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Baha! It's red! It's red! It was made in 1997! It's called a Dodge Stratus! It's mine! It needs work... but it runs! 5 cd changer! WOOHOO. Little did I know that writing "Buy Tom a car" at the bottom of my mother's grocery lists for the last two years would actually get me somewhere.   The first cars are always the best. Will post a pic later.   The "holiday" vacation is treating me well. It's so relaxing to get away from the pit for a change. I haven't been mad at anything in almost over

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia


This farking jackdonkey is on another forum that I frequent. You know, the one who wrote an entire article about my psychological problems? Yea, that one. Along with his girlfriend, the stalker. She's following my friend from forum to forum, joining after he does than accusing him of stalking her. I stopped believing he was stalking her the minute she initiated conversation with me, believing that I was him under another username. She changes her name but doesn't change her sig and icon.   So



Toxin (Part 3).

What better time of year to add another toxicological entry?   Nicotine: alkaloid insecticidal chemical, can be toxic if ingested through the skin or inhaled.   Ordeal bean (Physostigma venemosum) a member of the pea family, a west African native.One quarter bean can be fatal to an adult.   Oxygen: poisinous to anerobic bacteria Which is why exposing a gangrenous wound to the air (ie: oxygen) helps the cleansing of that wound. Essential to metabolism -many poisons work by impeding its p



The famous Ramos

Lost Warrior's comment about holiday traditions got me thinking about one in my family: Ramos Fizzes. Depending on who you believe, it was created in New Orleans (by some bartender named Ramos) or in San Francisco (prolly not true, but I'm sticking by this version out of sheer regional pride--and, yes, I truly believe that the martini was created in a bar in Martinez, California...screw NYC). Certainly the recipe in our family is a version of the ones more commonly known...the use of Peychaud'




Yesterday a drive off, day before, a possible write-up. And now this.   I knew before I even went to bed last night that I was going to be tested somehow today. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't sit around worrying about it. I had stuff to do.   So if yesterday wasn't enough, I hit someone's car at work. I don't think the damage is bad, at least, not too bad. I don't know who owns the car so I left a note on the windshield with my name and phone number.   When I came out



Toxin (part 2).

Another festive toxicological glossary:   Datura : Thorn apple/jimsonweed, the fruit and leaves (which Arabs smoke) have a high concentration of alkaloids (atropine and scopolamine) , in small doses a specific for asthma, otherwise deleriant and hallucogenic.   Digitalis: foxglove , full of semi toxic cardaic glycosides. You may have a relative who takes digoxin for his heart? Slows a damaged heart to allow steady systole/diastole movement, too much and it stops..   Dioxins: organic compou



A sign of my age?

Methinks that I am on my way to becoming middle-aged!   This morning my mother asked me what I would like for Christmas, and all I could think of was an umbrella (it rains a hell of a lot in Exeter). What has become of me? I suppose my family and I are not really in the mood for Christmas this year, but even so, I normally want tons of pointless crap; now all I want is one commodity.   I don't know...



Toxin (Part 1).

Several members of the Forum have a well developed (and probably deeply unhealthy) interest in a number of plant toxins used in the ancient world, (sometimes for medicine, other times for the removal of offensive relatives/political opponents).Here I offer a small guide to some common toxic principles (having previously blogged on the main toxic categories.   Aconite: two plants actually have this name (daisy and buttercup families respectivley), the name is used to refer to the alkaloid der




I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).   I'm working on som



%*&@ it.

People piss me off. Now I know why I usually work alone.     Let's just say there is no "Antiochus does the whole project by himself" in GROUP PROJECT!!! Lately all these little things are bugging the hell outta me and people are so %*#$ing retarded, and it's adding up into one melancholic cynical pissed off panda. Me. Fortunately I'm feeling better now, as I've already fermented away my hatred for humanity and some other good things happened.   Ok. I'm better now.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Petition to revoke the independence of the USA.

I just received a rather amusing e-mail this morning from my half-American friend, and I was wondering if any of you Americans would appreciate it:   Petition to revoke the independence of the United States of America   Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories.   Except Utah, which she does not fancy.   Your new Prime Minister (The Right Honourable Tony Blair MP, for the 97.85% of you who have until now



Io Saturnalia!-a digestive tonic for the festival

I have been keeping notes to try and produce a handy recipe that would be both beneficial to modern users , and whilst not attested , be understood by our Roman forbears.   I think I have one such ready for the forthcoming Saturnalia, no part of it was unknown in Rome (though some ingredients would be for the rich alone) this mix would be both cleansing and pleasant .   take 1 pint of maderia wine ( so we are talking sweet and rich hence adjust your choice to taste). 1 sprig of wormwood (




Well, I've finally, FINALLY gotten through that book I was reading (I spent several hours just reading on saturday). Now, finally, I get to start on the two Eagle books I have!! I don't expect them to take as long as the other one did.   I found out last week that I won 50$ just by...doing nothing!! And I am getting a silver and lab-grown alexandrite ring for about 10$ (thanks Ebay!). I found my mom an awesome amethyst ring, and I know she will love it.   Last night I wanted to get started



Still Here

Where to start? I haven't been terribly active here lately, though I do check in roughly once a day. Interest in specifically Roman things has waned a bit an I find that I have less to contribute than normal, if that is possible I'm inescapably trapped in fervent book reading for the moment, to the point that any moment when I cannot read (any time that I'm driving) I'm engrossed in podcasts of academic lectures.   I've put a link to some of these in the block to the right. I'm currently lis



A Practical Application of Roman History

4:27 AM April 12, 1861- Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Civil War Begins   Abraham Lincoln and the Union War Office turn down an offer from the King of Siam, a pack of war elephants!   July 2nd, 1863- Second day in the Battle of Gettysburg:   In charge if one of the flanks in Gettysburg, Chamberlain used a tactic "He learned while studying Roman history". It was Chamberlain and his "swinging gate" tactic that won the 2nd day, the whole battle, and ultimately the war and Union.   December 5

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Bad day!

I think today can be put up there will all the other bad days. As well as suffering from the flu, my safe in my room (containing



Roman Book Wish List for Saturnalia

Currently I own these books:   Grant's Roman Emperors Goldworthy's In the Name of Rome Collins' Nero's Killing Machine Burns' Rome and the Barbarians Gibbon's Decline and Fall   ----   Currently in "possession" of:   Brand's Roman Military Law (Library Book)   ----   My Saturnalia Wish List currently comprises of:   Goldswirthy's Complete Roman Army M. Warrior's Roman Religion: A Sourcebook Rodger's The Roman World: People and Places   I also believe I should should consid

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Interesting comment.

Earlier this evening, I saw a rather interesting message spray painted in large letters on a wall. It read the following:   'Archduke Franz Ferdinand found alive. 20th Century a mistake?  



Decisions, Decisions

So the other night my assistant manager dropped a bomshell on me: she wanted me to be the other assistant manager. After having come there with absolutely no experience in the field, and working for four months. To be honest, I'd have no idea what I was doing, even though I would get training. I'd be making (weekly) more than twice what I make now.   At first, I agreed to do it. But the night before that, I was lying in bed thinking how miserable I might be. I decided that the pros outweighed



|-Alert- Great Book|

I just started reading an old book I found deep in a recess of my school library's bookshelf. It is called Roman Military Law by C.E. Brand. It was published in 1968 (give or take a year), and is my first serious study of the Romans. This book is very unlike many of the other books I have read. This one is a serious scholarly work, and I am already engrossed after the first chapter because of the knowledge contained within. I can't wait to finish and provide a review! I am very fortunate I found

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

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