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With the eyes of the Overlord

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New Forum

...was about time and last chance, the old forum software was about to expire for good (meaning no more security updates). With this 4.0 version we should be good for another 4 to 5 years and than who knows.... I am also strongly consider to change the whole site to a CMS (custom management system), with about 2.000 hand coded pages no small task, but whatever keeps one busy...



Baby - one more time....

...first encounter, little sister meets new born son for the first time... I think they like each other...                           p.s....my genetic contribution to this planet is now over, thanks it was a pleasure



Battlefield post office

I have to send quite regualry maps to various customers around the world and luckily till about a few months ago the delivery rate was really good. I think one in 100 maps arrived damaged in some form or shape, so nothing to worry about. However...   About a month ago my post office informed me that round tubes are no longer served, i cannot use them anymore, reason beeing they cannot be stacked, they roll, so they are a logistical nightmare. Ok, whats the alternative? I was told that there is



Bye Bye Wordpress

...after 11 years it is time to move on. Worpress served us at times ok but security and spam issues are got so out of hand its no longer sustainable, and that despite the good reputation it has in general. There are just too many hack attacks and spam floods coming with it that i decided the time has come...   To give you an idea, we run wordpress really only for the front page, basically a news window to new content we produce. The forum, gallery, blog and download section is all one softare



E-mails oh E-mails

...one of the real pain in the ass consequences of having many fake accounts is that email get bounced, ALLOT! Which means the reputation with email providers (Gmail, hotmail, etc..) drops like a stone. Which in the end means almost no emails gets delivered, because everyone in the email-world thinks you really suck!   This happened in 2013 and with most of the internal notification system done via email, hardly anyone ever got a notification that someone replied, or that he got a new message



6.000 fake accounts later....

Around 2011 we saw a massive influx of new members, they had wonderful names like xxxcialisforyou, or pokersupergames or even less imaginative like xfgUlkzzio...   They did not post much and the few that did got quickly deleted by the moderators. On the surface they didnt bother anyone. Oh boy were we wrong. Those were little bastards that try to exploit known bugs in the software to get a foothole in the server and that all for one thing only. Use the site to send emails. If anyone remembers



Decades before Industrial became mainstream...

Loud, pounding drums; harsh, whispered vocals; unusual instrumentation; and a somewhat catchy tune buried underneath. That old-timey bit at the beginning? That's sampling. Caledonia by Cromagnon has all the staples of modern industrial music (minus the angsty lyrics), and it came out way back in 1969.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPiO_G-DEHs



Blue is my colors when it comes to hockey

My hometown in southern austria sucks in any sport except in hockey, thats the only thing we are good at, the only thing that attract crowds... (6 times austrian champion) and we have of course an arch enemy the capital Klagenfurt which is just 40 km to the east... yesterday for the 295th time we played against each other, thanks to the NHL lock out even with three players from the NHL Sam Gagner (Edmonton Oilers) and Tyler Myers (Buffalo Sabres) for the Reds and Michael Grabner (NY Islanders) f



Deutsche Musik "Cro - Easy"

Cro elevated to one of the most promising rappers in Europe, hides behind a panda masks and makes rap hearable...   quite impressive; 27 million views on Youtube...  



How to become a politician

I contaced (via email) every political party that is represented in austrian parliament! I had one question regarding a specific issue and what there stand is on it, and also if there are any person i could talk about it in my town and maybe (if i am happy with it) join their political party....   8 weeks later i must say it was rather interesting....   2 parties have not responded till today 2 parties have responded with a canned automatic response, not going into the fact that i want to s



Happy Easter!

The older i get the more cynical i become, so i was delighted to find the best easter picture EVER!     Happy Easter!



109,7 kilograms = 241,847102 pounds

...so i finally broke through the 110 kg barrier, phew, lot of sweating involved. Since my personal training session, i also noticed that i am a weakling, almost everyone seems to be able to lift twice as heavy weights then me, but i work on it..., so next stop is then breaking through the 240 pound barrier, i keep you posted....



110,1 kilograms = 242,728951 pounds

Little update; had the hour with a personal trainer, and he put together a program for the gym. Lots of lifting going on now. Every part of my body has muscles that ache now, but its all for a good cause. Weight drops as slow as ever but i am determined. The nice thing is that the one hour CrossStep improved dramatically. A month ago i would manage in one hour 7 kilometers = 4.34 miles, now i get in on hour 9 kilometers = 5.59 miles. Maybe with my next update i will drop below 110 kg, i keep you



110,4 kilograms = 243,390337 pounds

...little update, shed a bit of weight but nothing to brag about. The fun part will be tomorrow as i won an hour with a personal trainer at my local gym, i hope he knows what he is doing...



110.7 kilograms = 244.051724 pounds

This is hard, much much harder than i thought. I fear with age the ability to loose weight fast disappears....   I tried really hard with exercise and not eating too much, despite all my efforts for a long time i was stuck at around the same weight level. It was as if my body pulled a switch and decided to not loose any weight anymore. Only a few days ago this "threshold" seems to have been broken through and i finally have a new weight to announce, slow very slow but nevertheless the pounds



111,2 kilograms = 245,154036 pounds

...i am way behind my target but at least i am still loosing weight, for some reason my metabolism has slowed down tremendously and no matter how little i eat or how much i exercise i dont loose weight in a rate that i would expect....   in the meantime some food for thoughts, excellent video about why the NON FAT craze that started in the seventies made us all fatter...      



111.4 kilograms = 245.59496 pounds

(In case you wondered; i am checking my weight every morning just after i get up, before i have eaten or before i had something to drink.) I lost again a pleasing amount of weight, since my last entry (0.4 kilograms = 0.881849049 pounds). Although i had some chocolate attackes i managed to continue to loose weight, mostly because of a technique called Intermittent fasting, i skipped dinner twice the last few days and it really gives you a boost in weight loss. I thought it will be difficult but



Deutsche Musik - Anton Karas, The Third Man Theme

Thanks to one of the greatest film ever made, the austrian Anton Karas become the first austrian music star after the second world war...   "The Third Man Theme" was released as a single in 1949/50 (Decca in the UK, London Records in the US). It became a best-seller



111.8 kilograms = 246.476809 pounds

...my road to loose weight will take much longer than i anticipated, however i make it as pleasant as possible and try to make lifestyle changes rather than just a diet and some workout. I started to read up allot on paleo and primal diet, (very low carb, lots of protein and fat), so if you are a vegetarian, this is defenitely not for you...   As with many things in live i rather aproach this with a relaxed attitude and small things can make a difference already. For example I knew one of my



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