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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Moving out v 2.0.

I have been lazy, not checking my comments. Today I saw that there were at least one curious man asking about how the moving out was going. This is how it looks right now:   I was in the last second out maneuvered from two rooms. However I have been in line for a room at another place too. It was more of a second choice and I had not thought much about it, but destiny did it's part and I was first in line for a room yesterday and they called me.   Now imagine to get a call about a room when



Whats in your Cheesburger?

Last night I popped across the road to the kebab shop for a burger. I don't do this frequently, though I have to say I'm not particularly worried about horror stories of whats in it. Now I doubt their burgers are actually wholesome. My mother once gave me some she'd ordered along with other produce from Scotland and I have to say those were in a different league altogether. But I fancied some minced moggie, ash, and other undesirable stuff and they say a little of what you fancy does you good.




So I've been making my own body balm...yummy...Recipe Here.   It's so easy even I can do it and the benefits of this stuff (over commercial products) so far have been WELL worth the effort (besides, I enjoy doing this).   I made some mandarin first, and tonight, grapefruit and ylang-ylang. It smells SOO good (and it's a light scent...which I need because strong scents make me sick). I made some of it stiffer, this time, and put it in an old Lip Smacker tube. I actually had just enough to fil



Gris Gris Gumbo Ya Ya

I don't know why, but I love gumbo.   Ok, I know why exactly: it's a stew served with rice...it's a combination of flavors that is captivating. It's both spicy and savory. It's got both pork and chicken...well, ok, my version does, since I can't have any shellfish. A pinch of cayenne, a bit of fil



Austria wins Oscar

Hmm, I am a bit late, but in case you missed it, Austria (my native country) won for the first time the Oscar for best foreign-language picture.   The story goes something like this...   The Counterfeiters is the true story of the largest counterfeiting operation in history, set up by the Nazis in 1936. Salomon "Sally" Sorowitsch is the king of counterfeiters. He lives a mischievous life of cards, booze, and women in Berlin during the Nazi-era. Suddenly his luck runs dry when arrested by Sup



Well I've done it again

I've gone and created another blog. This is blog #8...my friends all think I've totally lost it.   I guess I truly am a blogger at heart. Plus, wordpress is entirely too much fun.   So without further ado, I give you: Tranquil Mayhem.   I posted a recipe for an awesome (and awesomely simple) hair/body/lip balm. I love this stuff. I'm currently ordering supplies to make even more.   I'm doing alright, today. Actually had a good day...it's the first day in at least a week that I've actual



University dun dun dun..

So.. currently im at that stage in my life when you decide on your possible career path and if you intend to go to university you do..Anyway on to the actual thing.. i've decided to take a double degree in Secondary Education/Bachelor of Arts at the University of Notre dame.. a small Catholic one in Sydney. I am majoring in History and minoring in Theology and this semester im taking Western Civilisation.. the only unit close to ancient history as it looks like im gonna get and for the theology




Arbeia (present day South Shields) was at the Eastern extremity of Hadrian's Wall. The modern town could be described as "post industrial" , with the re-created fort gate and barrack blocks of the fort sitting on a dig site within a late victorian townscape. At Arbeia A T Croom (of Tyne and wear Museums) has worked on the re-creation of Roman furniture , and indeed published a work of that name which i am presently annotating. I would like to show some interesting items that may elicit comment a




Industrial accidents happen. There's no denying that. I know of a guy who drove his forklift off the bay because he hadn't noticed the lorry had gone. There was a forklifter at one place I used to work who regularly smashed holes in the breezeblock wall because he reversed out without looking. There was another who broke off the sprinkler head and flooded the warehouse with brown sludgy water.   There's a chap who works in our warehouse who thankfully doesn't work for us. He fell out of the ba



Paradise Lost

I've mentioned before about a scheme to build a canal through Swindon. There used to be one, the Wilts & Berks, and the last stretch of this water still exists on the outskirts of town. There is however a lobby for recreating it and they occupy the Old Collectibles Shop opposite the new permanent library currently under construction (Swindon had a temporary library for thirty or forty years). I spoke to one of their people the other day.   The plan is to go under the road at Kingshill, fo



Truly there is no country for old men

I decided last night to go see "No Country For Old Men," seeing as how it was about to be in a double feature with "There Will Be Blood" (which I don't care to see right now). So, 9:35pm showing...and it was so worth it.   Admittedly, I'm a big Coen Bros. fan. I love their work--"The Big Lebowski" is in permanent residence in my DVD collection, and "Fargo" is about to join it. I love how they can work the dark side of humanity into a central question of society: what is justice? At least,



Did the Earth Move For Me?

I woke last night dimly aware that my bed was wobbling. Now usually the rattles and vibrations I experience at night are the result of heavy lorries thundering down the hill, or perhaps my neighbours stereo (or just my neighbours), but this felt different. Objects were rattling around, and the bed was still wobbling. Its an extraordinary sensation and one that left me wondering "Was that an earthquake?"   Yes it was. Measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale and centered in Lincolnshire, the earthqua



Moving out.

Well this is it I guess. I've been in line for a room at Lund (the town where I study) for some time now and finally I'm first in line. I can now get to live at the place I want to. So far so good.   Now it's the time for anxiety and doubt. Should I move? Should I stay at home where I live for free but have to take the buss for almost 2 hours to get to Uni? How will I keep in touch with my friends since over 10 years? Will i be able to meet my girlfriend as much as I would like too? Will I be




so this is the first entry on recounting my entire peru trip which lasted just over a week because the whole point was for of course the 'inka trail' / Macchu picchu. So on to the whole thing!   Arriving in Chile on the 28th of November and with barely a stay in the capital santiago my cousins brrother and myself were sent north... to PERU!. anyway what can i say about the flight... it was ok.. nothing flash. landing in Lima i was suprised at the really... bad amount of security, they dont pu




Some members of the Forum seem to have some minor problems these days. Really, nothing of any consequence compared to mine. Cogitate:   My Bride was supposed to go on a cruise in the Carib starting Thursday last, for a fortnight. She was supposed to meet a gaggle of her pals from 10uhC and mis(take)again in San Juan, P.R., on that day, to commence their carousing. Since La Donna Sophia, and Lady Farrow were otherwise occupied, I made arrangements for Lady Jane (Bury-Me-In- A-"Y"-Shaped-Coffin

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Where Have I Been?

It HAS been a while. My presence on all of my 'usual hangouts' has been greatly reduced. I'm sure you guys know that I've been struggling with some sort of depression...so here's the REST of the story.   I'd been slowly 'losing my grip' for months now. Most noticeably since Christmas, when I started having panic attacks. Well, about a month ago I guess it was now, a very dear friend of mine became ill (he has a chronic illness) and was in the hospital for a time. Then I stopped hearing from hi



A Bitter Pill

Bad colds or flu can be nasty. It creeps up on you and hits you like a brick wrapped in tinfoil. Coughing, sweating, dizzy, limbs aching, totally unable to sleep. We've all been there so I guess you know what I mean.   Isn't it strange that medicinal products function in direct proportion to their taste? The palatable ones don't do anything for you at all. But those ghastly horrible noxious products that make you sweat with anticipation of its vile taste work like a charm. We have a product i



An Abomination in the Brewing World

First...I find it a necessity, nay, a duty, to inform the public on this evil that has been brought forth.   Click here, if you can stomach (and liver) it   Yes, that's a combination of Budweiser and Clamato, being sold in one can, for general consumption and pleasure. For those who don't know, or have never heard of, Clamato: it is a mix of tomato juice and clam juice (as the name implies), often used in Bloody Marys.   Now, I admit that I despise tomato juice. I hate it with a passion.



Watching Car Chases

I was watching one of those cop programs last night. The usual sort of thing, car chases across america with exciting heavy metal music and a breathless commentary. There was one that stood out. It started as they all did, with a suspect making a break for it and piling down the highway without regard to safety. At one point he swerves to avoid an obstacle, and at over a hundred miles an hour, very nearly loses it completely. Thing is though, what I notice with all these chases is that the suspe



How to inspire youngsters to study harder.

Well to make a long story short - As many of you may know I study at the classical history university of Lund to one day become a scholar myself. Lately I have increased my amount of courses taken well beyond the safety point, trying to learn Latin, experimental archeology and write my Magister's essay (equals one year before a Masters making a Magister 4 year I believe) at the same time.   To be honest, it has been very hard to motivate myself recently to work this hard, but I have no found t



Noisy Relations

Yesterday I heard news that an illegal rave had been stopped by police at disused farm buildings near where I live. For those unacquainted with the term, a 'rave' is an impromptu 'night club' style party lasting until people fall over or get arrested. These people use any empty building they deem suitable, in this case the farm buildings left on the site of a new housing development. They do this to avoid noise, fire, public performance, and health & safety regulations. Some might think that



The ups and downs of Valentine's night

Ok, let's get things starting off correctly: I'm not the type of girl who sits at home moping around. I could give a bleep less that I don't have a date on Valentine's night...I'm still going out! I mean, hell, if you're sitting in a full restaurant, then you're not eating alone, right?   So last night's plan: take the light rail 'downtown' (aka 15 blocks), go to dinner around 7, watch a bit of hockey at the bar of the restaurant, and then go to my movie (as I mentioned in the latest movie t



We Are Not Alone!!!!

I've just watched a video about things alien. That image of the rock that looks suspiciously like sasquatch. An enthusiastic 'expert' getting exciting about meeting real live aliens from Out There (doesn't he have any real friends?). Film clips of a psychopathic alien smelling Sigourney Weaver, cute grey thingy waving at the assembled scientists on a mountain top, intergalactic hippie E.T. getting caught with no clothes on by a kid, and a gelatinous blob terrorising small town america. Quotes fr



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