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With the eyes of the Overlord

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The notorious dangerous terrorist called Viggen

Long weekend getaway + 3 Airports + eleven times controlled/checked as if i am on some sort of watch list or member of an terrorist organisation = considering buying my own plane and screw that whole crappy procedure   To give you an example; on my way home from Airport C to Airport B, i get controlled first at arrival (which means belt off, shoes off, all pockets emptying) in a queue of like 2 billion people (or at least it feels that way), finally its my turn and stop, somewhere it is still



White Men Can Jump

I just watched today europe`s biggest TV Show Wetten, dass..? (which would translate into something like Wanna Bet..?). This show is one of the few i really like to watch on a regular base (its usually about 6 times a year), it has the , and some really funny moments on german TV.   Todays venue for the show was the Coliseum in Mallorca, which is a wonderful setting to begin with, the next great thing was swiss Michelle Hunziker, a beautiful women that seems to be not only pretty but



European Union Elections

Why i got up this morning and went to the voting poll...   Living at the border to two other EU countries (Italy and Slovenia) makes you appreciate the EU a bit more then the average european. I mean i remember the times going on holiday to Italy very well, you already lost money by exchanging currencies and you had no real clue what things would really cost (Italians had the lira back then and the smallest denomination was the 1.000 Lira note).   For Example; if you want to work for anothe



The Awful German Language

I recently stumbled over Mark Twains Appendix D from Twain's 1880 book A Tramp Abroad called The Awful German Language   ...being a native german speaker, i found it fascinating how Mark Twain "manages" to learn the german language and how he wrote with his usual wit about it...   Now observe the Adjective. Here was a case where simplicity would have been an advantage; therefore, for no other reason, the inventor of this language complicated it all he could. When we wish to speak of our "goo



The Empire is growing

In 2008 (1st of January till 21st of May) we had 649,837 Absolute Unique Visitors In 2009 (1st of January till 21st of May) we had 746,778 Absolute Unique Visitors   ...up by 14.91%!!!   p.s. while the USA makes up the majority of our visitors, i would like to share with you exotic places we had exactly 1 visitor 202. Samoa 1 203. Gabon 1 204. East Timor 1 205. Cook Islands 1 206. Montserrat 1 207. Niue 1 208. Greenland 1 209. French Guiana 1 210. Anguilla 1 211. Aland Isl



Speed Reading

The average reader manages about 160 to 250 words per minute (wpm). I was a till a week ago at around 260 wpm which is already a bit above the average but nevertheless not really satisfied. I bought a speed reading book and practising now for one week, having managed to finish about a third of the exercises i am currently at a reading speed of 620 wpm. Reading fast without understanding is of course not really useful, so i am glad my speed reading book has its focus on not only reading faster bu



Meaning of Life

...is there one? ...has anyone figured it already out?   In the meantime i go with Peter Ustinov, who once said... The point of living and of being an optimist, is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come.



Chick Flicks

I was recently told i am one of the few male that actually enjoys watching chick flicks, now what does that say about me?   Chick flick (also "chick's flick") is slang for a film designed to appeal to a female target audience.... Although many types of films may be directed toward the female gender, "chick flick" is typically used only in reference to films that are heavy with emotion or contain themes that are relationship-based (though not necessarily romantic)...   ...to put it even more



UNRV Anual Digital Classics Conference

...last night i had a really strange dream,we were hosting a conference for publisher and authors, but who knows maybe i just glimpsed into the future...     UNRV Anual Digital Classics Conference London   UNRV ADCC Agenda Overview   09:00am-9:15am Conference Welcome by Chris Heaton   09:15am-10:00am Opening Keynote by Elinor Hirschhorn (Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Officer Simon & Schuster) Classics in the Digital Age - Challenge and Opportunity   10:00am-11:15am Adria



Call me Director

...so, i am now proud director of a UK Private Limited, the company is situated in Stockport near Manchester, although i have no idea what i am going to do with that, i feel important for now ...i convinced a friend of mine that it would be a good idea to have in his CV a UK Limited company hehe, and it is a rather nice Tax Shelter when it comes to personal income that you do on the side...   so here it goes.... The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that   XXX



Marcus Aurelius - a Guru?

During my current adventure to become filthy rich, i read lots of books on how to become just that. Those are financial books, self help books, books to get things done, books on making your life filled with purpose, and almost in all of them is at least one quote of Marcus Aurelius...   ...for example;   Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.   Begin - to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt h



Getting Wealthy - Share your Riches

I am doing great, much better then expected and at a much faster rate. (Just got an 20% increase)!!!   I decided that I need some extra Karma , and joined the World Vision Sponsorship, thats 30 Euro a month to support a child in need! This is such a wonderful organization and if you read up on how much my (your) 30 Euro per month can change a whole families life, it makes one really humble. I could choose the gender (I have choosen a girl) the age (below 7 years) and the country (mozambique).



Getting Wealthy - Debt

I managed to move all my current debt into a single low interest loan at my local bank. Which means Credit Card, consumer credit and overdraft (both with high interest) are on zero (and will stay that way). This move which took me less then 60 minutes reduced my monthly payment to service all my debt by 12% and shed a good year of paying back too...   I am really cruising nicely along right now, i am ahead of plan!   The interesting thing is that the more i think of getting rich, the more i



Wedding, Russian, Monk, Unrv

Yesterday was my cousins wedding, i was invited there and although i thought it was going to be a complete disaster, it was bloody cool!   The bride was from Russia and couldn`t speak a single word of german! He met her while he was studying technical physics in ST. Petersburg. Luckily she speaks fluent english, so at least 90% of the guests could have a conversation with her, plus a good friend of the family knew a russian girl that lives now for more then five years here, so we had a transla



Getting Wealthy - side effect

...after two months into my adventure becoming really wealthy, i experience side effects i did not expect...   While the focus of this two months were to slash costs on not necessary stuff, something else happend, as i think, breath and act as if i already have those millions on my bank account, the following is happening...   I seem to attract rich people In the last two months i had an unbelievable amount of interesting encounters with wealthy people, at the weiredest places, i think the



Getting Wealthy - The Start!

Now that i got my message out that i will no longer accept the mediocre financial state of mine, i would like to share the how i will do it!   First things first!   One needs a goal, without a goal nothing will work, let a couple of people run in a circle without a goal or purpose, they will eventually loose interest and stop - draw a line (finish) and everything changes! The moment there is a goal, one can plan! So that was my first piece of work, having a goal. At first i was thinking of 1



I will change (finally)

I am tired of not beeing filthy rich, honestly i am...   I finally realized that if i continuing doing what i do, i will end up with what i already had when i was in my late teens, just enough to make ends meet...   I will put an end to this, I wont take no for an answer, i repeat I wont take this szenario of my life as a given fact, because it is not, I will change, Today!   You may ask why i want to be filthy rich, and if that is actually a desirable thing to stride for, (apart from the



How one guy saved a breed from extinction

The carinthian sheep is a fairly recent breed, it was around the beginning of the 19th century that local farmers were looking for a sheep with a better wool then what was available. This was rather difficult because the two best breeds were from spain and england and both did not allow to export rams at the time, so they looked south to Italy and crossed their local the old Landschaf breed with the Bergamasca and Paduaner Sheep. The hardy, frugal Brillenschaf can cope with high precipitation an



My (fishing) home via Google Maps

Here you can see the lake i am regulary fishing.   The watery-area left ot the little river is artificially made a few years ago. It was built to give the fishes and birds a save spot to breed. It is relatively small but neverthelless just after 10 years you no longer would guess it was man-made. On the northern end you can see they are currently extending it by a bit. the whole field in the west might get be done the same way too. The city council is still negotiating with the owners...   O



Dual Monitors

I got myself a 22" Monitor and what a pleasure it is to have that big display in front of you. I did not get rid of my old 19" Monitor though, but instead set up a Dual Monitor display. My GeForce 7950 has two DVI connections and so it is a simple plug and play procedure. Within the Nvidia Graphic Settings it is a breeze to set up the two monitors the way you like. You can have both monitors display only one area (an extension so to speak) or you can have two seperate individual Desktops, which



Life Ball in Vienna

The Vienna Life Ball, Europe's most colourful charity event will take place again tomorrow. This is the craziest, sexiest, strangest ball you will ever see. It started as an AIDS Charity Event, and exploded into a fashion extravaganza that you dont see on the catwalks of Paris, Milan or New York. Unlike the Vienna Opera Ball who is the most glamarous event in Europe, the Life ball is the most colorful one. There is a huge catwalk for the first part of the event, were outside of the Vienna city h



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