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And the countdown begins!

2 May 2007. 12noon CDT. That'll be the judgement day.   No, not the one with the pearly gates, and some Peter-man standing there with his list. Instead I speak of the day when my professors decide if I'm worthy enough to stand with them as a colleague.   The 'final' draft will be sent out Tuesday; one month after that I will be in front of my academic setting, answering questions that I've prepared for, as well as others that I haven't.   This is it! I'm geeked for this...I want this



DUDE...I Got a Dell

My new computer arrived today. It was interesting getting it to connect to the internet, and using this new Windows Vista is a trip LOL. But so far I like it. It's tiny, and I have my monitor sitting on top of the PC (because the PC is rather "flat" with feet on the side of the case as well...so it's clearly designed to lie on it's side...besides that the disk drive is sideways.) It's a much smaller HD than I had before, but I think part of my problem may have been too much power and no idea how



Production! Production!

Well, last night I got this neato little game, C&C Generals. Yeah, it's dated now, the new one just came out, but hey--it's fun! So I basically played it all last night and this morning. All of a sudden......... I think, "Wow, I need to go do something productive."   Is it normal to feel like I'm being a waste of society on my spring break?!?!? Ahg. American work ethos.

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

U.S. Military Manual.

WISDOM - FROM THE MILITARY MANUAL "A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit. - Army's magazine of preventive maintenance. ------------------------------------------------------ "Aim towards the Enemy." - Instruction printed on US Rocket Launcher ------------------------------------------------------ "When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. -U.S.Marine Cor

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Diurnal Journal of 3/1/06

Komrades:   The Imperial Roman Intelligence Service (IRIS) - get it?, has intercepted a letter from busche to president chinney. For your edification, it is reproduced here. Keep in mind that this is Top Secret and for your eyes only, else it is off to Poland with you.     Deer mista prezaden? Look, yu *CENSORED*, iv been frontin 4 yu 4 5 yeers now and everythin has gone Right. nothin iz correk. i trid to *CENSORED* up soshul sekurity n faled. then i did *GRRR!* up medakar. no

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

NYC Exhibit on Spanish Civil War

Great review in the NY Times. I don't know what is more disheartening: (1) how violently totalitarian Communists--like the lackeys of Stalin--celebrate their resistance to local authoritarian fascists--like the thugs of Franco, or (2) how naively Western liberals buy into #1.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

My First Time in the Slammer.

When I was a mere nipper of 7 or 8 tender years in Brooklyn* during and after WWII, there were anti-aircraft cannon emplaced on the roofs of industrial and warehouse buildings. Legionaries were on guard at all the entrances to these buildings. The lot in which we roasted stolen mickeys had a machine gun nest with pup tents for a full sized company. The repair docks were loaded with destroyers and other minor war ships. Life boats with all sorts of rations festooned the docks. They made perfect c

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius


Well this week was very hectic. I got called in on my day off, and relapsed into my flu-like sickness because of it. Subway opened at our store on Wednesday, and it's been crazy busy ever since. I really hope that things settle down a bit because no one is getting their work done for doing Subway.   On Monday my computer broke but it spontaneously fixed itself.   I had a lot of loose ends tied up this week, I got my car fixed from that parking lot oopsie way-back when, and some other issues



The Lord of the Boxes

Boxes...they're everywhere.   Here...there...everywhere.   Empty boxes, waiting to be filled with all sorts of momentos and knick-knacks.   Partially-filled boxes, waiting to be completed, marked, and taped.   Full boxes, bursting at the seems, ready to be shipped off to their new, albeit temporary home.   Now I can't find a blessed thing, for all of these boxes are surrounding me!




"Out swords and to work with all."   "Prince, pray God that is Lord of all, pardon your soul, for your time has come."   "...and came to tell me - what?"   "...this nose of mine that marches on before me by a quarter of an hour."   "No, no my own dear love, I love you not."   "...there he is, shod in marble; gloved in lead...."   ------------------   "Cyrano De Bergerac"   The Majesty! The Glory! The Panache! The Honor! The Pathos!   These last few days, I have had the pleasur

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Wikipedia Defies Chinese Censors

First, Yahoo! cravenly handed over user records to Chinese auhoritarians authorities. Then, "Don't be Evil" Google promptly complied with Chinese demands to censor results from web searches. What next? The censorship of No-MSG recipes on Epicurious.com? Will the whole internet be forced to kowtow to the brownshirts in Beijing?   Not on Jimbo Wales' watch! Wikipedia, the ultimate source of truthiness on the internet, will not yield to Chinese demands to censor their content. Read the whole s

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Yahoo! sued for ratting out Chinese dissident

According to this Voice of America piece, The wife of a Chinese dissident jailed for publishing articles on the Internet says she plans to sue U.S.-based Internet company Yahoo for allegedly helping to put her husband in jail in China.   I hope she wins her case against those unprincipled yahoos, who are resuscitating the old Stalinist claim that capitalists would sell the Soviets the rope with which to hang them. Good on VoA for covering this heroic woman.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Global Scare-Mongering

I admit to be a congenital contrarian. I choose Cato over Caesar, Macs over PCs, ancient history over modern, and so on. As John Tierney puts it, "Just because everybody believes something doesn't make it wrong, but that's a good working hypothesis."   Given this penchant, it's probably no surprise that I've been highly skeptical about the CO2 theory of climate change since I first heard about it in 1990, a particularly hot summer in the US. Although I wrote my very first research paper on t

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato


As mentioned in my last blog, I headed out for Chicago Friday. Our high school band was chosen to be in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in the Windy City. We were all excited and ready to go.   We were heading down the highway, it was nice and sunny out, nothing unusual, when all of a sudden it got really snowy and windy out. brown fields gave way to snow and slush everywhere. Suddenly the bus slowed down and came to a crawl. Uh oh. Traffic was backed up, and we found out why. Countless cars in

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

I've Got it Figured Out

Well, the last part of my "easter" present came today: a small brass cauldron in which to burn my incense. It was a grave disappointment. I wasted two charcoal tablets because they refused to burn properly in that small cauldron; they became starved of oxygen, and quickly went out. Once the igniter stuff is gone from them they are impossible to relight.   I did get figured out how to light it safely though. Going back to the brass bowl filled with sand that I'd wanted to use to begin with, I p



Conditions in a Nutshell

Life is good. I turned in my contest essay, I eagerly await the results. Tomorrow I leave for Chicago. The school marching band is parading in the St. Paddies Day Parade. Watch the news, you may see me. (Look for DC Everest High School! Green and white, with a tree!) The bus ride there will actually be enjoyable, for I am graced with the company of my girl the way to and fro.   As 1st chair clarinet, rank lieutenant, and co-section leader, this weekend I get to really test my leadership and or

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

I'm Very Happy

My mom gave me my "Easter" present today, even though the last part isn't here I already had something suitable. It's just what I wanted, and expected: resin incense with charcoal tablets. We gave it a test run downstairs, where my mom could be there to help keep an eye on it because neither of us had ever done it before. It's interesting to light, instead of flaming at first like normal charcoal, it sparks and smokes in a manner that threatens to set things around it on fire! That rather quickl



I Can't Wait

For my new scanner to get here. I hated using my camera to get my artwork online, and my old scanner is beyond worthless, so I decided to get a new one. My dad sent me a Circuit City gift card, but, much to my surprise and dismay, the local Circuit City does not carry flatbed scanners! I've ordered one online and received conformation last night that it has been shipped. I cannot wait till it gets here!   I have managed to get my hands on a copy of Roman Sex and have taken a break from Simon S



And thus it comes to pass....

Komrades:   Little Liar Libby takes the fall for prez chinney and the jolly roger. 30 years? Nah, bet a groat or a stoat that The Shame of America pardons the twerp like his alleged old man did for his fellow co-conspirators in the Iran-Contra imbroglio.   How come the bailiffs haven't hauled liver lips noback before the magistrates? Ain't he the one who spilled the beans in the liberal press?   What was that, that the Sham Prez told the polloi about his administration going to be the most

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Plague and Rye

"Plague" as an event in altering the possible course of history looms large in the Roman and Medieval Worlds. Elsewhere on this blog and in the Forum discussion has occurred touching "what the plagues might have been?"That is can we be sure that bubonic plague is the identifiable catastrophic disease? The short answer is no we cant. Bubonic plague might well be a co-factor in a given incidence of plague, a taker of life and a causative factor in economic ruin , but certain other possibilities



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