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Get out of my head!! It's not safe in here!!

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DUDE...I Got a Dell

My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how




Well this week was very hectic. I got called in on my day off, and relapsed into my flu-like sickness because of it. Subway opened at our store on Wednesday, and it's been crazy busy ever since. I really hope that things settle down a bit because no one is getting their work done for doing Subway.   On Monday my computer broke but it spontaneously fixed itself.   I had a lot of loose ends tied up this week, I got my car fixed from that parking lot oopsie way-back when, and some other issues



I've Got it Figured Out

Well, the last part of my "easter" present came today: a small brass cauldron in which to burn my incense. It was a grave disappointment. I wasted two charcoal tablets because they refused to burn properly in that small cauldron; they became starved of oxygen, and quickly went out. Once the igniter stuff is gone from them they are impossible to relight.   I did get figured out how to light it safely though. Going back to the brass bowl filled with sand that I'd wanted to use to begin with, I p



I'm Very Happy

My mom gave me my "Easter" present today, even though the last part isn't here I already had something suitable. It's just what I wanted, and expected: resin incense with charcoal tablets. We gave it a test run downstairs, where my mom could be there to help keep an eye on it because neither of us had ever done it before. It's interesting to light, instead of flaming at first like normal charcoal, it sparks and smokes in a manner that threatens to set things around it on fire! That rather quickl



I Can't Wait

For my new scanner to get here. I hated using my camera to get my artwork online, and my old scanner is beyond worthless, so I decided to get a new one. My dad sent me a Circuit City gift card, but, much to my surprise and dismay, the local Circuit City does not carry flatbed scanners! I've ordered one online and received conformation last night that it has been shipped. I cannot wait till it gets here!   I have managed to get my hands on a copy of Roman Sex and have taken a break from Simon S



Feelin' Great

I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.   I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in he



::Dances for Joy::

I'm feeling much better now, and I am enjoying my two days off from work. I am thinking of getting together with a few friends later. This week was interesting, but now it's over, and I'm glad. The other day I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged through a sick cow backwards, but once I got to work my health seemed to improve drastically, and I felt great yesterday; the only thing I have left is a bit of a cough and that is fading rapidly.   I got a very pleasant surprise the other night; I'




My birthday dinner...sucked. We got to the restaurant to find a note on the door "As of Feb. 26 we will be closed on Mondays." Just my luck. It's nearly a forty minute drive to the next nearest eating spot, and I am carsick. Have been nauseous since an hour before leaving. Come home from dinner and am very dizzy, can't even sit up let along stand. I flip out at my mom for smoking in the house again, as it makes me sick and causes my throat to burn.   She blames blood sugars. I blame the flu th



"Happy Birthday"

So far, so good. Of course, I have to go to work later, but that hopefully won't suck.   The one thing that pissed me off yesterday was my coworker bitching at me for not filling the coffee cup lids. Now, last night, we really WERE busy, plus I couldn't find the lids. Not only that, it's not my job. And though I usually do it, she says that I *never* do it. Despite the fact that I do it, despite it actually being deli responsibility (and has been for some months).   So she's bitching at me f



It's Done! It's Done!

I didn't think I would ever get it done, but I did. My review of The Eagle's Conquest has been sent to Viggen for publication. It's been several months now, since I started reading the book. I promised you a review to come soon, thinking that I would read quickly but alas, life got in the way. Now, finally, I've finished the book and have written the review.   Time to celebrate! :drunk:   I have tomorrow and Friday off, which I am very happy about. Our one assistant manager quit at a pretty



Twelve Commandments

A member of a pagan forum I frequent asked us to "rewrite" the Ten Commandments as they would be for our beliefs, if we had "commandments". This, of course, was an opportunity that I could not pass up. I have twelve just to be different   It made me think anyay. My Twelve Commandments:  



Things are Looking Up (and a few favorite recipes)

I've finally paid the girl to get her car fixed, and they actually decided they wanted less money than they'd need to fix it. I wrote her a check, she wrote me a reciept (which I locked up in my safe). So that is taken care of. Now all I need is to pay my insurance and fix my car, and looking at my account balance I may just be able to do that without going into my savings! I am very much joyful about that, as the money I had fervently squirrelled away is money I had planned to use for my trip t



Just Call Me Mulan...

Today I decided to cut my hair. Spontaneity turned out better this time than it has in the past; my hair was two distinctly different lengths and all split, so I just grabbed some scissors and started whacking. I don't think I did too bad, but the back IS a little uneven. I've got "kiddy steps" and I'm sure my mom will chastise me But overall I think it actually looks pretty good. I'm sure mom will disagree.   I'm concreting my plans to head to Minnesota in the summer. Things are looking up!



Catching Up

Things are really starting to slow down at work; this leaves me bored at times, but it's good, because it means I'm not often in a mood to remove people's heads or fling pizza pans as if they were frizbees. My life is finally starting to get "back to normal" so to speak.   I've taken up "trance dancing", well not truely "trance dancing" at least not yet. Shall I call it "devotional dancing"? It was weird at first, I was embarassed to actually get up and do anything, so I ended up just sittin




This farking jackdonkey is on another forum that I frequent. You know, the one who wrote an entire article about my psychological problems? Yea, that one. Along with his girlfriend, the stalker. She's following my friend from forum to forum, joining after he does than accusing him of stalking her. I stopped believing he was stalking her the minute she initiated conversation with me, believing that I was him under another username. She changes her name but doesn't change her sig and icon.   So




Yesterday a drive off, day before, a possible write-up. And now this.   I knew before I even went to bed last night that I was going to be tested somehow today. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't sit around worrying about it. I had stuff to do.   So if yesterday wasn't enough, I hit someone's car at work. I don't think the damage is bad, at least, not too bad. I don't know who owns the car so I left a note on the windshield with my name and phone number.   When I came out




I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).   I'm working on som




Well, I've finally, FINALLY gotten through that book I was reading (I spent several hours just reading on saturday). Now, finally, I get to start on the two Eagle books I have!! I don't expect them to take as long as the other one did.   I found out last week that I won 50$ just by...doing nothing!! And I am getting a silver and lab-grown alexandrite ring for about 10$ (thanks Ebay!). I found my mom an awesome amethyst ring, and I know she will love it.   Last night I wanted to get started



Decisions, Decisions

So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.   At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed



Love, Hope and Life

::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::   Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to lear



Halloween Horror...amongst other things...

Well, good news bad news time. Good news: next week I'll be on my favorite evening shift ALL week. Bad news: this week is HELL.   Monday night I had to work till 10:30, but I didn't actually get to leave untill 11, because of some issues with the shift change. I had to be in again at 6 am. OK, well that's sucky, but I can deal with it.   So I get home yesterday, work went very well, and I am happy. I get online and find that this jackdonkey who I have had nothing but issues with in the past



I'm Still Here...

As you've probably noticed, I've been a bit absent on the forums lately. I spent the past week or so at my neighbor's house, dogsitting. They had a computer (that works better than mine) but my time has been spent cleaning up messes and exploring new sites (I found an awesome Pagan Forum and have been spending time playing on there.   I've also been stuck on the early shift (Oh, joy!) lately, and work has been taking up alot of my time. Between work, my internet not working, and trying to find



My Pretty...

Well after several harrowing days on morning deli (ACK!) I finally got a couple of days on the evening shift again. Last night was rediculously busy, simply because it was Friday and also because today is the first day of archery season. I hope today isn't that busy. My coworkers on deli were about going nuts because we had non-stop sub orders.   One of my customers (who has become a rather good friend of mine just by his coming in the store) told me where to get alexandrite (the lab grown v



Thank You, Have A Nice Day!

(now please, go crawl in a hole and die!)   That's what I felt like saying most of the day today.   I had to work the deli this morning, and I HATE deli in the morning. I'm willing to do it, but it is far from my favorite thing, I was alone on deli this morning and still not entirely sure what I was supposed to be doing or how. I had no problem with *being* on deli because they wanted to train the new girl on register, and so they asked me to switch over to deli. Of course, the new girl was



Archery And Fishing

I know, this poor little blog over in the corner has been neglected lol.   I managed to get Saturday off of work so that I could go to the Bowhunters' Festival, and I had a blast. I got my arrows cut, finally, found some very pretty feather roses (they are gorgeous! A waste of money, but gorgeous! lol), and I got a beautiful little antler-handled knife to add to my collection We ran into one of my friends from school and ended up taking her home so she could stay to see the bluegrass band pla



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