YAY! I took long enouh with it...I really hope it turns out to be worth the wait. I may write another one sometime soon but lets get this one off the ground first   I've moved my bird and flower art into it's own gallery as I'm sure some of you noticed. (it's easier to show it to people that way...I have a few friends and relatives that love to look at my art



Bomb Threats, Early Dismissals, And Searches...

Yesterday we got out of school...well...about 5 minutes early. They made an announcement that all after school activities were cancelled, and that all students were to exit the building on the bell. They then rang the bell five minutes early. We all knew something was wrong, but we were like, "what the heck, we ain't complainin'". I find out later that there was writing found in the bathroom saying something that the teachers found remotely threatening. Apparently, they were the only ones to fin



Laptops Are Evil

Ok, so I went to see my dad's side of the family over christmas break. It was pretty hectic sometimes, but I'm really glad I went. I got to see Chronicles of Narnia, its a great movie, I highly recommend it. We got to the theatre late, but that only meant we missed the boring part where they set up the plot, and got there just as Mr. Tomnas entered the picture   SO I get home. Now, all of my teachers assigned work over vacation (well...many of them did.) It's the "you're going on vacation so



Christmas! Yay!

I love Christmas. I hope everyone here had a very merry one   My mom actually managed to surprise me for once, with lots of great drawing supplies (including a set of the ENTIRE line of Polychromos colored pencils...and really cool Derwent metallic pencils. Derwent is my favorite company for graphite and charcoal work, but their colored things are nice too) and did a (quick, 45 minute) sketch of a bird in graphite, tinted with the metallics and the colored pencils, which I am VERY happy with



It's About Time...

Well now, it seems I've been neglecting my poor little blog over here in the corner...   I went to see my Dad and the rest of my family for Thanksgiving, that was fun I got tons of cool stuff while I was there. Early Christmas presents, because we didn't know if I would be able to make it for Christmas (our weather turns nasty in the winter). I painted Christmas balls for my dad and my aunt, I couldn't post them before in case they happened to wander across this site...but at some point I wil



I'm Sharing This With Everyone

I actually have an 83% in AP Chem right now! That's for the end of the marking period (meaning, that at least that will be on my report card. I say "at least" because I'm almost positive there are some extra credit points in there which have not been added in yet.) I was expecting like...a 70-something. But 83?? YEEEE!! ::dances::   EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE! EIGHTY-THREE!   (ok, I'm done now, lol.)



I Feel Pretty

I'm so happy...lol today in chorus I actually managed to use my entire range...I can sing anywhere from bass to soprano one on a good day (I normally have no break in my voice) but often I lose the top half of my range...   My scratch art of a retairus I'm making in art class is turning out very well, the hard part is over now I just gotta do the "floor" and the net, I'm really pleased since it was a rather ambitious first attempt at scratch art lol.   I found a new project for shop class, I




Yesterday we had the first real snowfall of the year. We had an assembly at school, meaning we did not go home early (the presentation was painfully loud by the way...I had my fingers in my ears and it didn't help). Because we did not go home early, the buses could not get to the school because of roads being closed. My bus left about the time I should have gotten home. We got stuck at one of the stops, and I hear that after I got off they got stuck AGAIN When I finally left, the power was g



A Ramble...ramblerambleramble...bramble?

Silence. The silence that lives inside of us. The calm after battle...before a storm...that little space inside of us that is so often forgotten, ignored, but never leaves. That space inside where joy, love, and hope go when fear takes over...pandora's box...that little space is the one good thing left at the bottom...listen to that silence inside you...it speaks without words...it knows nothing of words...the language of the soul is silence...it knows only one thing: "I am"...and knows no defin



Yay! Lol

Thank Gods this week is better than the last two. My ISP is being a pain but hey...whatever right?   I want to build an altar I'm starting to get farther into the Roman paganism as well as...well I'm a bit of a mix really. I worship both Celtic and Roman Gods to a degree...(I used to have an altar...but that was a long time ago)...I'm just thinking about where to get supplies for it lol...too much planning, not enough doing. I guess I'll eventually have to kick myself in the butt instead of w



::celebratory Cartwheels::

Just when I thought my last two weeks had gone *completely* down the hole, I get this call from my dad "Go to Circuit City and pick up your new computer" (or something to that effect). He ordered me a computer that I could pick up at the nearest Circuit City. And he got me 512 Megs of RAM!!!!     (Now off to download FireFox)  



Po'd ::cry::

My computer crashed, and I had to restore my hard drive. Read: lost EVERYTHING! That program I used to paint digital pictures? GONE! Some of my poetry and writing? GONE! Everything. GONE! I've been expecting this for a while, all I can say is thank the gods for restore cd's. I guess it's about time my computer got a good cleaning...but I've lost my instant messengers, and I'm not entirely sure when I'll have them back, so I may not be online for a while. And man, IE is slow. I'm gonna download F



Hey! 2 Or 3 More Inches!

Hehe got 2 or 3 more inches of draw length on my bow...my arrows (the ones made for my compound) are almost too short now I don't think I'll be pulling it back any further than this though...I'm surprised how fast my arms are getting stronger (and also that I have absolutely no stiffness from it...which IMO is really amazing). Arrows still keep going to the left most of the time though...can't figure out why they are always going to the left.



I Love Days Like This

Fall is here. You can see it in the trees, feel it in the air. You can smell it in the morning dew. It rained today, it was the kind of rain that smells like snow. The wind is blowing through the trees. I love days like this. It isn't stormy, but there's a certain energy in the air that isn't there at any other time. Only in the fall and occasionally in winter. It's beautiful. I feel so alive when the weather is like this...   This week promises to be much better than last week.




I am now finally able to draw my bow back far enough to aim the arrow AFTER I draw it *lol*. It's working pretty well, but I have a big "arrow going to the left always" problem. Hit the center a few times though   Hm...interesting new blog layout. Confused me for a min there. It's all good I kind of like it now that I figured it out. It's actually easier.



Sick :(

This has been the worst week like, ever. One of my pet chickens is very sick, I have her in a cage in the basement hoping she'll get better but it seems highly unlikely. She is so covered in mites I can *not* believe it. Come within 5 feet of her cage and you're likely to have them.She won't eat and its gotten to the point that I kind of wish she would just die, she wouldn't feel sick anymore and there's only so long I can handle taking care of her. And I've never seen so many mites in one place



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