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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Newsletter in HTML now

We recently upgraded our newsletter script so we can send now in HTML. This is nothing radical and we wont, as far as i can see, do anything else with it other then insert links, but nevertheless a nice new touch i believe. We "tested" this new functionallity today on our newest promotion we just sent out, so check your mail [if you have subscribed] (or the front page or the Trajan Forum) for more details...




You might remember the 'Mac' of an earlier Journal who was commander of the failed raid on the Coast Guard bank.   Mac was graduated from school as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He became a reconnaissance pilot and was sent off to Viet Nam. I was supposed to follow as a combat engineer, but lucked out.   The following is a letter Capt. Mac [b.] sent to me in 1963.     "13 Jan. 63   Howdy Tom,   Greetings from a hospital bed in worn torn Viet Nam. Nope. No bullet holes. No V.D.,

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

What a Day!

Well, my hands are blistered, and my heels are blistered (boots not broke in), I've spark burns on my arms and I'm covered in all sorts of filth...   I finished my first blade today. Not my first successful blade, the first one EVER...and it was successful. Not perfect, but really not bad at all for a first try. I'm absolutely stoked.   I'm so happy to be here now, it feels almost like I've lived here all of my life. I had a great discussion with Kathy last night about energy, past lives, et



We're all gonna die...

Word has it, from a devout Christian in my family, that something bad will happen in 2007 and that anyone who is not Christian and does not support George Bush will die. Just thought you'd all like to know... better repent and vote for a neocon




New element discovered!   The recent hurricanes and gasoline issues are proof of the existence of a new chemical element. A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science.   The new element has been named *Governmentium*. Governmentium (Gv) has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.   These 312 particles are held together by forces call

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

I'm Here

I have made it safely to MN. The journey was interesting, but not that great. I did get to see Pittsburg (beautiful!! I'd LOVE to go back!) and Chicago (nice, but not great). I was so exhausted from dragging my luggage everywhere (too cheap to rent a locker...dragged it all around downtown Chicago). I was 2 days on the rails, luggage in tow the whole time and gods my arms hurt!! I arrived in Detroit Lakes at 3 AM...and the sun was coming up by the time I made it to bed.   I'm having fun, altho



Lunch, even in 15 or so minutes

I've come to a realization in life.   Well, more than one, but this is just the latest.   I can multitask very well--indeed, I have all my life. Working in a kitchen, I can have 3 pots going at once and know what's going on. I can even carry on a coversation while doing it. I sing along to whatever music I have filling my domicile while I work in the kitchen or in the garden. In fact, even if there is no electronic device playing music, the music in my head is playing, and I'm singing



Romans and Italians

I was wondering about one thing for a long time, is it just me or does it feel that italians of today dont really care about their "roman" heritage? I live close to the italian border and have so lots of contact with them; Every time i mention our site and that the site is about "their" glory past, they sort of shrug shoulder, maybe a "nice" and move on, no interest whatsoever.   Did i just have bad luck, or is it just the way it is, Italians dont care?   cheers viggen



Confessions of a gaming nerdess

I haven't blogged for ages - which is something I must rectify. However, I will recommence my musings by admitting to a terrible vice. I AM OBSESSED WITH LARA CROFT. There - I've said it. You must think what you will. As a female I have the inherent ability to multi-task. This means that I will be able to complete my review on Severus; scrape together something vaguely erudite about Dixon's Reading Roman Women; visit the Forum every day to read new posts and contribute to any that take my

The Augusta

The Augusta

Der Struwwelpeter

http://www.fln.vcu.edu/struwwel/struwwel.html I read this 19th century picture book (with these exact illustrations, but a different translation) when I was young, like my mother did and her parents did. What a trip...




Tomorrow I'm catching the train to MN. It will be at least until Friday before I get online again.   I'm really nervous about the trip, not sure why. It is a lot of things I have never done before, but I think I'll be alright. I just wish I could stop worrying LOL.   We had our memorial day celebration yesterday, and my cousin's friend got his car stuck...you should have seen us trying to get it out. We got it out, but it was by 6 or 7 of us sitting in the trunk to add enough weight to get



Scented Oil and Salt Scrub

Scented oils from resin: This one is extremely easy; I actually discovered it by accident.   You need:   ~Some carrier oil (grapeseed works well, so does mineral oil; I haven't tried any others. Recommend grapeseed for skin use)   ~Resin incense (such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal or other) I can tell you from experience that Dragon's blood does not work well at all sad and Myrrh works phenomenally. mr blue   ~One of those liquid potpourri burner things with a tealight candle (mine is




I am no longer employed at a certain gas station/subway I've been complaining about for the past several months.   This job has been hard on me. Very hard. No one knows exactly how bad it's gotten, with the exception of maybe a few close friends. But I toughed it out, and I survived. And damnit, now I'm FREE!! I WILL really miss my coworkers though. We had a lot of good times together.   The meeting I was griping about earlier wasn't so bad; I feel like we got some things accomplished; at le



Still Alive and Kicking.

Tomorrow I have a day off. I've worked after school and on weekends for the last 13 days.   Now that AP US is done, the class gets to do pretty much whatever we want. I'm writing a DBQ (Document-Based Question) for the kids in next years class to do. A DBQ is a question a student must answer in a 5-paragraph essay format by reading primary source documents given, and outside knowledge. The question I am asking is: "How effective was the United States government in combating the spread of Comm


Come on, I can do this! Just four more days of my crappy job left! I can do it, I know I can!   I have a meeting tomorrow at 8 am, about all the ******* that has been going on. It's pretty much guaranteed to make my last four days more stressful, but it's only four days, I can make it.   I have made very good connections apparently, and when I get back from MN, I have a pretty definite hook-up for something that is nearly the perfect job for me (I say nearly because nothing is perfect!). I c



Quo usque tandem?

Si vales bene est ego valeo...   I had it all, fire in the house, crappy work-situation (and i mean crap when i say crap), one surgery followed by another surgery and voila followed by another one. To sum 2007 so far up ---> Hell   I have now hopefully all surgeries done for this year (vene surgery for anyone who cares) and allowed to sit 15 minutes and then have to rest for an hour and so on...   in anycase good to be finally back...   Yours viggen



The coolest ever

I want this on record: I have the coolest students ever.   My Intermediate Spanish class is a unique group. 60% of them are over the age of 50, and are taking this to better their knowledge...no requirements here. The rest are a mix of college-aged and teenaged students, taking the course for credit towards their school or degree. They all knew, like their colleagues in my other classes, that I was gone last week for my dissertation defense. But this class was different.   First, they bo



Quote Function, Coworkers and New ISP (part rant)

I'm a member of a website called TC. It's great, the people are great, for the most part, and the conversations are wonderful. The one thing that really bugs me is that the hosts are a bit erm...pushy. And one thing they are VERY pushy about is that each reply must contain a quote, made using the quote button, of the post you're replying to. It doesn't matter if you are making a general reply to everyone, you still have to quote *something*. It's very annoying, but I don't think the quote butto




Yesterday, I was absent-mindedly strolling on campus, when a fairly non-threatening History student handed me a leaflet with this website scrawled on it. Why the hell would any learned individual, any rational person, support such a foul party? Universities are supposed to be havens for liberal thought! Instead at Exeter we bear witness to radical political groups such as the BNP above and the public-school-boy-lead Conservative Future Society



Interesting Stuff

I bought Nixon's Seize the Moment for $.75.   I got a 28 on my ACT, but would have done a lot better if we had 20 more minutes in several sections. But whatever, I did better than 93% of kids in the U.S.   The internet connection went out in the store yesterday and I fixed it. Saved everyone.   Saw Spidey 3 yesterday, pretty good movie.   I'm brainstorming all sorts of schemes for ways to raise several thousand dollars by next summer so I can go to Europe.   Ummm   I'm kinda bored.
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