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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Thunderbirds Have Gone!

I strolled into work this morning expecting to have to clear everything away so our new portakabin can be inserted into place. My jaw dropped spellbound as I entered the warehouse. The old cabin, that looked like a refugee from an abandoned railway line, has gone. In its place was a huge palatial (and clean) cabin.   I was so looking forward to watching another foul-up and writing it up in loving exacting detail, but I can't. International Portakabins have arrived in their green articulated t



Confessions of a Voyeur

A little while ago I was busy with my beloved PC (together now for nine years - we're such good friends). Now every so often real life intrudes on my happy relationship as nature calls, so up I got and headed for the bathroom. In doing so, I glanced out the window - fatal mistake...   My neighbour across the street was busy with her boyfriend. I'm not sure how to be discrete about this... And I know you're dying to know what she was doing.... Let me assure you it was humanly possible (sort of)



Point of Honour

A while ago I mentioned AM. he's that geriatric New Zealander who just won't keep quiet. Well, as a young man he was in the East African Rifles in Tanganyika - I assume he is actually telling the truth about that although it would suprise me if its all bluster, he does tend to.. - and regards himself as an expert on all things african.   This morning, as we waited for the library to open, he commented at length on his opnions of the regretable violence that has escalated in Kenya. His opnion w



Mistaken Identity

I've been shouted at by a woman as I left work yesterday. Don't know why - she just started on me and gave her opinions as to my capability. Yeah whatever lady, just keep taking the pills. No doubt she's bragging to her friends and family about how she saw me off, but could my lookalike please stop upsetting everyone?   Advert of the Week The banner hung on the front of the church I passed on the way to work said - 'Join the Alpha Course - Discover the meaning of life'. Isn't that typical of



Bring out yer dead!

I'm in a celebrity dead pool and I need your help!   For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, a celebrity dead pool is a pool whereby you pay a $20 entry fee and select a roster of celebrities (20 in our case). If one of them "goes" during the year, you subtract their age from 100 and that's how many points you get. Person with the most points at the end of the year wins the pot.   Go ahead. Get it out of the way. Feign your moral outrage. Your righteous indignation. Everyone does. I



Bits and bytes or paper?

Something to ponder about...   ...let`s say you want to leave a message to the people in the year 4000. You could write that message onto a USB Memory Stick or a DVD or on a Hard Drive or on a piece of paper. What is your guess what the chances are that (assuming the sealed box would be found and all 4 are in good condition) archaeologists would be able to identify all 4 pieces as some form of a message?   I have a hunch that the archaeologists of the 5th Millenium will have a very hard time



I'm just blown away

Ok, I'm not, really, but it makes for a great title.   I crack up anymore about meteorology and the news. If you're here in the States, and perhaps on some BBC newscasts, the weather here in Northern California made headlines. "Monster storm!" "Buckets of rain!" "Flooding!"   Yeah, ok. Let me 'splain some tings, Loocee: 1) January is usually a wet month for us. Usually November is, too, as is March...this time 'round November was kinda dry, but so far January's holding up its end



New Years Resolutions

The tv weather warning was very clear. Rainclouds moving into cold air right over Rushey Platt. Snow! Now since England is the one country in the world totally unable to cope with this phenomenon I decided to take precautions against inclement weather. Pointless. As usual, the snow avoided Rushey Platt like the plague. This always seems to happen. Some years ago the whole country was inundated with snowdrifts up to 6' deep - but not Rushey Platt, blissfully clear of anything remotely resembling




For the New Year, GO RESOLVES to:   Stop bugging the Lost Soul, My Lady Sophia, Doll, My Lords Pantagathus & Pertinax, The G-Man, MPC, and of course, the most highly esteemed and honourable "Fair is fair, young man,....".   Start bugging Domina Nomina, Kosmo, Viggen, The Klingon, GPM, JR, Faustus, and Moonlapse.   Stop imbibing of wine, whisky, and beer - while posting to UNRV.   Stop posting in enigmas so as not to confuse great minds.   Not to use talking smilies!   Stop lyin

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Life ate my brain...

But I have it back now. *Pries brain out of life's mouth*. A little spit covered, but no worse for wear. *grins*   Over the past year or so, I've been so preoccupied with work, and other things, that I've hardly had time to do anything I cared about. And when I DID have time, I was usually so bogged down with depression or something similar, that I couldn't manage to do anything. It started sometime last winter...and during that time when pretty much my whole focus was on surviving and maintai



Thunderbirds Are Go!

Some of you might have seen Thunderbirds, that wonderful 60's puppet series by Gerry Andersen. Every episode some daring engineering achievement goes horribly wrong, and our square jawed lads from a pacific island rush into action with their futuristic machinery to rescue everyone from the explosions guaranteed in the final moments. Well then. Sit back, switch the TV on, and watch as the Warehouse bring in our new office.   As forklifts go, this one is pretty big. It dwarfs the cabin resting o



Christmas Stuff (and alexandrite for Nephele)

I LOVE MY DREMMEL!!!!   Random blue stone lying around the house, seed, silver, and rainbow obsidian beads.     My new natural alexandrite ring:   (sunlight)   (incandescent light)     I'm just taking it easy today. I have had three panic attacks in the past two days, and I'm trying to relax, and get this under control before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm somewhere in between "keep myself occupied" and "don't do anything stressful" and hoping for a good day.   Mer



Christmas Comes Early

We did all our Christmas stuff Friday, and yesterday. I have a 4 day weekend, so mom figured I might as well have my stuff so that I can use it on my days off. She gave me a dremmel (well...similar thing) which I am going to have a ton of fun with. I have a bunch of stones in various states of tumbled, polished and unpolished, and I have plans for them! I made one thing yesterday, a beautiful piece of Montana agate with a gold sunrise etched on it...for Cernnunnos in honor of Yule.   I was ver



Merry Xmas

Its getting dangerous walking to and from work. That car salesman is watching me walk past like a predator on the african savanna under the shade of a tree. Quick Caldrail, avert your eyes, he'll think your wallet is open....   I've passed Santa on the street. looking very dapper, even effete without his usual white beard, and obviously on a diet. I think its like any celebrity, downdressing to avoid the publics attention.   Is it just me, or is this going to be the dullest christmas ever?




I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.   An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.   Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the fl



Whats In A Name?

What is it about Christmas? All of a sudden the town center is full of people ambling about clogging up the pavement. Millions of them. They're everywhere. Where do these people come from? Is there a warehouse somewhere that stores them until the festive season? Are our motorways clogged every year by mass distribution of shoppers?   Someone in town called out to me. I couldn't see who it was given the swarms of shoppers sweeping majestically across the road. She used my real name which is so



Another Bindrune Pendant (and a ton of snow)

I completed another bindrune pendant--this one goes on the rear view mirror of my car, for protection during travel. It was inspired by a rather harrowing journey home from work last Thursday.     It's snowing again, GRRRR. Snow and ice. *Knock on wood* the power did not go out. We thought it would, with all of the ICE and snow. I hope to hell I can get to work safely tomorrow, or that it's bad enough that I can call off...because I nearly didn't make it into work Friday morning. Oh, the ro



Caldrail - You're in Charge!

There I was, blissfully asleep after a long night before, woken by my mobile phone. Its AD, asking me if I wanted to come in on my day off. No, not really, but one has to make sacrifices to impress the boss (don't really want to be dumped by the roadside again). So, hungover and bleary eyed, I trudge into work to find that AD has decided to take the day off and so I must assume command of the operation. Lorries turn up to collect our goods but don't know what they're supposed to be taking away



Christmas in San Francisco

Every year at Christmas, once school got out, my mom used to take us up to San Francisco. We'd park at the Stonestown Galleria, which is in the outskirts/Park Merced district, and take the street car into Union Square. We'd go to FAO Schwartz to play with the toys and dream of what we'd really love Santa to bring us; we'd have lunch somewhere in some cafe; we'd watch all the ice skaters fall down and look silly on the rink on top of Union Square. We'd gawk at all of the glorious displays in a



coin operated boy (oh boy)

coin operated boy sitting on the shelf he is just a toy but i turn him on and he comes to life automatic joy that is why i want a coin operated boy   ...those are the first few lines of a song that i cant get out of my head. I promise, i tried, but it keeps coming back...   It all started with a commercial on austrian TV. The biggest austrian jam manufactorer "Darbo" had a weired (but very interesting) ad, promoting one of their products with this song. (you can see the original versio



Big H Says Hi...

Who should I bump into today, but AS. This guy is reliable, a good worker, and a good communicator. Ok, he likes his tea breaks, but at least he does something useful in-between conversations. He used to work for SB in the Hangar, now he works for our new host company, and a lot happier he is too.   Thing is, AS is annoyed at Big H, who sent a text message on his mobile phone to the effect that he was in the Hangar.   Then he sent a text message to tell AS he was working in the office.  



When life throws ya lemons ...

So, my wife and I have owned a Chevy Suburban for the last several years. With 3 kids and the need to make several trips from Cincinnati to the Northeast each year, we need a larger vehicle to cart all our gear, the dog, etc. Yeah, I know ... the fuel bill on that thing is a monster. Supposedly, they're very reliable vehicles however. Key word being "supposedly." Ours wasn't. It's caused us nothing but problems for the last several years and proved to be a money pit (aside from the gas issue



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