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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


What a Week!

All in all this week wasn't too bad; but these past two days nearly killed me. Friday was the grand opening for Subway, and we were absolutely slammed. It nearly killed us. We were so busy we couldn't keep up, and there were at least 14 of us working. The people were lined up nearly out the door, for hours on end. It was nuts, but we made it. I got my picture with the Shell race car, and a picture of the rather perverted looking neon sign in front of my store. I'm sending them to my dad.   Sa



I got the sleepies...

I want to take a nap...I've been so revved up, I couldn't sleep hardly at all last night, and now I'm finally starting to crash...but I leave Austin today! I gotta find a hole somewhere to sleep for a couple of hours.   Usually when I travel, the 'time difference' (2 hours between California and Texas) affects me for a day, and that's it. But my body won't let me work on 'Texas time' at all...my stomach is still ruled by Pacific Daylight Time, and getting to sleep last night was damn near im




Dun dun dun dun DUN dundun dundun dundun....   In about 90 minutes, I'll start my dissertation defense. So why am I on a computer, you ask? Because I had to print out stuff, and since I have time to kill, I decided to spend it doing something, rather than waiting around nervously.   Oh, I won't be on here long. But it's weird. I'm jittery...not a lot, but a little. Nerves of steel had better show up quick...   Update at 11...or this afternoon, whatever.




Wake up: 6:00AM Leave house for school: 6:30AM Start first class: 6:50AM Leave school, go to work: 1:45PM Begin work: 2:00PM Leave work: 6:00PM Go to review sessions for AP exam May 11: 6:00PM-8:00PM Homework: 8:00PM-11:00PM   Rinse and repeat, this is my week.

Things To Do

Car registration Update computer virus and antispyware protection Book train tickets Get car inspected Acquire luggage that meets AMtrak requirements Get Tracfone minutes Get ring resized (when it gets here) Move money out of savings account Pack   Getting there! A lot of loose ends to tie up. I probably won't be very active online for a few months (until I get back). There's a lot of stuff to do, and the train trip is going to take several days.   I'm nervous about the trip, I've ne



Diurinal Journal of 12/19/05

Komrade Patriots: Why is it that, if a woman wears pants and a polo shirt, she is cool; whereas if a man wears a dress and pumps, he is a degenerate? Why are there no great female philosophers? If evolution is a fact, why isn't a monkey dropping out of a tree now and proclaiming: "Ecce Homo"? Queen Victoria spawned a crop of jackasses and idiots. Not that Gaius wishes to be too severe on the 'poor lad', but a 'certain party' should know that it is against the f

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

An Update

My dad called yesterday morning, screaming at my mom. She basically told him, "you're being an @ss, and you're alienating your daughter. She's going whether you want her to or not, so you can make this easy, or you can make this hard. If you keep acting like this she might just jump in the car and go, and you don't want that, do you?" So he's stopped being a donkey's behind, and I'm catching the train in Downingtown. It'll be a VERY long ride, (about 2 days) and I have to change trains three tim



Wonderful Weekend

The weather is freakin' gorgeous! 70+ degrees and sun, AND I had off all weekend! On saturday my mom and I went shopping, and then we went out to dinner with her friend. I had a great time, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my mom (we rarely have a day off together). On sunday I spent some time outside, in the woods, meditating. I wrote my "rite of passage" ritual that I'm going to use when I go to MN, and I talked to the people I'm going to be staying with on the phone for about 3



NYT: Virginia Tech killer legally barred from gun purchase

Today's NYT has an interesting report that claims that the Virginia Tech killer's history of mental illness made his gun purchase illegal. The report is interesting because (1) it challenges the assumption that more gun control laws are needed to prevent future VT-type massacres, (2) it demonstrates the difficulties in enforcing existing legislation, and also (3) it illustrates how small differences in the implementation of federal law at the state level can have devastating repercussions. Fro

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato


Exhausting but worthwhile. The various reports are being posted in the Forum, the images are going into the Gallery. A tremendously eclectic meeting with specialisms ranging from unusual dietary and sexual behaviour in Rome via detailed knowledge of construction techniques, medicinal practice , gladiatorial fashions, military engineering etc. This was one of those rare events where everything actually went right, and I just hope we can follow this up with additional UK meetings and a Forum me



Europe Will Be Mine!

I was very pleased when I got mail the other day. I have been asked to join a group of musicians for a tour of Europe next summer as a "Music Ambassador." We are going through VIL, a 16-day trip through 7 countries in Europe. Our travels will include, in chronological order: England (London and Windsor), France (Paris), Switzerland (Crans-Montana), Liechtenstein (Vaduz), Austria (Innsbruck, Seefeld), Italy (Venice!), and Germany (Munich/Dachau, Rothenburg, Frankfurt).   Hell yeah. My clarinet

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Things That Make Me Happy...and Not

Things that make me happy:     I have this weekend off (as of now) and so does my mom   Our 6-inch subs are on sale   I've started working together with Heartshadow on the religion she's creating (because there are many similarities between my path and hers)   Chocolate   Black Chai Tea     Things that Don't make me happy:     My back is still stiff from shoveling 18+ inches of wet snow   I pulled my back/shoulder somehow last night and was having muscle spasms so bad



Terrible Lie

This is quite a bit different from the last post.   This is for all those who shared an upbringing similar to mine. I'm posting it mainly because this is the best (most intense) performance of this song that I've seen.   Hey God...



In Re Pater Arcanae.

IRIS has tendered to the god-Consul the intelligence that celebrations have been afoot hereabouts with regard to my recent absence. It does not displease me to inform all y'all that I am still here. Tough!   I have been tending to taxes , the felonies of my brokerage house and other baloney.   Easter went well. We had a little rain here in America. Nothing to really talk about.   I am illegitimate uncle to a 16 year old nymph. She's a junior Rockette or something like that. So I attend

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Snow??!! Ugh...

Well it snowed. We got one heck of a snow storm in the middle of April. And the power was out all day, but now it's back on again. I hope it stays on.   This week has been very stressful, but I'm extremely glad that it is over. I have tomorrow off too, and I'm really enjoying my time off. Due to the power outage I had nothing to do (other than shoveling 18 inches of snow) so I spent most of the day in meditation (when not trying to keep warm. I was huddled around an oil lamp for heat. It was



ACT is the Test For Me!

Talk about the longest four hours of my life!   The inglish part had us answer 75 questions in 45 minutes. The math part was rediculously easy. I even laughed to myself. Then I hit question 41, and the next 20 I had never seen before. Read four stories and answer questions in 35 minutes. Blah blah blah About 3/4 way through I got bored and couldn't stop thinking about a certain someone.     Hopefully I'm smart enough to continue my education!   ---   I got my nametag for my

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

Humility and blessings

I often count my blessings, noting that I've been smiled upon by Whoever Up There for the opportunities that I've had, and hopefully will continue to have. This year, 2007, is a huge year for me and my family, for so many reasons. This year I will finish my dissertation, and get some kind of full-time job; My parents are about to move, having sold their house of 30 years and have bought a brand-new house in a new development; My youngest brother, having finished another set of travels,



Easter Week

Well, Easter Week is over. I got my new ring from Israel and it is BEAUTIFUL. I also got my other new one today, a "color change" amethyst that really does change from a bluish purple to a raspberry red. Unfortunately, the seller lied about the size; it's a size 10 or 11, she said it was a size 7. It doesn't fit my biggest thumb.   Yesterday I got to go to my grandmother's for lunch. I had to miss Easter dinner, because I got stuck working. But I got to help hide eggs and watch the kids try to



I want to go back.

As most of you already know, my beautiful , gorgeous, sexy wife :wub: got me the best present ever.....A trip to Rome for my 30th birthday, well to say I was chuffed to bits would be a serious understatement, I've actually been to Rome before but that was on a football trip to watch Leeds Utd v AS Roma in the Champions League, yes that's right, Leeds were once a good team! But anyway as it was a football trip the only sights I got to see were the inside's of the bars and tavern's. Anyway this t

Commies! Commies Everywhere!

AP US is the coolest class on earth.   Today I learned that the US saved the world from communism! We spent billions of dollars in foreign aid to hapless countries to prevent communist uprisings and combat the spread of this form of government. We saved Greece, Turkey, South Korea, and pretty much all of western Europe from them damn commies. I'm not sure how Amero-centric this unit is, but many of the facts are quite reinforcing to the unit thesis, and we even discuss many of the stupid thing

We Are All Going to Die!

Global warming is all over the news.   Anywho, I almost cried today in my physics class when we calculated the efficiency of a standard coal power plant. It's around 25% NOT including energy required to transport the coal, energy to maintain itself, energy dissipated through lines, and reduction of efficiency due to moving parts/friction within the plant's thermodynamic system. :'(
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