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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums



I thought I'd just quickly bash out an entry.   As you all probably know, i am an avid guitar player nad have just recently got half way/almost there through learning this song, I get tired out though - guitar players will know what I mean, my fingers begin to ache basically. Although i know the song, I suggest you skip to the solo to 6mins20secs so 6:20. If you have a spare 5 mins, or you can listen to it in the background. I cannot finish the song though because I snapped a string . Here is

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

OMG YAY!!! I'm so excited!!!

I just bought a beautiful, brand new, rosewood and mahogany Celtic harp last night!!! I can't wait until it gets here!! I can't imagine what possessed me (I spent about three weeks' pay on the thing) but I am so excited about it!!!!   I got a pretty good deal on it, harp, case, two books, extra strings and tuning tool for about 300 bucks.   This is the harp I'm getting, but I found it as a combo deal on Ebay instead of buying it from here.



Stuck in the 80`s

I don`t know what is (is there?) wrong with me, no matter how good a new artist is, or how intriguing a new pop/rap/rock/soul/alternative/whatever song is, i quickly loose interest and get back to my good old 80`s songs...   ...am i getting too old for all those new "superstars" that i dont seem to catch on? Sure, some of "my" hero`s" are still around, but there are not many that made it all the way from the eighties into todays charts, so how will todays kids feel in twenty years? Do older




I just picked up this album tonight and I'm really enjoying it, though I'm not sure that anyone reading this would...   As someone who's spent countless hours listening to the 20+ years worth of their music, I consider this to be some of the finest.



Gaius Octavius

A name to strike dread into the heart of many UNRV posters. Not as you may assume the Queen of Bythinia , rather we are talking downtown Bronx and Queens. Some recent members will not be aware of the dread shadow that this name casts over such a staid and scholarly forum , a man capable of posts varying from DaDa-ist "happenings" to "stream of consciousness" psychadelica. If Sigmund Freud had a darkest fear I suggest it would be Gaius Octavius, dressed as a giant chicken, perching on the headbo



Fruit of the Silvery-Green Tree

What is it about olives?   Just...what is it about them?   I used to hate them until very recently; the brine or cure in which they are placed often either tasted bad to me or really didn't sit well in my stomach. In general, most things that are pickled set my tummy into the duck-and-cover position, unless the balance is so light on the vinegar that it hardly has bite. Sourkraut is a total no-no, and most gardinera mixes (Italian pickled veggies, which are often part of an antipasto sprea



Uva Taminia

One theme that runs through my blog is the appearence of things in the modern world that were well known in antiquity , but are almost forgotten today. Black Bryony (Tammus communis) is in glorious fruiting condition ,prompted by the warm weather as Britain enjoys a very belated indian summer. This is the plant known to Pliny (The Elder, as usual), as Uva Tamina.   If you had been a wealthy person suffering from gout, chilblains or ulcerated legs in Pliny's day, the macerated sap of this pl



Two (that's the number after one apparently)

Thanks for the warm comments, I left off at the part when my life went a bit crazy and I had just asked my mate to help me write the book. I think!   Well at this point about 10 months ago I was still drawing and noting, nothing serious when I received several phone calls and letters and what-not. All saying that my request to emmigrate to Australia, so I had just sorted out my life after a messy braek-up when I get the news. The bungalow had just sold so i didn't have long left in there eithe

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa


This is my blog then, I will try and write an entry 1-4 times a month, I hope you will enjoy my musings. This particular entry is about how and why I ended up here at UNRV.com. It is quite uplifting to be able to write a blog so please comment .   Well, here it goes. Romans have become a huge part of my life, almost accidently I stumbled on this site while searching for Rome: Total War. I had a peek, didn't think much of it and moved on by hitting 'back' hehe.   A few months later I had jus

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa


Finally the Rugby World Cup has started, the most entertaining team sport (in my eyes at least) kicked of in France and the host already got beaten up by Argentina, a not so big surprise if you look at their last 5 encounters...   So, everyone is talking about New Zealand and how they will be the next world champion, i tell you know it is not going to be easy, i got a hunch they have to take on France in the quarter final and will get kicked out of the tournament, leaving the door open for Sou



First Few Days...

My first two days of work have been tough. Yesterday was bad because I had practically no sleep for the two nights before that. Today went fairly well, and I am really starting to enjoy it...but I'm still hoping that I made the right choice, because I'm having "darker moments" of extreme doubt...which I really don't understand. I go from feeling like this job is the best thing that could have happened to me to feeling like I've had a bad feeling about it all along and I should have listened to m



Lookie what I got in the mail!

Innit puuuuuuuuuurdy!?   (BTW, to borrow the British expressions...I'm bleeding on Cloud 9, but and completely knackered...but am enjoying some champers to celebrate nonetheless!)   (I can't upload the damned picture, for some stupid reason, but it's in the Gallery: click here)




OMG YAY!!! I got a job!! A totally awesome job, with wonderful hours, and I talked to my boss on the phone and in person and he seems REALLY cool. It's doing machine/metal work, and I've done that manner of work before and I LOVED IT!! I'm SO excited to start tomorrow!!   WhOoT!!!



Earth and Fire

Ye gods, today has been a day!! I'm exhausted!!   I've now got not one, but two jobs "on the line". Yesterday I put in an application at the Dushore Market...again. This morning, after going on a mad search for a wood burning tool, I picked up a newspaper and saw an ad for a machine operator at HTM. I went up and applied, except they were only looking for night shift (shift ending at midnight). I told them I really didn't want to work nights, but I put in an application anyway, and he said he'



Deva , The Roman Garden

At Chester Zoo there has been an attempt to re-create a Roman garden , or certain elements of types of garden. The medicinal, the rustic (cottage garden) and the ornamental are represented in an overlapping reconstruction. The problem with visiting a Zoo is of course the spectacle of large , dumb animals wandering aimlessly and displaying semi-psychotic behaviour , whilst their offspring are never allowed to live in freedom (nor experience a healthy diet). The animals look pretty pissed off a



The Anti-Marian Reforms

Marius is infamous (perhaps to a degree that is unwarranted) for opening up the ranks of the Roman legions to the landless, propertyless "head-count" of Rome. The result: an army that unquestioningly obeyed its commanding officers, even when the officers threatened to topple the republic (and finally did).   The widely-vaunted alternative to this ever-present threat--in the US, most recently revived by Douglas MacArthur; elsewhere, seen in military coups from Venezuela to Pakistan--is "civili

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Lazy days

What a feeling...I would have slept in, save for the 10 pound roaring lioness sitting on my chest at 7:05am, wanting to know why I hadn't gotten up 5 minutes earlier like usual (I swear, I need to train Bella on the concept of sleeping in...). But I really had nothing to do today. I finished all of the planning for my Tues/Thurs course, and the other set of courses is all planned--now I just need the contract and other paperwork to get into the system, which would allow me to upload everything



So What's New

I finally got my butt in gear and wrote that article about Morrigan for the site. It's in for editing/feedback now and it should be published sometime soon I hope. I did that a few days ago. I also made my mom a snake out of Sculpey clay. It's beautiful, and I can't believe I did so well. Neither can she; I had a hard time convincing her I actually made it.   Still looking for a job, but I'm enjoying the time off. I went back to the two places where I put in applications; one doesn't have any



The youngest legionary ever!

I recently took my family to the annual children's Roman festival at the Birdoswald Fort on Hadrians Wall, it's a great day out for the kids, they get the chance to join the Roman army, dress up as legionnaires, they go through training, marching, singing Roman songs and then end up in a battle against some invading barbarians (aka the dads). They get to race chariots at the the Circus Minimus, the game involves rolling a dice to move around the track, the winners are rewarded with a genuine (ch

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

Well, folks, it's over. My career as a student has now fully come to an end. My dissertation has been accepted by UMI, the publishing group which tells us if the work is 'up to snuff' for the College of Grad Studies. I have been billed for all graduation fees ($8 for processing, $55 for uploading the dissertation (both are automatic), and $65 for having UMI register my copyright with the Library of Congress (which is a pain in the ass that I am willing to pay for)), and they have been paid.




465.34 is how much senior books cost for me (add the 11000 tuition). JC, I also have to wait to buy two more books that cost in excess of 150. Owell, August 23 and back to school.   I ONLY CAN IMAGINE HOW MUCH IT JUST COSTS TO BUY COLLEGE BOOKS!
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