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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Aim Screename

Any AOL product is the worst thing you can put on your computer- for an IM I use X-fire, but recently I had to get AIM for 'backward compatability' because there are many people who for some reason still use it. :whip:   So, since I have the dreaded thing now, add Seleukos III to your buddy list dear UNRV members.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

I'm Still Here...

As you've probably noticed, I've been a bit absent on the forums lately. I spent the past week or so at my neighbor's house, dogsitting. They had a computer (that works better than mine) but my time has been spent cleaning up messes and exploring new sites (I found an awesome Pagan Forum and have been spending time playing on there.   I've also been stuck on the early shift (Oh, joy!) lately, and work has been taking up alot of my time. Between work, my internet not working, and trying to find




I usually do not watch much television. The exeptions are a few shows on the Discovery/History/Science channels and the sitcom, 'The Office.' Recently, I was looking at the dazzling array of crap that I pay a monthly fee for, trying to somehow justify the cost other than just accepting that my wife watches more tv than I do. As I was skipping through, I stumbled upon a show that at first seemed documentary-ish but was actually some footage of three guys exploring miles of tunnels underneath Pari



North Korea Nuclear Test

I see this N. Korea test as a power game being played between the U.S. (the only superpower) and China (a future superpower). The U.S. is getting it's way again, and I truly believe the Bush adminstration wanted this nuclear test to occur in private, while in public they vehemently opposed it. Their refusal to enter into bilateral talks with N. Korea might be translated as the U.S. wanting to include China, Japan, S. Korea, and Europeans into the negotaitions, thereby not offending these key pla



Full Moons Make People Crazy

Wow. Scientists should have a full-scale research project of the effects of the full moon on people. This weekend was the craziest I've ever had.   1) Friday, while escorting several sophomores to a band party after a half-time performance, I went over to talk to some fellow clarinets in their car going to go get movies. A bunch of drunk hmongs decided our presence across the street was 'trespassing their property'- I recieved a punch to the jaw and somehow talked thirty approaching drunks to

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

First Two Weeks Of University.

As some of you may already know, I have been experiencing the embryonic stages of university life in Exeter, and I think now would be a good time to write an entry.   I will firstly give you an idea of what the city itself is like. Obviously Exeter is a historical city



Gaius Octavius Aglaus (part 1)

While in communion with Hermes Diaktoros during the recent consummation of a vow, I have come to learn from the blessed conductor that a recent soul under his charge was none other than our own esteemed Neapolitain: Don Tomasso! :stretcher:   But alas! His poor wretched shade is stuck at the Plutoneum with no coin on his tongue! :nopity:   I am gathering up my gear hoping Persephone sends welcome, and I will be off to retrieve the ill prepaired Da



Corstopitum (corbridge)

I return from a fruitful photo sweep of the site of this "behind the Wall" strategic fort excavation. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?act=mo...si&img=1412   Corstopitum is a Stanegate (strategic crosss country road) installation, pre-dating Hadrian's Wall but repeatedly rebuilt as a crucial supply depot and major civilian settlement. Only a fraction of the site has been excavated , but we see that there are some impressive items in the museum , and some worthwhile remains on site.The



Oslo, Norway

I was in Oslo during some days lately. I was glad because it was not a business trip and I had a lot of time to see museums and the city and simply work around the centre of Oslo. The weather was not good though and all pictures look misty. I was wondered that Oslo is the city of sculptures, I like this genre of art and they took my attention as always, lol. I forgot about fiords and nature for that moment and spent my time on Oslo streets and in the park of sculptures by Gustav Vigeland. I saw



Where's My Blankie?

Today I printed off the dissertation. All 150 pages of it. Oh, there's plenty left, since this is the first time that my committee will have the entire work at their disposal. And I've done quite a bit of re-arranging of previous work, to go along with more editing than I care to do. This is all in anticipation of a 'meeting of the minds' for the first week of November, when I must fly back to Austin. I'm mentally exhausted.   But, oh, wait! In the last month, I've put off so many chores




For once I report to you on a non-Roman event. There was a small Norse re-enactment unit attached to a larger Civil War (English) event nearby , so I went in search of interesting items and weapons .   There was a selection of goods and weapons on show.   I have firstly, posted a Northman in general undress with everyday kit , were he to fight a padded jerkin would be neded under a coat of chain mail.This is a man of high status and thus his equipment is of superior finish. http://www.unrv.



My Pretty...

Well after several harrowing days on morning deli (ACK!) I finally got a couple of days on the evening shift again. Last night was rediculously busy, simply because it was Friday and also because today is the first day of archery season. I hope today isn't that busy. My coworkers on deli were about going nuts because we had non-stop sub orders.   One of my customers (who has become a rather good friend of mine just by his coming in the store) told me where to get alexandrite (the lab grown v



My Daughter Can`t Be Wrong...

Well, my five year old daughter wanted recently desperately ABBAs Greatest Hits, so i listend to it too...   My favourite 5   5. Mamma Mia 4. Voulez Vous 3. SOS 2. Fernando 1. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!   ...but to be honest, (just like my daughter), I like all of them (for example Take a Chance on Me is just such a great song), and back in the 80s when it was released for the first time the Rolling Stone Magazine summed it up for me...:   "...there are more infectious melodies, grabby ho



Guns, Germs, And Steel

Has anyone read this? I just picked it up from the bookstore after wandering around for a good half hour. Supposedly aims to explain (and not just state obvious factors) why advanced civilization comes from the 'West', excluding Darwinian theories of genetic superiority, taking into account human pre-history.



Diurnal Journal Of 2/28/06.

Fellow Citizens! Some of you, having not heard from me, thought I had become a member of the recently departed, and thus called to confirm that that was the case. Unfortunately, they were greatly disappointed. Some even had the temerity to ask for a return of their Golden Roman Asses - the ones they stiffed me on for the Journal. Some just could care less. No matter, I still love all y'all. Noblesse oblige, you know. Now, I shall relate what happened to me at the Saturnalia. During t

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Do Not Mess Up My Show!

Valete et plaudite!   It had finally come! The night of the big game! Probably one of the biggest events of the year, homecoming is our special football game. I am in band, as you probably know, and the band has been practicing our field show meneuvers for a long time. We spent an 8-hours-a-day week at band camp, and 2-3 hours every Mondey thereafter to learn all the new music, chants, and field patterns for the knowingly ungrateful crowd. You may have heard me complain (poking fun) several ti

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Thank You, Have A Nice Day!

(now please, go crawl in a hole and die!)   That's what I felt like saying most of the day today.   I had to work the deli this morning, and I HATE deli in the morning. I'm willing to do it, but it is far from my favorite thing, I was alone on deli this morning and still not entirely sure what I was supposed to be doing or how. I had no problem with *being* on deli because they wanted to train the new girl on register, and so they asked me to switch over to deli. Of course, the new girl was




No matter where you go, you'll always find someone who has a large need to be right about a thing, but this emotional disease is most prevalent in academia. Even more so with the subjective ones, anything ranging from literature to history. Science mostly tends to shy away this arrogance because facts are facts. The focus on raw data does not leave much room open to debate. But where there is more opinion than fact, you leave open the possibilities and people can become entrenched in what they b

Favonius Cornelius

Favonius Cornelius

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