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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums



The good news, actually the unbelievable news is, we just had our one millionth visitor to the site for 2007!!!   The not so good news is, our tiny little shared server (with about 40 other domains) that is made for mum and pops site is aching and breaking, sooner or later we have to make a decision to probably upgrade to a dedicated server, which means a server that runs just our site, the even worse news is, that such a dedicated server is only available from 160 dollar a month or more...  



NEW New Harp

She's here, and in good condition. There is a small odd mark in the finish however that can be remedied with some furniture polish and I'm not worried about it. I'm not tuning her a lot at one time, giving the strings and frame some time to "rest" in between, hoping to avoid undue stress on her.



Hello? Is this thing on?

Greetings and salutations! I've had access to this thing for a week or so and have been waiting for something really profound to occur to me to say so that I could post it.   Well, welcome to "Plan B."   By way of introduction, I'm G-Manicus. G-Manicus being my lame attempt to Romanize my "non de plume" that I use on other message boards, "G Man." And no, I don't work for the FBI either. My first name begins with "G" and I'm a fan of the New York football Giants, aka "The G Men." Fasci



Bindrune Pendant

This was my first attempt at doing anything even remotely like this (on all levels) and I am very pleased with the result! When I do something like this again (I will, because I truly enjoyed making it) I will hopefully have a better woodburner, (what I have is a soldering iron which can't really do curves...and doesn't get hot enough to really mark the wood) and I will be a bit more careful with the colors (the gold tends to smear). I'll also be pickier about my wood.   Made from a slice of H



New digs!

So I'm finally able to move out on my own again, and am now 'broadcasting' from my new apartment! It's a small studio in downtown/Japantown San Jose, in an old Victorian. No, Don Tomato, it doesn't have A/C...it has a gas heater. That's it.   But this place is almost done. Most all of the boxes are unpacked; the rest will be done once my brother puts up a bookcase for me. Some stuff remains in his garage; other will be given to Goodwill/Salvation Army. But most everything I have fits in



DUDE It's Been Awhile...

Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!   The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged.   Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and d



One for the ladies.....

9 WORDS WOMEN USE   1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are   right and you need to shut up.   2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.   Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more   minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.   3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and   you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually en

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

Gaius Paulinus Maximus


Well if yo bare with me I'd like to place an image in your heads, imagine if you will: A sterile like clean plastic base about the size of an adequately sized bedroom. Connected on like a limpet a circular dial, atop a clear tube filled with all your possessions. Now slowly and carefully place both hands on the dial. It's cold but you can't stop yourself. With a shrill matallic sound it slowly shifts around. The room fills with a monstrous etherly grumble and shakes - at first small but then gr

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

I Hate Protesters

Apparently, my school kicked out a kid who did something retarded-->Link to Article   So now I got the friggin leftest Nation of Islam and the Millions More Movement protesting at my school tommorrow. I actually love my high school and think it has not done anything wrong. The only problem here is that the hypocritical jackasses out there are bringing up the race issue because the student who was expelled is black. My school is primarily white, but we have a good number of minorities and t

Gold Std vs Fiat Cuurency

Gaius Octavius:   QUOTE(Moonlapse @ Sep 22 2007, 01:26 PM) Fiat money...     I doubt if a modern economy could exist without fiat money. The transaction amounts are much too great. When the Spanish introduced New World gold to Europe, there was a great inflation! --------------------------------- Moonlapse:   QUOTE(Gaius Octavius @ Sep 23 2007, 12:24 PM) QUOTE(Moonlapse @ Sep 22 2007, 01:26 PM) Fiat money...   I doubt if a modern economy could exist without fiat money.   You a

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius


An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity.   By that definition i am addicted to the internet,   ..due to overload at work i can not log on to the net every day and it sucks, on an emotional and practical level... ...how did we manage without it before? (yeah i know we just were more outside sniffing fresh air, engange in recreational activities under something called sunlight and were talking with humans face to face)   If there is somet



24 things that make you a man... Grrrrr

1. OPENING JARS - She's struggling. You take it from her hands, open it effortlessly and pretend she loosened it for you. She didn't. Jars are men's work.   2. CALLING SOMEONE 'SON' - Especially policeman but even saying it to kids makes you the man.   3. DOING A PROPER SLIDE TACKLE - Beckham free kicks - camp. A Stuart Pearce tackle is the pinnacle of the game, simultaneously winning the ball and crippling the man. Magic.   4. SHARPENING A PENCIL WITH A STANLEY KNIFE - Blunt, is it? Ha

Gaius Paulinus Maximus

Gaius Paulinus Maximus


I was sitting cross legged in front of the radio. My elbows on my knees and my chin perched on my palms. I was listening to the Lone Ranger. I was galloping on Silver and plugging owlhoots. My reverie was rudely interrupted when I heard the two most odious words in the English language - Thamiss and school - all in the same sentence! Thamiss has plagued me all my life. Somehow it comes natural to humans. I think that it is the first word my grand-niece ever uttered. It follows me like a curse. I

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

LEG GEM XIIII Martia Victrix

The 14th! http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1936   As can be seen we are in the period 75 CE -125 CE or thereabouts. Once again we have excellent attention to authenticity , from quotidian detail of carried (Centurion) marching gear : http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1937 and camp implements : http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=1935 some robust noble born persons: http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...si&img=194



Being A Kid.

Put me down! Let me go!, you wild, weird, wicked woemens! Stop petting me! I'm not a doggie! Quit kissing me! You're embarrassing me. My pals are laughing at me.   This is how that scene came about. During WWII, the traffic on our street was like an unending snake. Men had to get to the docks. The cross street had practically no traffic. In the event of a crash, the men simply got out of their jalopies and punched each other out. Case closed. Some politico decided that a traffic light would be

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Just an Update

My new job is going great, I feel like my old self again, and I haven't felt this good since...well...it's been probably a year now!! I'm starting to write poetry again, too; I haven't written in quite a while. Picked up a book of Tennyson poems at a used book store, and that has definitely renewed my interest in poetry.   As for the harp, well, it appears as though the crack is getting bigger. it also looks like the top part of the frame is listing off to the side. There seems very little ch




I'm enjoying my first ever glass of militites from the Meadery of the Rockies. I chose the semi-sweet Guinevere, and I have to say that this is very drinkable though I might go with a drier mead next time. I can taste things in the honey that are not normally noticable when it's consumed raw. Anyone else have a mead that they'd recommend?



Fact Check #1: State of U.S. Manufacturing

I'm constantly stunned by the media's misrepresentation of economic facts. Consider the oft-repeated claim that the US manufacturing sector is "ailing", "hard hit", "dying", and all the rest. Why you'd think it was the Roman republic! Well, it is--strong and healthy, but terribly misunderstood.   Here are the real statisticsabout U.S. manufacturing in 2006:    

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

My Harp is Here

...and looks like it's going to have to be sent back. There's what looks like a crack, or at least, a shoddy glue job, where the two pieces of the frame meet. At the very least, it will probably effect the sound. Still waiting to hear back from the girl I bought it from, to see if it's an issue. Mom is *insisting* that it's not a problem but I think it probably is.



Lt. Col. Mac

Burial Notice - Mc Inerney‏   Sent: Mon 9/17/07 5:58 PM To: All Mac's Friends   At 1:00 PM on Thursday, 11 October 2007 Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Michael Mc Inerney will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. It will be a Graveside Cremate Service. Full honors will be observed (band, escort, caisson, body bearers, firing party.) One body bearer will carry his first wife

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Banana Heads.

These Bible thumping neo-con job artist turkeys really need a lot of hard work on their heads. Help me! One may destroy human embryos but not use them for stem cell research?   When told that God is not mentioned in the Constitution, a block headed retard replied: "Wrongo! The date, Anno Domini!"

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Plague and Rats (Plague and Rye redux).

Primus Pilus kindly sent me a copy of "Justinian's flea"   http://www.amazon.co.uk/Justinians-Flea-Pl...2722&sr=8-1   Which I intend to review in full shortly.I have however been receiving pms from forum members regarding both the Antonine and Justinian episodes, and I now wish to give a short summary of additional information regarding possible causation. Of the fascinating transformation of Yersinia psuedotubercolosis into Y.pestis (the actual "plague") I will leave you to discover



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