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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Cilvirnvm (2)

Chester's Fort (that is on Hadrian's Wall not Deva the Fort at Chester!) is the subject of a second visit. The collection of artefacts in the site museum repays scrutiny , many are altars and inscriptions of great value saved by local antiquarians working only with private resources and a love of history. That these items are now in the custody of English Hertiage at least means theft and dispoilation cannot befall them.   I dont intend to post the majority of shots in UNRV , rather a selectio



In Re His Greekship.

It was my pleasure to have met His Greekness, Don Giovanni (aka Pantagathus) :notworthy: , about a week ago. He and his Domina trod up from one of the the outlying provinces to America. I picked him up with the Imperial Chariot somewhere in an exurb of NYC. We somehow knew each other immediately. At first, I must tell you that he is the handsome ideal of a Southern Gentleman. We yakked about many things, (strangling Ramses; putting a hex on Pertinax :notworthy: ) on our way to Brookfordshirese

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Maoist Roots

Here's another little excerpt gleaned from the Underground History of American Education, recounting the influence, in China, of the same prominent ideologues that influenced much of our educational system.   From 'Education and the Philosophy of Experimentalism', John Childs - 1931



Ancient History as I know it is dead!

I was in the pub the other day, enjoying the company of friends and generally having a fairly enjoyable time (drinks were bought by all, spirits were high, drinks were getting pennied etc.). So far it was good; however, after I returned to the group after relieving myself, I noticed that we had acquired another gentleman. At first, I did not really think anything of it



Love, Hope and Life

::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::   Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to lear



The countdown begins...

4 May 2007. That's the defense date. From now until the end of March, I'll be using any time I have that's not spent in the classroom or on the retail floor probably in the library, working furiously to finish my dissertation in full. The pre-defense went well--many comments, mostly that I need to focus more on my topic (I'm too talkative and vague...go figure lol), but my committee gave me very specific details as to how to hone this. But, overall, they liked what I had written so far...and




Wow, I haven't made on of these in a while. Actually, right now I am "making" time for this- I need a break from the damned homework. Need a little UNRV time...   I thought at the beginning of the year my AP U.S. History class would be boooring. I always thought U.S. history would be boring. Boy, was I wrong. Right now we are covering Jacksonian Democracy, and I have become somewhat enchanted with the figure of Andrew Jackson. Despite a few personal flaws and a bad decision or two, he probabl

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia


http://www.banksy.co.uk/   I just looked through the whole site at one sitting, and thought that some people here might enjoy some of it. Actually, the thing that I found most interesting wasn't any of the imagery, but one of the email responses: Spoken like a 'true believer.' I might even be able to cut the irony with a knife.



Halloween Horror...amongst other things...

Well, good news bad news time. Good news: next week I'll be on my favorite evening shift ALL week. Bad news: this week is HELL.   Monday night I had to work till 10:30, but I didn't actually get to leave untill 11, because of some issues with the shift change. I had to be in again at 6 am. OK, well that's sucky, but I can deal with it.   So I get home yesterday, work went very well, and I am happy. I get online and find that this jackdonkey who I have had nothing but issues with in the past




...has the biggest share of all network providers that visit Unrv.com     followed by   SBC Internet Services Verizon Internet Services Road Runner America Online Cox Communications BellSouth.net British Telecommunications NTL Internet Charter Communications   It seems there is no world giant in the Internet Service Providers industry, Comcast the Nr.1 (at Unrv) is used by just over 7%...



No Need For A/c...

...cuz I'll be working with the coooooooooool people...IN NORDIES!!!   Yep, you saw that right...I'm the newest member of the sales team at the local Nordstrom's. Women's active wear. Lots of workout gear, lounge suits, and general clothing for women who wish to look posh as they perspire/glow. I see commission checks rolling in!   But first: 3 full days of training...but, hey, that's why they're good...the sales staff are well trained!



Customer Service!

I decided that, due to my relative endpoint in my dissertation process, I could afford time to work a part-time job in the department stores around here during the Holiday Rush...meaning I'd make meager wages, but quite a few hours, and would get the nice employee discount.   Now, just as a background: I'm the daughter of a very successful salesman, and I can schmooze with the best. I know how to work a crowd, juggle stuff, and take care of business. I've done 'hotel front desk' types of job



Diurinal Journal Of 7/29/05

Gentles: As I suffer Early Onset Alzheimer's, I can't recall if I told you that we are joined by a fourth brother. Stiffed me on the subscription, so he is a natural for this collection. His biography runs thus: He parks his boots in some god forsaken place called miSHH-a-gin. This land mass sits on a giant toad stool. Its main city rests on a humongous salt mine. He may be a closet neo-con. Is a devotee of Air America and Al Franken in particular. He is not ethnically acceptible.

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

How Did Latin Survived In Dacia? Paradox

This is a question that aroused many hot debates and because of this question romanian and hungarian history science was born. Roman rule in Dacia was brief and difficult. In other areas they had a much longer time and better conditions, but latin did not survive. The area of Dacia was for more then a 1000 years after the roman retreat roamed by migrators and still the language was preserved. Hungarians said that romanians are migrators from the Balkan peninsula that setlled today Romania dur



Back For The Weekend.

This weekend I have returned to Ratae (Leicester) for the weekend. Other than the fact that Leicester is flatter and contains my friends and family, I have not really missed this place; it is dirtier, and contains more pigeons that Isca. Leicester additionally has an odd smell (which reminds me of a fake, cheap-Russian Calvin Cline aftershave), which I never really noticed before.   But having said this, I am looking forward to seeing Leicester Diwali lights; they are apparently the most spec



Surreal Domestic Incident

Before I conclude the narrative of my journey to Hades to retrieve Gaius, I have to take a moment to share the reason I have been a bit scare this week.   I went to the mountains for my sister



Justly Deserved World Fame.

It gives me great pleasure to announce to you that I, Don Tomasso of Brooklyn, am world famous! If you would be so kind as to click on the below site, which is the product of one of our most eminent Forum contributors, :notworthy: you will see the reason. In addition, you will be treated to a most excellent education.   http://www.thenectarofgods.com/index.asp   I can't say that I am particularly whelmed with this eminent pertinacious personage's :notworthy: site as

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

An Interesting Exchange With A Misguided Soul

This is an excerpt of an exchange I was involved in with a high ranking Lebanese government official that I know through my fathers friend, I did lose my temper, my text is blue, his is in red:   "They are not empty threats. Actually they are not threats at all. There is no need to threaten when the reality itself is indicative of a final showdown & victory against Israel. Israel will not live to see its 70th anniversary. Also, Imam Khoumeini was a peaceful man, that wanted to liberate Pal



Galava (ambleside)

Here are a few images from an obscure, or perhaps overlooked, Fort . Some work was done after the First WW , but thats about it and we have few artefacts to look at In the present the remains of the fort are quite meagre and tucked away to the rear of a small park area in a major Lake District resort. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?act=mo...si&img=1438 Ambleside is the head of the Lake (Windermere) , and it would seem that we have a Fort with granaries tha are conspicuously overlarg



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