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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


I Concur

I recently read an article by Nathaniel Branden that nicely articulated a mass of something that has been in my mind, of which I could only grab bits and pieces when I attempted to understand it as a whole.   http://www.nathanielbranden.com/catalog/ar...untability.html



Exams-shoot Me Now

Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exch



In The Home Stretch

Well, Marian (note spelling change) is due to be delivered by c-section on May 15th. We'll finally be able to meet (Father/Daughter) and I hope to post a picture here by the end of the month.   So the pre-baby scurrying is going at a good pace....we may actually have everything in place and ready! I've got three weeks of paid "Daddy" leave, so I can be around until Karen is well enough to walk around with a minimum of pain...plus help to keep all the helpful people from driving her more insa



Alavanna (watercrook -kendal).

Appalling weather again in Brigantia , but I havent returned entirely empty handed. I have some shots of the site of the Fort at Alavanna. This is a bit of a problem in terms of naming, as you will be aware Alavanna Carvetorium is modern Maryport, and if my shakey Latin is any good I understand Alavanna tends to be interpreted as "the beautiful place" -fair enough (and please comment accordingly Latin scholars) because a lot of the sites are gloriously set in verdant landscapes. Here though we h



Return From The Wilderness

Salvete Omnes! I am pleased to be able to return to the forum at last. I hope to have new photos from the Luguvallum area next week and from Alavanna (Watercrook) .The Tullie House museum and Carlisle Castle diggings are on my itinerary.   edit: The Alavanna to which I refer is not Alavanna Carvetorium (Maryport) it is possibly related to the "lost port" of the Morecambe Estuary , namely that port used by II Adiutrix to combine with IX on its march north to deal with the Brigantine uprisin



New Avatar, Same Ole Me

The Mercurius mosaic had run it's course. Though I still really like my first avatar I used here; the Ulysses (Odysseus) cameo, I needed a change.   That being said, I think I've found a keeper with my new one. Given the motif (which I hope all will recognize...) coupled with the meaning of my forum name I find its ironic humor quite appropriate.   On a different note, I'm reading Lionel Casson's book Travel in the Ancient World currently and it is superb. I will submit a lengthy review to t




So, I got my hair permed today. I'd never done it before, and I must say, while the process isn't the most enjoyable in the world, I am really happy with the result. It's hard to imagine what I would look like with curly hair, so I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone says it smells really bad...this doesn't smell *bad* but rather odd....I think it smells more than a bit like...corned beef seasoning. Yes, my hair smells like a highly spiced piece of meat I don't mind though. It's not a



Well, My Weekend Is Ruined

So on Easter we went to my grandma's for dinner. My gram had a stomach virus and was not feeling well, but my mom thought it was "side effects" from all the meds she's taking. Yea, well, "side effects" are not contagious. Last night I spent the whole night puking my guts out...amoung other things. I couldn't sleep a wink. I spent half the night eating popsicles because they were the only source of water that I (thought) I could get to stay where it was supposed to. Of course I threw them up all



My Not So Boring Easter

So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...   The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as m



Abbey Road

Yesterday I found by accident an old Vinyl of mine in the basement. I had all forgotten about it. The last album from the Beatles. "Abbey Road"   After listening to it for basically the whole of yesterday and today, i have to say. It sounds fresh, vibrant and you can hear at every tune that this is a true master piece. The ending medley espcially Golden Slumber/Carry that Weight/The End is probably one of the best pieces of music ever made. It includes features never heard before by the beatle



Garrison Life At Vindolanda

The ongoing work at Vindolanda will probably take centuries to come to fruition, a sobering thought, our own words will be history by then. The blog title is the title of the book by Anthony Birley whose family have devoted themselves to the exploration of the site , he himself was born in the house adjacent to the fort and I was priveliged to meet him, very briefly, recently. The book is an excellent commentary on the Tablets and the great difficulties in retrieval,restoration and interpretati



Life... For The Past Month

so yes it has been quite some time since my last entry..nearly a month..   Well not much has happened when i think back at the past month...but here is what i remember   handed in a multitude of assignments which i scored very highly in   did a speech for english...argh i volunteered to go first but lucky me only 6 people where in the class that day ya! so i got pretty good marks..   i made a whole heap of new friends and as the days go by i continue to talk to new people i meet in the s



Bana, Camboglanna And Procolita

I have just returned from another photo recce on Hadrian's Wall . This time I moved from the Western extremity of Luguvallum (Carlisle) to meet up with the images already posted for Vindolanda and Vircovicium. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?act=mo...&cmd=si&img=436 Bana is the first major survival to the east of Brampton (eight miles east of Carlisle). It is the present day museum of Birdoswald , housed in an old water mill attached to an austere victorian house. This is the only



Spring Has Sprung And It's Finally Worth Going Out

It's finally nice out. Finally. I read for 3 hours yesterday, and a little bit today. It was nice all week, but I was trapped in school . they're saying we could get snow again tuesday, but i hope not I'm sick of snow. Sick of it. Good bye, snow. It's 55.2 degrees F here, which is actually warm for North Eastern PA, where in the winter being anywhere above freezing is considered warm. The mountains are beautiful, but best enjoyed in late spring through early fall (the fall leaves around here are



Most Popular Roman Writer

Time for a little bit of statistic...   We have now quite a big list on roman writers on our site, so i thought it might be interesting which ones are visited the most. Below you find the so far top 5 visited Roman Writers on Unrv.com in 2006.   1. Tacitus 2. Diodorus Siculus 3. Galen 4. Cicero 5. Livy   So, which one is your favourite Writer?



She's Baaaack!

Lol computer is finally up and running. FINALLY. Took long enough. LOL I had a heck of a time with my internet connection, updating Norton and the like. I have to get ADAware too again. Finally got my IM back, and I'm working on getting my channel back soon (I lost my channel because I hadn't been on. They didn't realize my comp crashed). Lol so I should be more active again now.   Monty Python is on PBS on Wednesday nights. 8:00. XD



Should Be Back Soon...

My computer will be back this week (hopefully) or next week, unless something else happens. YAY!! I'm sick of having to use library computers, or my friends', because the library computers are always blocking things (I couldn't make this entry yesterday, they blocked access to my blog I don't know why. I know there's nothing inappropriate in here...) and they blocked access to the "Romana Humanitas" section of the forums (possibly because it mentions wine? I have no idea. They are so stupid). I



Just Another Day...

So the only thing new in my life now is that lacrosse season now starts. For lacrosse, all I ever do is practice for two hours in the unbearable cold to the point of not feeling my fingers, luckily springtime is making it warmer. Boy do I just hate running/conditioning, run run run... that's lacrosse for ya. Oh wells, as long as I'm staying active and the feeling of belong to an actual team is awesome. By the way, we're called the Loyola Ramblers.   Aside, my life still sucks. I can drive now,

Most Spectacular Ski Crash Ever

You must know, in Austria, sport Nr.1 is alpine skiing. We are crazy about it. During winter season there is only one thing that will gather half of the population in front of the TV ---> a downhill race!   Now our downhillers are our true superstars, and one in particular is Hermann Maier. I was looking on Google Video if there was something about him, and indeed i found the IOC promo with his monster crash in Nagano 1998. If you look at it, one is happy he survived, but as the video says,




Carl Jung wrote a piece on "acausal coincidence" ie: unrelated events prompting in the observer a feeling that greater forces are at play than his or her powers of logical deduction will enable him to properly interpret. That certainly happened today , Peter Heather invoked York Minster Crypt as a place redolent with historical atmosphere (and Vindolanda, Birdoswald and Tullie) -just as I was searching for photos of the Minster in relation to the Roman Fortress and the original ground levels in



My Interest In Astronomy

Salve! Welcome again, to the court of the Emperor. As I mentioned in the last entry briefly, I will probably be minoring in Astronomy, with my area probably being geologically active moons, extrasolar planets, and the possibilities of life beyond Earth. Let me tell of how I became interested in this field in the first place. Space has always fascinated me. I used to love to watch documentaries about the stars, moons, and planets. A particular interst of mine for a while was black holes (se

Emperor Goblinus

Emperor Goblinus

Julius Caesar Venus And Aeneas

Julius Caesar. 48-46 BC. AR Denarius (3.81 gm).     This denarius was minted by Julius Caesar between 48 and 46 BC in a travelling military mint during the civil wars and is a clear example of political propoganda.   The obverse diademed head of Venus represents the Julian clan's divine lineage. The hero Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus. Aeneas

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

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