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Zeke's Blog

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Lets take a walk into my head

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Christmas 2005

Well its currently 1:00 in the Afternoon here and I have opened all my presents. I got alot of cool stuff.......the things that I am most thrilled about our my body armor (athletic shirt) my hand crafted Hawaiian Chess board and my Egypitian Ahnk. (Thats right Ursus, get jealous of it!) Its made of almost pure silver and cost my mom a preety penny. Other then that today I am sick and I am rather light headed. But yeah I am just sitting around relaxing listening to Enya music.   Tonight were g



Why Don't People Apprciate...

I am furious right now, you know what I really don't like? When people don't appreciate history and they yell at you for liking it and call you a dork for liking it. It pisses me off alot! I am so tired of people not apperciating my love, has this ever happened to you? I am a high schooler in Hawaii and am currently 15, I am in a World History but everyone in the class is retarded...we have one of the lowest standards in the United States for education, but why do people have to insult histor



My Patron

Over the past months I have been thinking of adopoting a Patron simply because I want to feel closer to my religion through one god. I have reached out to many gods but one particullar god has found me, and wants to form some sort of friendship with me: Hermes has been the god that has answeared most of my prayers and seems to be closest to me when ever I need him. I think this has to deal with the fact that I am a teenage youth, I do altheltics and I plan on getting into market oriented busines




I feel rather guilty for no posting in the Blog section for a long time.



A Sad Thing Happened Today

I left out a rat trap to catch the pesky vermain that were eating the Strawberries outside of my house. I left this rat trap for about 2 days and I knew I should have snapped it but I was too lazy. Well this morrning I walked out to find a poor Sparrow caught in a death grip in the rat trap. It was the most heartbreaking site I have ever seen, and by the gods I almost cried, if I hadn't been so lazy such a fate would not have befallen the poor creature. The worst part about it was that it was st



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