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With the eyes of the Overlord

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Karelian Bear Dog

Right now, the Karelian Bear Dog is the most named dog in Austria. Given that this breed was basically unknown a couple of days ago here, it is a rather big jump in popularity! So how did this Karelian Bear Dog became so famous overnight?   There is a bear in western austria, he is ratherr naughty and kills sheep, destroys dens and gets closer to humans every day, experts speak about a "problem bear" meaning he lost fear of humans. Now one way would be to just shoot him. However the european b



Just Can`t Get Enough (or God Am I Old)

Currently H&M`s summer collection is heavely advertised in german/austrian television (anywhere else too?), and it is a beautiful ad. Striking good looking women lying on the beach relaxing to the tune of a song that sounds just wonderful. This song is "Just cant get enough" from Depeche Mode, but in a very relaxing version of Nathan Larson. (you can download the mp3 version on the HM site just wait a bit scroll to the right and wait till download link appears.).   Now i wanted to check o



Dalai Lama Was Here

The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, attended a ceremony on Sunday to launch the building of a Tibetan health and cultural center. Planned at Huettenberg is an international center of Higher Tibetan Studies,' which local Carinthian officials say will include 'the first and only training center for Tibetan medicine in the western world.' via Moster&Critics   Huettenberg (actually in correct german its H



Web Censorship - Revenge Of The Nerds

China has the most sophisticated and effective Internet censorship regime in the world, employing North American technology from Cisco Systems Inc. and Canada's Nortel Networks Corp., among others, to filter out banned material. But China is just one of a growing number of states censoring the Internet, using primarily American filtering programs.   But the computer smarts of Ron Deibert, Nart Villeneuve, and Michael Hull, combined with their passion for politics and free expression, have led



Abbey Road

Yesterday I found by accident an old Vinyl of mine in the basement. I had all forgotten about it. The last album from the Beatles. "Abbey Road"   After listening to it for basically the whole of yesterday and today, i have to say. It sounds fresh, vibrant and you can hear at every tune that this is a true master piece. The ending medley espcially Golden Slumber/Carry that Weight/The End is probably one of the best pieces of music ever made. It includes features never heard before by the beatle



Most Popular Roman Writer

Time for a little bit of statistic...   We have now quite a big list on roman writers on our site, so i thought it might be interesting which ones are visited the most. Below you find the so far top 5 visited Roman Writers on Unrv.com in 2006.   1. Tacitus 2. Diodorus Siculus 3. Galen 4. Cicero 5. Livy   So, which one is your favourite Writer?



Most Spectacular Ski Crash Ever

You must know, in Austria, sport Nr.1 is alpine skiing. We are crazy about it. During winter season there is only one thing that will gather half of the population in front of the TV ---> a downhill race!   Now our downhillers are our true superstars, and one in particular is Hermann Maier. I was looking on Google Video if there was something about him, and indeed i found the IOC promo with his monster crash in Nagano 1998. If you look at it, one is happy he survived, but as the video says,



Diplomat Shot Bootblack

Well this is not going to make headline news around the world, but it makes me angry. In a few words; A diplomat wants his shoes polished in a noble hotel in Vienna. The bootblack tells him that he is now on a break and he has to wait a bit. The diplomat gets upset starts arguing and eventuelly fires a shot at the bootblack...   Now nothing is going to happen to the diplomat, "Diplomatic immunity ", All we can do is tell him to leave the country... Do you feel this is right?




Wow, lately i am getting flooded with spam mails, from pills to *or*, from poker to mortage, from diploma to software.....   People I dont want your crap, stop it!



Bbc Climate Change Experiment

Similar to distributed super computers such as the SETI @ Home project, the BBC along with a bunch of Universities and the MET office call on users to help predict weather patterns. I dowloaded it and it looks pretty interesting... Take part in the biggest climate experiment ever undertaken




Now that we have our first subforum, i would like to know what other topics could we make into a subfora? Keep in mind that it should be related to the parent forum and of course the main forum should be busy enough to support a split into a more specific niche...   cheers viggen



Johann Pachelbel - Classic Goes Wild

Johann who? ...you might ask, well he was a great baroque composer and his Canon in D is well known and very often played, a classic so to speak...   Now take Johann Pachelbel`s work Canon in D and add a brilliant taiwanese with a hot electric guitar and you get that!   i only say WOW   regards viggen



Using A Spellchecker On The Forum

There was always a way to use an integrated spell checker on the forum, however it was only available if you use the rich text editor, and this one had some serious bugs, so i never mentioned it...   With the latest upgrade of our forum software (2.1.4), most of those issues have been fixed, so i am happy to explain it how it works...   First, this only works with Internet Explorer...   You need to install the spell checker software here ---> http://www.iespell.com/download.php then go



Oh Boy, What A Christmas Eve...

My grandma (85 years old) was invited to have dinner with my mother, so we go there in the late afternoon to pick her up. She was almost ready, just need to brush her hair, get dressed and off we go downstairs to the car...   Well she slipped at the last staircase and bang there she was lying on the floor not able to move. We tried to get her up but to no avail. So we call the ambulance, they arrive pretty soon afterwards, moved her to the hospital and there they made x-rays examinations etc..



Follow All Blogs At Unrv.com With A Newsreader

I am not sure if all people know what a rss feed and a feedread is, so i will explain it a bit first...   more information here ---> What is RSS  Now that you know what rss is, and that the Unrv.com Blog has a RSS Feed, you need a RSS Reader to get that info without actually having to go to the site. For example i use Firefox (you should too) and there is a simple Rss Reader extension called Wizz RSS News Reader, just install that and then you get a nice RSS Agregator Toolbar, where you ca




Well i guess the average person outside the alps never heard of that word....   However it is BIG here in Austria, on december 5th, every child goes out and chase and get chased by the mighty Krampus.



Where Are People From?

To give you some insight from where visitors to UNRV.com are coming from, here some stats...   United States 60% UK 16% Canada 6% Australia 4%   From all the USA visitors are.. 10% from California, 9% from NY State, 5% from Pennsylvania, 5% from Virginia, 5% from Texas, 5% from Florida and 4.5% from New Jersey....     Some exotic places we had visitors from the last couple of days are.... Tanzania, Sudan, Malawi, Cayman Islands, Uganda, Palestinian Territory, Syrian Arab Republic, Vi



Redbull Is King

I just read this article Red Bull wings its way past diet sodas   It doesnt happen often that an austrian company is known in the USA or worldwide, one example would be PEZ, yeah you heard right, thats from Austria   Now i guess everyone knows RedBull, but did you know it is from Austria? Headquarter is in Salzburg, about an hours drive from my home town.   cheers viggen



History Of Villach

I just found out that my hometowns official site has an english version.   The history part is pretty good...  



List Of Printers Which Do Or Don't Print Tracking

This is a list in progress of color laser printer models that do or do not print yellow tracking dots on their output.   Remember that a "no" simply means that we couldn't see yellow dots; it does not prove that there is no forensic watermarking present. (For example, the HP Color LaserJET 8500 series does not include any yellow tracking dots that we can see, but it may still include some kind of forensic marking, since the majority of earlier CLJ models did.)   Remember that a "yes" simply



Webcam Villach

Just stumbled over this... http://service.it-wms.com/villach1/   It shows several webcams about my hometown Villach!



12288 / 1024

12288 / 1024 thats the fastest (and sort of affordable) dsl rate in austria. I know that austria is relatively expensive when it comes to broadband fees, for that 12288 down/ 1024 up connection you pay 89 Euro per month (about 95 dollars), i wonder what the fees are in other places around the world.   Here are some prices for broadband in Austria;   12288 / 1024



Psp Virus

Well this is new to me, a virus for a handheld game console!   The PSP (PlayStationPortable) has now its very own Virus/Trojan called Trojan.PSPBrick, which once installed deletes very important system files and won`t start again and is then as usefull as a brick hence the name of the Virus.   More info about the Virus are availabe at Symantec



Google Loves Your Blog!

We only have the Blogs up for a couple of weeks and Google already indexing and ranking it pretty nicely!   Some examples;   Ursus`Blog with the search phrase Another Day In Customer Service 1st!!!!! out of 90 million   Primus Pilus`Blog with the search phrase A Cold in September 1st!!! out of 70 Million!!!!!!!!   Pompeius Magnus Blog with the search phrase Latin Language Education 7th out of 27.3 million!!!   Maximus' Blog with the search phrase Maximus' Blog is 4th out of 600.00!



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