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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Academic Podcasts

Most universities have recently restriced access to their actual course lecture podcasts. Instead, they now typically offer boring crap or political keynote lectures. However, Berkeley still offers public access to complete semester course lectures going back several years. Hopefully, they keep it up.   http://webcast.berkeley.edu/courses.php



World's Biggest Dork? (even I'm not usually this bad)

OK, I must deserve some sort of prize for this one. You know, for my superior grace and dignity.   Here's the story:   I was coming down with an ear infection this weekend. Now, I'm prone to ear infections, especially in my right ear. I know what they feel like. They can be excruciating! Normally, I would get myself to the doctor for antibiotic drops STAT however it was Sunday. I was no way no how going to the emergency room for an ear infection, so I did what I could to patch myself up at



Another week.

And even as I've been stressed until my limits I must say it's been a really good one. So far I've handed in one paper (that I'm at the moment translating for anyone who's interested. It's on dating methods and survey techniques.). I've received a new paper to write 10-12 pages in ancient mill techs (Yes I enjoy ancient technology a lot ) that are to be handed in the 16th. It's quite a pain in the ass but I've been a good boy and so far I've got 8 pages. My big essay is also, more slowly admitte



My back hurts

Much like the headline says, my back hurts. It's not a constant pain, but it's rather situational and stems from a problem with my sciatic nerve. If I sit for a long time, or lay in certain positions, I find it difficult to get up and/or walk straight. The pain isn't overwhelming but its certainly dysfunctional. My chiropracter/kinesiologist is helping to minimize the impact, but can't seem to relieve the problem altogether (yes that's a form of holistic care coupled with traditional chiropr

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

Wheel of the Year

I finished this, finally, in about 10 hours of work. There's a lot more symbolism in it than I intended...actually the unintended stuff seems to be the more meaningful. I made this to use with Runic divination.  



Building a blog...

One of the reasons I decided to revisit this little personal UNRV blog is because of a related project I am working on in the office... yes my real job... not my UNRV perch.   Despite working for a communications firm (broadcasting, public relations, etc., not phones and such) we are a bit behind the times when it comes to using the internet as a tool for certain clients. One of our major business categories is developing online video "news" broadcasts that companies use to communicate with e

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

So what is this thing called a blog

As you can see, I haven't exactly made great use of this blog thing. I posted a few coin entries... but I really don't have the heart for it.   From here on out, this will be more personal in nature. So without further adieu...   Item #1. We (my wife and I) are hosting a wine tasting party for a few couples this Saturday night. Our group is mostly inexperienced in wine save for myself, my wife and one other couple. We have already made the bulk of purchases for our tasting stock, but

Primus Pilus

Primus Pilus

Avatar and pic update.

Well it's been one hell of a week this one. Halloween is indeed a dangerous time of the year. The essays are to progress at the same time as I am to attend to party's this year it was two of them. Nope, I'm very much not complaining about that! I went dressed as an evil druid hopefully I'll find a decent picture when my friends send them and I'll show you how evil I can be. Had a really great time! Actually I've also had the privilege to be able to make some extra cash, helping a company move. G



TGIF (and some new artwork!)

This week was actually pretty good, all things considered. Still, I'm tired. I was sick over the weekend, and started out the week not being able to eat well, so I was already off to a nasty start. Add to that hormone fluctuations and a few other things, and well, it went well but I'm glad it's over.   My beads from Fire Mountain came yesterday, and I made a couple of bracelets. I'm not entirely happy with them, for various reasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how they came out.   Elemen



Greek Fire and re-usable laxatives.

I have encountered a case today of a person suffering systemic poisoning by antimony trisulphide. This is fairly unusual , but not impluasible as he has been working with heavy machine bearings which contain an alloy of antimony .Antimony has a very strange history as a medicine, a cosmetic , part of a weapon system and a medieval re-usable laxative. Antimony is toxic if one has more than 100 milligrams in the body, indeed 2 mg is the norm for an adult. Rather unfortunately it has had a long vog



I felt the earth...move...under my feet...

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!   So, at 8:04pm PDT, there was about a 5.0 earthquake centered approximately 6 miles from my place. It were funnnn!!!   Ok, it wasn't fun...well, not 'not fun'...kinda thrilling. See, if you're born in 'earthquake country,' you know what to do in an instant: find a place to take cover (under a desk, in a doorway), make sure you have something on your feet, and ride it out...it doesn't last long. But this was the first one in my life that I really, real



Oh the idiocy of it all...

I decided that I'd go out for sushi tonight...and being that I live in Japantown, well, I knew it'd be good. Oh boy...I oopsed big time.   I'm allergic to shellfish. It's an interesting food allergy...comes in a variety of forms. Usually, the afflicted person is more affected by either crustaceans, mollusks or cephalopods; for me, crustaceans are evil. It also afflicts the poor soul in a variety of ways: the worst being apoplectic shock, others are covered in hives, and those like me are



Pantagathus in Peril!

If you have been paying any attention to my blog, then you know that Pantagathus has been plagued by weresquirrels. He has been trying to cultivate some rare species of flora, namely, daisies, in the wilderness called a garden in those parts. Simply put: he plants and waters; the squirrels munch and water. His Greekness finally had enough. He engaged the services of Sherlock Plopodopulous, and his brother Hercule Terraproctulos. They in turn hired the famous Cherokee Indian tracker, Ashley Wilke

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Oy Vey

Wow it's been a long while since I wrote something in here!   I'm really starting to enjoy my work, not that I wouldn't rather be home, but because I don't have anything to worry about when I come home. It's wonderful! My boss switched my hours this week, so I start at 6 AM and get out at 12 PM...not bad, not bad at all. I have the whole afternoon off.   Life has been crazy though, not so much on a physical level but on a spiritual one. I'm not complaining but I could do with a break sometim



Joy and relief

Well a few days have passed by, they still don't know who set fire to the school but things are looking brighter anyway for all the students there. I am most impressed by the local governments quick work. There's already new plans and founds for the new building. It's actually unbelievable fast.   My lecture I was giving went well too, the first year tech students were even interested, which I'm most happy for since I was worried that I wouldn't be able to inspire them. Even thou I cannot go t



Weekend anguish.

My first blog entry, who would have thought that. Not me at least. Not a chance.   Well here it is. I thought I'd share some of my thoughts with the community, for what reason I do not know.   Anyway todays subject is lectures. As I'm writing this I'm taking a short break from working on the lecture I'm to give a high school class tomorrow morning. It's only the second time I'm giving a lecture and this one is far shorter then the last one. That was a few weeks back and I had spent the whol




I have returned, although I didn't leave for long. I think it's about time to reveal my age, I am sure you won't be surprised. I am therefore stil at school, am working towards uni and possibly moving into finance (however I am not boring as i am sure you have all atained). However for purposes i wish didn't exist i will not have my age up for long before i turn it back to 0, as i don't really want my age on the internet for long. I was fed up of 'lying' to you lot.   I think you will now unde

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Rugby World Champion 2007 ---> South Africa!

OMG, I am a prophet! As you can see on my previous post before the world cup, i did predict that New Zealand will loose against the french and that South Africa is going to be the next World Champion, (thats what happend) you may say Nostradamus to me!   What a defensive master piece of the Springboks, and what a disaster from the english site to try (first half) to make that a kicking game, when the whole world knows the line out is Springbok-Territory!   A very tense, defensive game on b



The greatest thing since sliced bread.

Yesterday I indicated that the following are the greatest inventions / discoveries in the history of the world: 1) Fire 2) The Wheel 3) Football 4) TiVo 5) The NFL Sunday Ticket I also mentioned the fact that my neighbor is able to use a projector so that we can now watch live TV on the side of his house on a 500 SF screen is also right there on my list now as well. All of this got me thinking of the phrase "the greatest thing since sliced bread" and I said to myself "Self, what IS the grea



Some Correspondence

Done with the permission of the contra party (Praebitorae). -----------------------------------------------------------000--------------------------------------------------------------------   QUOTE "Hey, My Lady:   Actually, it's not very funny to me.   These sub-morons drive me to distraction. Yeah, lets kill all the Jews! Even the doctors who are keeping me alive! Even my neighbors! The ones I joke with, and have lunch with. And then there was my Grand Aunt, who may have been Jewish.

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Are you ready for some football? (and other assorted stuff)

I'm looking forward to watching my beloved NY Giants this evening who are in Atlanta to take on the Atlanta Falcons on Monday Night Football. The Giants are riding high atop a 3 game winning streak while the Falcons are spiraling out of control faster than Britney Spears at an open bar. And as if the Falcons weren't having enough problems, what with noted dog lover Michael Vick and all, both of their offensive tackles are hurt and will be replaced by guys making their first ever career starts



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