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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Feelin' Great

I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.   I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in he



Damn Sinusitis

Last week I made perhaps what was one of the dumbest choices ever. After a grueling Sunday double-shift, I come out to discover that neither of my parents were able to come pick me up and drive me home. For those who were in NY last sunday you would know that it snowed quite bad. Well, I was too uncomfortable to take-up my bosses ride (don't know why now); so I chose to walk -- exhausted and somewhat sweaty -- home. Needless to say it wasnt the most comfortable experience ever.   Anyway, come

Divi Filius

Divi Filius

Twas This & Nothing More.

Sunday last, as I sat sad and dreary at my computer contemplating posts at UNRV, there came a banging, a gentle banging, from the streets below. Twas the garbage men alerting sleeping citizens of the approaching Midnight Hour. This I thought, and nothing more. Then there came a peace shattering tingle from the phone. Me thought a lost and lonely soul seeking solace at the Plutonian shore. This me thought, and nothing more. Twas a fellow dweller in one of the stacked apartments, seeking my omnisc

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

::Dances for Joy::

I'm feeling much better now, and I am enjoying my two days off from work. I am thinking of getting together with a few friends later. This week was interesting, but now it's over, and I'm glad. The other day I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged through a sick cow backwards, but once I got to work my health seemed to improve drastically, and I felt great yesterday; the only thing I have left is a bit of a cough and that is fading rapidly.   I got a very pleasant surprise the other night; I'




There is something about this particular picture that evokes undescribable emotion within me. The picture has an aire of "gloriousness" per say; perhaps a look of hope- I do not know! What is he looking out at? Is it the horizon? The horizon to him must have no limits, he is there to take it! Glory and adventure are off on that horizon! The trees in the background evoke some sort of relaxing feeling in the background, for the place he must be in is beautiful. The feather, the shadow over the eye

Deep Thoughts For Moonlapse.

Deep thoughts for those who take life too seriously:     1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set.   2. A day without sunshine is like . . . night.   3. On the other hand, you have different fingers.   4. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.   5. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.   6. Remember, half the people you know are below average.   7. He who laughs last thinks slowest.   9. The early bird may get the worm, but the

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius


My birthday dinner...sucked. We got to the restaurant to find a note on the door "As of Feb. 26 we will be closed on Mondays." Just my luck. It's nearly a forty minute drive to the next nearest eating spot, and I am carsick. Have been nauseous since an hour before leaving. Come home from dinner and am very dizzy, can't even sit up let along stand. I flip out at my mom for smoking in the house again, as it makes me sick and causes my throat to burn.   She blames blood sugars. I blame the flu th



Jumping the Shark

Inspired by the disenchanted posts now appearing from our UNRV members, I take the liberty of cutting and pasting a blog I actually wrote on 18th January this year, originally posted by me on 'Why Space'. It's harsh but it is how I feel. _________________________________________________________________________________________     Decline and Fall - another closet-opening admission Current mood: disappointed Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities     So the second series of the HBO/BBC c

The Augusta

The Augusta

'Livia' is becoming an obsession!

I read through my re-drafted draft of the re-drafted draft of Parts 1 and 2 of my Livia work-in-progress last night. To anyone who has not yet realised that I am a crazy aspiring novelist with a toxicity fetish, let me clear this up now. I have been drafting things for many years. I once got as far as sending something to Macmillan many years ago, to be told that I could definitely write and should choose a more modern subject as Rome was not the order of the day. Bugger 'em - I thought. So

The Augusta

The Augusta

Hemlock and Tobacco

Hemlock was the poison used to execute Socrates for corrupting youth and neglecting the Gods...it contains two poisonous alkaloids coniine and coniceine (the plant is named Conium maculatum). These block the transmission of nerve impulses which cause death by failure of respiration (ie: one ceases to try to breathe). The actual execution (as described by Plato) has the executioner examining the victims legs and feet , pressing them to see if the sensation is lost in these extremities , the nu




I have come to realize something during my recent vacation that I should have known or sensed all along... What with my natural aptitude at sailing and swimming, my love for the sea, my providential naval service & induction as a 'Shellback' (servant of Neptune), my choice of Nauclerus as a title here at UNRV, etc...   My run of bad luck lately may indeed be because I was forsaking the signals that I was perhaps all along a beloved son of Poseidon and have not been honoring Patros Genethli



An even greater love...

So this is a Roman site, but I must be indulged here. Today I watched my beloved Blues win the Carling Cup against a young Arsenal side that gave us a bloody good run for our money. But all that was nothing. Around the hour mark in the match our Captain, John Terry, was stretchered off after swallowing his tongue and being KO'd for a whole 5 minutes, after a sickening (accidental) injury in the penalty box. Despite being a central defender, he went in for an attacking header and firmly conne

The Augusta

The Augusta

Pantagathus II.

I am sure that all y'all have noted that My Lord of the Greeks, Pantagathus :notworthy: is AWOL. You have also probably noted that he is now from Erebus. Blackness! The Son of Chaos! Mt Erebus is the world's southern most volcano, and the largest by volume. He is presently having Vulcan make a sword for him to get at those pesky weresquirrels and the protohominid who invaded the manor house. :sniper:   When matters are settled, My Lord :notworthy: will search for another place to come fro

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

"Happy Birthday"

So far, so good. Of course, I have to go to work later, but that hopefully won't suck.   The one thing that pissed me off yesterday was my coworker bitching at me for not filling the coffee cup lids. Now, last night, we really WERE busy, plus I couldn't find the lids. Not only that, it's not my job. And though I usually do it, she says that I *never* do it. Despite the fact that I do it, despite it actually being deli responsibility (and has been for some months).   So she's bitching at me f



Woe Am I!

Monday last, the Domina Claudia :wub: :wub: took off for some place in the boondocks, namely, knoxberg, 10AC. The Imperial Pro-Crastinator was supposed to be left well supplied. Well, the Old Moor Hen Shredded Sporran is almost at an end. The stompings don't look as if they will last the week. Down to the last half dozen beers. I have no idea what the things left in the fridge are.   This is the status quo:   Bride in the boondocks. :wub: :wub: Nurse Mary in Basra. :wub: Private Bohp

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Burnt to a Crisp

Well, my interest in the classics is at an all time low, I'm kind of burnt out right now, and have no time to pursue the extras. With summer you will see more participation from me. Also, I am sad to admit my Masada research project must be scrapped because 1) Time constraints, I'm the only one at my school doing history day for fun, but I find myself too busy too write a 10 page paper for fun. 2) My research partner dropped out, for the same reason. 3) I don't have enough primary sources. One

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

It's Done! It's Done!

I didn't think I would ever get it done, but I did. My review of The Eagle's Conquest has been sent to Viggen for publication. It's been several months now, since I started reading the book. I promised you a review to come soon, thinking that I would read quickly but alas, life got in the way. Now, finally, I've finished the book and have written the review.   Time to celebrate! :drunk:   I have tomorrow and Friday off, which I am very happy about. Our one assistant manager quit at a pretty



Wanted: 3 more hours in the day

Wanted: 3 more hours in the day   Job description: I need 3 more hours per day in order to finish all of the work that I need to do. In those said 3 hours I need to do a combination of any of the following activities: ** sleep and/or rest ** eat ** grade papers ** finish editing ** play with Bella the Feline ** have a pot of tea ** go out into the garden and play in the dirt ** take a walk ** go for a swim   Compensation: Getting more things done



An overview- thank the gods for UNRV!

And so I prepare to compose my first blog. A little explanation is perhaps required about the figs. The blame for this obsession is to be laid very firmly at the feet of our dear Pertinax, who, through posting a video clip taken from Episode 4 of Claudius, has now made figs synonymous with my cyber-personality. It was something that tickled my fancy and I am grateful to our Pertinax for it. I wonder if he knows that the esteemed lady did in fact cultivate her own fig tree at Prima Porta, na

The Augusta

The Augusta


I am taking the most wonderful and beautiful Lady to the prom this year.     (Oh so fitting...)  Everything about you is how I'd wanna be- Your freedom comes naturally- Everything about you resonates happiness- Now I won't settle for less!   Give me all the peace and joy in your mind!   Everything about you pains my envying- Your soul can't hate anything- Everything about you is so easy to love- They're watching you from above!   Give me all the peace and joy in your mind!

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Punch Drunk

On Friday I went to a charity boxing event in the beautiful coastal town( not!) of Hull, me and a group of friends did our best James Bond impressions and got fully tuxedoed up and descended upon the Hull Arena for an evening of merriment. The night began with a three course meal which was OK (nothing special really) then there were three kick-boxing bouts, one of which was for the British Championship, there was a stand-up comedian who was very funny, and a group of singers who were like ' IL D

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

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