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With the eyes of the Overlord

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Deutsche Musik - Kraftwerk; Autobahn

Kraftwerk are one of the most influential bands of the past 35 years. Without them, dance music as we know it today might never have existed. The signature Kraftwerk sound combines driving, repetitive rhythms with catchy melodies, mainly following a Western Classical style of harmony, with a minimalistic and strictly electronic instrumentation. The group's simplified lyrics are at times sung through a vocoder or generated by computer-speech software. Kraftwerk were one of the first groups to pop



112.1 kilograms = 247.138196 pounds - listening to Romans while working out

This is so much harder than i thought, almost a week since my last weight post and i only lost 0.1 kilograms = 0.220462262 pounds, I am not eating particulary much, neither unhealthy, in fact, i eat mostly vegetables and fruits and some meat, the only hope i have is that my muscle building is just as fast than my fat loss, (although i dont really see that in the mirror), i do however feel much more energized.   I finally got my first MP3 player (Ipod Shuffle which is ideal as its extremely s



112.2 kilograms = 247.358658 pounds (it was the strawberry)

...so i didnt reach my goal of getting below 112 kilograms = 246.917734 pounds by yesterday but i was close, I guess that icecream yesterday with fresh strawberries made the difference, but it was worth it... Our local farmers came up with the idea to grow stuff and let consumers pick it for day to day use, it started about 15 years ago, not sure if that is also available in other countries, here its a big hit...   Right now its strawberry season and you cant get bigger, sweeter fresher and



Deutsche Musik - Peter Fox

Peter Fox is a German reggae and hip hop musician from Berlin. He is also a member of the German reggae and dancehall band Seeed. One of the most popular musician in Germany     !



112,4 kilograms = 247,799583 pounds

New record low since i started to check on this! 112,4 kilograms = 247,799583 pounds   Just got back from the gym, 20 minutes cross trainer, 25 minutes with cardio bike and some weightes, feels good to be alive...   let see if we can get below 112kg this week...



Deutsche Musik - Unheilig

Unheilig (German for "Unholy") is a German industrial rock band with various pop and electronic influences. They are around since 2000 but only last year they had theire breakthrough, impressive dark voice by lead singer Bernd Heinrich Graf (only known as Der Graf (The Count)...    



117.2 kg (258,381771 pounds) was enough

When you are 187cm (6.1 ft) tall and reach 117.2kg (258,38 pounds) than you know you have a (weight) problem, i didnt like it at all, so about a month ago i started to eat less and better, and 4 weeks later i am down now to 112,9 kg (248,90 pounds). While this is cool and all i realised that eating habit change alone is not going to make me feel better and there will be not much room for a little sin here and there, so i walked yesterday to a gym, signed up and today i already had my first hour



Deutsche Musik

Time to introduce some music from the german speaking world to the rest of the planet....   one of my favourites is Xavier Naidoo (south african indian roots, but grew up in Germany and calls himself son of the city Mannheim),   ...one of the best songwriter in Germany...  



Success - Mind over Matter!

I am now just over a year without cigarettes, i stopped from a packet a day to zero from one day to the next. It is possible therefor i am one hell of a guy that i am able to manage that...   this success story was brought to you by the mighty awesome Viggen, stay tuned till the next one comes..   cheers chris



Tudo Bem?

...to combine the need to learn portuguese with making my blog more active, i will keep this as a diary of my progress, (well we will see about that progress part)...   ....as it happens Transparent Language gave away free downloadable language course in exchange of writing about the experience, so here i am busy downloading a 330 MB file, its a bit slow for my liking (just under 200kb/s) but hey, its a free download. There is also an option to download an Ipod version, (dont have one, so skip



...UNRV bloggers need love

I think we should reward our bloggers, how about an Amazon Kindle or a NOOk?   Come up with how the competition should work, who should get the first prize, the one with the most blog entries not going to happen, (sorry caldrail, than there wouldnt be a contest to begin with, you are just too productive )   ...so any ideas ???



Weapon worn on belt

...in my series of "what people are looking at Google", my todays freak search phrase is "Weapon worn on belt",it never has been in the Top 20 search phrases, i couldnt find it even in the Top 40, and yesterday all of a sudden hundreds of people are looking for "weapon worn on belt", there are of course two things that could have caused this, first, all of a sudden (crossword, TV show, news report) people are searching for this, or people have always searched for this in numbers but for some goo



ethiopia roman empire red sea closed

...the search phrases with which people arrive via google to our site remain pretty stable and are predictably the same, however one or two are the odd out, every week at least one funny, interesting or obscure search phrase sticks out like a sore thumb....   last week was (150 times searched)   ethiopia roman empire red sea closed which directs the people to this forum thread   ...probably a school project of sorts...



Why it`s hard not to hate the South African Post Office

08th of April birthday parcel sent from Austria to South Africa 30th of April, first enquiry at the South African Post Office for the parcel as no collection slip has yet arrived - Answer; no parcel has arrived 08th of May, second enquiry for same reasons with same result 22th of May, third enquiry for same reasons with same result 05th of June, fourth enquiry for same reason - were told, "oh, that parcel has been sent back to Austria as no one collected it" FUUUUUUUUUUUCK



You rock and i am thirsty

You know this community is amazing, the latest giveaway Ancient Warfare Magazine Special has already over 200 entries, (so drop quickly a line that you are interested if you haven`t yet), the amazing thing though is how many people are actually dropping a little line, "how they like the site, how they appreciate the community, how they look forward to all the freebies, the book reviews etc... but most of all, that many want to give back, they tell me almost apologetic that they dont have the cap



Tweet Tweet

The news is now out on the forum and via our newsletter (you should get it during the course of the day), we are officially Tweeting now, if you never heard of Twitter and wonder what the heck is this all about, go to http://tweeternet.com/, its basically a micro-blogging service that allows people to type in short messages or status updates that can be read by people following them. An individual message or status update is often referred to as a 'tweet'.   If you go to http://twitter.com/UN



One Handed

Itching on my left index finger, scratching it, next day waking up with swollen finger plus blood infection ---> Result; doctor cut it open, giving me a huge bandage, getting sick leave and unable to do the simplest tasks without needing endless time...  



Open Air Hockey

This saturday i went to the first open air hockey game in austria (since well the old days), it took place in the soccer stadium of Klagenfurt in front of a capacity crowd of 30.500. It was magic, i never expected it to be so good. The atmosphere, the view, the game (my team won).     You know, in my province hockey rulez, not soccer but hockey, always has been, so it was no surprise that despite the currently two worst teams in our league playing,tickets were sold out within 4 hours, an



Awesome 1000 fps super slow motion

How cool is that?   http://www.vimeo.com/4167288   One of the most beautiful footage i have ever seen, and the jelly at the end seems to defy gravity for a moment...



Vienna oh Vienna

I am going next weekend to vienna!   One of the reasons i really love to go to vienna is that my brother and my sister lives there, and its just 200 miles away from here, but its a different world compared to my little hometown. According to the Mecer Quality of Living global city rankings 2009 it took first spot worldwide, and I am not arguing with that!   ...and for everyone that hasn`t been there, here is a little video of the vienna inner city



The Boss in Vienna

About two weeks ago, Bruce Springsteen had a concert in vienna, my sister and my brother had the privilege to get tickets and with 50.000 other fans, they could be part of something that never happend before in Europe...   ...he played Jersey Girl for the first time in Europe! All it took was a girl in the audience with a TShirt written Jersey Girl on it. The camera got hold of her and she was all of a sudden on the big screen. When she realized she was on that big screen she took of her TShir




I am rather quiet on the forum lately, one of the reasons why, you can see below...    



Double Digit again

During the downtime i had with my back I put on some serious weight. The negative highlight was 113kg (249 pounds for my american friends). At that point i really felt uncomfortable and decided its time to get rid of some kilos. I was pretty strict with mostly eating fruits and vegetable. I cut out snacks and sweets completely, use no longer suger in my coffee and after 5 weeks i am now down to 99.5kg (219 pounds), which is when you are 1.86cm (6.1 ft) still too much, but i feel much much better



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