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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


welcome to my freshly created blog!!

And...   Finally.   Finally I can create my own blog on UNRV This is soooo heartening!!   So, I am given a chance to practise my English writing (that I usually post entries on my blog in Chinese, or Chinglish). And no more silly stuffs from my daily life. Start focusing on history. Yes, history. Whenever I find some interesting articles about Roman history I am going to post them up here.   But nobody will visit my blog anyway.   My goal is to get improve on my English, to gain know



Austria advances to Semi-Final

Under 20 Soccer World Championship in Canada OMG, something is wrong on this planet, Austria actually has a damm good soccer team for a change!   Just a few minutes ago we have beaten the USA to advance to the Semi-Final. It was an excellent game with much more chances for Austria and so the win is more then well earned. I can`t believe it, we have currently one of the four best youth-teams in the soccer world



Going Home

I'm going back to PA tonight at 3 25 AM (yay?). I'm exhausted and so NOT looking forward to the trip. I am really going to miss being out here in MN and working with Al. I've learned so much, I can't wait to get my own shop set up and see what I can do!   The birdbath stand that was such a pain in the ass got taken out by some wind, it's a real shame after all I went through with it. It was a good project though, I learned a lot. We went to Raven Works Forge and I got to meet Joel and Sue; the



Raison D'Etre

I stopped by the local liquor store to see if I might find some Chateau Jiahu, to no avail. Not all was lost, since they did have some Raison D'Etre. I really enjoy adventurous brews like this, especially when one spirituous coppery glass can make me all warm and fuzzy.



Apocalypse, Please.

Lately I've been having weird dreams. The ***** has hit the fan for four of my friends and their respective girlfriends. (Within the last two days) I'm becoming more cynical of our government. I'm still freaked out by sleep problems and my weird dreams. I'm confused. The world I know is crumbling in this little village I live in.   I cope by doing photomanipulations in photoshop cs2. Here's my latest of myself... "Kiddies, Don't Play With Fire."

II AVG Cavalry

The cavalry unit of the Legion was present at the Bremmetenacvm event. Only four horsemen in all (not the regulation 40) , and even then the logistics of moving , preparing and saddling the animals was by no means easy. One of the animals in particular was a complete newbie to the event and bridling was a rather tense experience. The Commander also had to improvise a mounting block from a nearby stone wall as his mount ws a little nervy. http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=



LEG II AVG at Bremmetenacum

The annual visit of the II Augusta to Ribchester (their furthest North from their south coast HQ) is taking place this weekend . http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1787 http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1790 I was able to get some more useful shots of the proceedings which will appear in the gallery and then also in bulk on my external blog.This year the event was enlivened by the presence of the Legion's sub-unit of horsemen . As always the re-enac



A Cato for President, Pt II

Ron Paul, the libertarian presidential candidate who bears some resemblance to the historical Cato, has apparently eclipsed John McCain in the fundraising effort, according to this ABC news story.   I'm wondering who a good Roman analog for John McCain might be. Regulus, perhaps, the war hero tortured by the Carthaginians? Nominations welcome.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato


One of the great things of the net is instant feedback (most of time time at least), now i am proudly announce recently that our newsletter is now capable of Html and what do i get as a feedback from long standing member? "Huh, you guys got a newsletter?"   Hehe, well we added now a newsletter sign up box at the forum, for everyone to see even for those who never leave the forum...   thanks for the feedback, because we are listening...



Pagan Pride (and a few other things)

On Saturday I didn't get to go to the horse show, so I went to the Farmer's Market with Kathy. I am sure glad I did (I'm not disappointed at all about missing the horse show anymore. I was there for a little bit.) I met three people who I could talk about paganism with. The first was the salesgirl at a clothing store; she approached me and asked about my jewlery. It turns out she's Wiccan and we talked for about fifteen minutes on the subject of religion. The second was Robin who works at Brigid



Mens sana in corpore sano--but don't tell the Gauls

Left-wing Gauls are in an uproar that the leader of the Republic is...jogging. "Le running" is apparently too individualistic and too (say it with disgust) American for some. I guess they'll just have to replace their favorite term of abuse, "creeping Americanism", with "jogging Americanism"!   There's a great response to this fashionable idiocy by that Cato of perfidious Albion, fellow jogger Boris Johnson. (Of course, Cato didn't actually jog, but as a good Stoic, he did walk a lot -- and

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,



Passport from Hell: Part Deux.

I finally got hold of my new passport two days ago! That was definitely a day worth celebrating. The journey towards the passport, however, was an odyssey fraught with peril.   From where I left you last, it seems that I was frantically trying to get hold of the Home Office. This did indeed carry on for some time, but eventually I was able to get hold of them. And guess what? The photographs enclosed in my application had been damaged in the post (ahh the British Postal Service: once again, th



Bloody Passport!

About two months ago, I lost my passport in the midst of deepest, darkest Exeter. These days it is one of the few forms of recognisable I.D., and therefore those of us blessed (or cursed) with a youthful exterior must risk keeping on our person



How will the wife explain this?

From Yahoo news MIAMI (Reuters) - A Florida man awoke with a severe headache and asked his wife to drive him to a hospital, where doctors found a bullet lodged behind his right ear, sheriff's deputies said.     "The nurse looked at him and said, 'It appears that you've been shot,'" the Fort Pierce Tribune quoted St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara as saying. "And he said, 'No way.'"   The wife, April Moylan, fled the emergency room when the bullet was discovered but later told deputies s


Is turning out to be a lot easier especially now that I have a helmet that works properly. Al's helmet is way too big for me, and I had to hold it on, opera-glasses style. My new one is MINE and it's auto-darkening. No more "blind tack welding".   I'm currently working on some Oblisk lawn ornaments. This is actually really fun.   I haven't been this content or "mellow" in a long time. I used to be a complete spaz, but I'm not anymore. It's wonderful.



A Cato for President

So far Ron Paul strikes me as the most Catonian of US Presidential contenders. Though he's much, much older than the historical MPC (who was John Edwards' age when he died at Utica), Paul's opposition to fruitless military adventures, his principled constitutionalism, and his general philosophical outlook would certainly piss off any modern-day Caesar (or Livia).   Here's Ron Paul on The Daily Show.

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Phoenix Romana

It's late on a muggy summer night. Thought I'd drop in for a while. You know, catch up a bit.   Some things recent to me:   My summer greenhouse job ended; I applied at a retailer where I get paid copius amounts extra for knowing spanish. I also applied to the place I got my senior photos taken... a professional photography studio where the artist uses the same photomanipulating software I use-- Photoshop CS2-- and my skills will be put to good use!   I re-did my room. Threw out all the ga

Back to my First Lady

I now find that my drafted Livia has reached the sprawling mass of 92,000 words and she's only just escaping from Perusia. This means that unless some drastic editing is done, by the time we reach 35BC where I propose to end this first part of her story, the book will be pushing towards epic proportions. And so I set about pruning; weeding out gorgeous little cameo characters that have been a joy to create but who can be sacrificed as they add nothing to the overall story. I look through, re-

The Augusta

The Augusta

Been Busy

Wow, it's been a while since I updated this; it's been a while since I updated my other blog too. Al is keeping me busy, between working the forge, fishing, and occasionally getting to go with him when he works with horses.   I'm really starting to "get the hang of" this, and he's started turning me loose in the shop and leaving for the day. Yesterday I made a paper towel and tp holder, and the day before that, a decorative hinge. The blisters on my hands have healed and I actually have forear



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