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A Little Gloating

...OK, a LOT of gloating.   Copper is so much fun!!! This is what I did today after turning in two job applications. I did it in two parts, mostly because I had to give some serious thought on how to attach the leaf without it looking silly (I wasn't sure how well it would work with the leaf coming directly off the stem as it is. I'm really glad I did it!)         Now I need to acquire more scrap. Amazing what you can do with a few pieces of copper, some MIG/TIG wire (for the stem



Sacred Druidic Herbs and Asprin

As I move about the countryside , I find that my mind occupies two different temporal co-ordinates; the present and sometime circa 50 BCE to 125CE . These function as two fixed points between which strange things seem to happen as regards the flow and movement of medical thought, Great modern "discoveries" turn out to be not quite as modern nor undiscovered as first appears. The form and consistency of pre-prepared medicaments has certainly improved apace, but the mis-use and overuse of these s



A New Day (now that I'm coherent again)

Today, August 14, 2007 I became an Initiate on the Pathway of the Gods.   This wasn't supposed to happen until Samhain, or maybe one of the Dark or Full moons surrounding it. My mother Morrigan, however, had other plans. (And you *don't* argue with Her! ) When I told her I was ready, I was expecting to decide then what date would be right. Instead the reply I got was "well what are you waiting for??"   The ritual took place near the same spot in the forest where I did my Coming of Age Rite s



All done!

I'm patting myself on the back for two reasons today. Not only did my lads give an entertaining account of themselves (yes - note that word: 'entertaining') against Birmingham to start the new season off with 3 points and 63 home games unbeaten (not to mention Manure's humbling draw), but MORE IMPORTANTLY - my draft of 'Livia' is complete! Those of you who have followed this sad little tale of woe will know that I was struggling with a Tolstoyan word count earlier on, and now find that my comp

The Augusta

The Augusta

New Slew Of Books

After finishing my last round of books, (one of which was 'Ilium' by Dan Simmons, the most enjoyable science fiction book I've read in a while) I picked up a few more to read. I like to read several books at once, not only because my obsessive attention to things swings wildly about, but also because even the most disparate books can sometimes profoundly enhance each other in strange ways.   Brave New World & Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley   A History of Western Philosophy b



Vesuvius to Brigantia

How odd that another brief stroll should , this time without a hangover , should present me with what is now a commonplace weed in Britain that has a very exotic origin. Oxford Ragwort (Senecio squalidus) is a threat to any small grazing animal and non-too kind to humans . Immature animals can die from consuming the plant and humans can have a nasty reaction to contact on account of the toxins it contains.The toxic priciple is alkaloid and tends to poison by causing the liver to fix too much



Pathwork, Pathwork, Pathwork

This week has been filled with work on my personal path. I've renamed it Pathway of the Gods (on the suggestion of someone on Covenspace.com; I was clear out of ideas) because Walking With the Gods is just...not poetic at all. I've done a lot of work on the actual *path* part of it. Designing and working the bugs out of curricula, deciding on appropriate coursework, and actually *doing* the coursework myself. On top of that, I've written the Dedication and Initiation (both forming a two-part Ini



A banner day

Well, folks, the word of this week has been: culmination. I uploaded my finalized dissertation to UMI, which is the publisher that UT (and many, many other universities) uses, and it's currently under review. I mailed my final papers to the Grad School, and they were received today. All that's left is for them to finalize everything, bill me for my processing fee...and that's it.   I woke up this morning, and i felt...calm. In my mind, when I pay that final fee, then I'll be really done,



::Squeals with Delight::

I don't know how it happened, but when I was going to screw around with Snapfire, I found a copy of Corel Paint Shop Pro on my computer!! I don't know where it came from; the only thing I can think of is that it came loaded on the computer (it did come with a lot of photo software). It's better than anything I've ever used (so I doubly hope it's not just a trial version that will go away). I am so psyched!!   As of this moment, I'm back into digital art.   Now it's going to be REALLY hard fo




Well I talked to the guy who would have been my boss today. He said that he really was only looking for a subcontractor (and that I really hadn't made an issue by calling too much; I and my friend had both blown it out of proportion). I'm unable to be a subcontractor until I have a shop to work in, but I said I'd give him a call as soon as I had a place to work. He asked for my number as well which shows me he definitely is interested. He also filled me in on the name of the guy in Beaver Lake.



Oh Well

I got home yesterday (finally! It was great to be able to sleep in my own bed!). I went into my old work just to say hi and ran into my friend. She seemed angry with me, it turns out that the reason the job I thought I had wasn't working out as planned was because a) I had been calling my perspective boss' house (I was given that number and I had assumed they had a home office; it didn't make sense that I would be given his *home* phone number!!) I called a few too many times (even though I was



City of Buthrotum/Butrint

Alb:Butrint/Latin:Buthrotum/Greek:Buthroton is a city in the deep south of Albania located a strategic peninsula surrounded by a lake(bearing the city's name) to its north, marshes east and south and the Ionian sea to the west.   The city carries an amazing history, archaeological finds show settlement in the area since the 10th to 8th century BC, reaching its Greek cultured peak in the 4th. The city was expanded upon during Roman rule, a small colony created by Pompey the Great was made into

Divi Filius

Divi Filius

A Caesar for President?

The efforts of Hugo Chavez to hide Venezuela's continuing slide to dictatorship has become truly absurdist.   According to the BBC, Chavez has vowed to expel foreigners who even accuse him of dictatorship, remarking "How long are we going to allow a person - from any country in the world - to come to our own house to say there's a dictatorship here, that the president is a tyrant, and nobody does anything about it?" These comments came on the same weekend that Manuel Espino, president of Mex

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

New Hope (again)

I finally got to New Hope today, and I finally got my gemstone runestones! They are made of sunstone, and they are beautiful! I actually first bought a set of rainbow moonstone ones, but I couldn't connect with them, like there was a shield around them and they wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't stop thinking about the sunstone ones! I swear they were calling me so loudly I couldn't ignore it, so I actually went back and asked if I could trade the moonstone ones I'd just bought for the sun



Venin de Crapaud

I have written previously about Hemlock Conium maculatum (and its main poisonous principle the virulent alkaloid coniine, which essentially makes its victim "forget" to breathe), coldness of the flesh moving from the feet toward the chest with a gentle numbness being its significant property. It is said no pain attends this death.   I was taking a gentle stroll to relieve a modest hangover when I happened upon two items , lying by the wayside, that a maleficium would have ceased upon with g



Green Dragon and a Wedding

Well, I'm back safe and sound in PA. I really missed Pennsylvania, and any thoughts I once had of moving out west are now completely gone. I love this place.   Yesterday we went to Green Dragon...it's a HUGE flea market both indoors and outdoors. It's enormous. I didn't buy anything but a sno cone and a pretzel, but I had a good time just checking everything out.   This afternoon my cousin is getting married. It's going to be so weird that Becky is going to be a Pearson instead of a McJilton



When a hobby turns into work....

Phew, now when we (PP, Moon and I) started in 2003 with Unrv.com we couldnt imagine how this all would turn out, all we wanted was a simple site with some basic info for a online role play game that theme was the Roman Empire...   The growth of articles and members and contributers is growing in a pace thats just incredible, to give you some examples...   Google has 58.000 pages indexed, now thats massive looking back starting with about 20 a few years back...   2007 till yesterday Unrv.co



Ah, the feeling of summer!

There are aspects to summer that everyone can count on. The sweet smell of blooms in the garden. The salty air experienced on a vacation at the coast. Watching lightning bugs flicker in the evening darkness.   For me...I can count on the fact that I'm not just mosquito fodder, but I'm a gormet meal.   Well, I must be...it doesn't matter what I do, I'm bitten. I've yet to find a product, either natural or chemical, which keeps the suckers off of me. I've been offered all sorts of remedie



Poison Toxicity

As many of you will know I maintain a morbid interest in toxic items from ethnobotany , and likewise the animal kingdom where its creatures were known and "utilised" in a known (or fabled ) historical context...Cleopatra's asp as our most prominent , recent televised suicide in Rome 2.   I intend to revise my list of plant poisons (previous blogs) and add some spiteful animals (and fish). However a scale of toxicity is needful if we are to determine the relative efficacy of our assassinatio



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