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Hi - My Name Is Mr Guest

Tried to log on to the PC at my local library this morning. Apparently my domain did not exist and therefore I'm a non-entity the computer network doesn't recognise. Hey, I know I'm unemployed but this is a public facility right?   The man at the desk assured me it was merely my login card that had expired. He tapped a few keys, smiled, and sent me on my way.   Right then, log on... wait.... Oh joy, I'm still a non-entity.   So having gone back to the man at the desk I discover there's no



I'm a fish again!

I joined a new gym a week ago, and it's taken that long to get my shit together and get into the pool. Aw man, I forgot how awesome it is to get into a clean, clear pool and do my laps! It's been about 8 months, and this new gym is quite motivating...almost like the one I used to go to when I lived in San Mateo. Great equipment, full amenities, and nothing is overcrowded.   Ok, so I didn't do my usual mile and a half...to say the least, my body wasn't going to allow that. But still, 1200 y



Diurinal Journal - Me.

Some month or so ago, the computer commenced to really ail. It would take the quarter hour to pass from hither to thither. Gaius sat at the computer for so many hours that his legs commenced to fill with water. Quack forbid computer and ordered the Presence to go horizontal. Also ordered 'water' pills. Just what I need! During a hiatus from the horizontal, I chanced upon a private message from a Roman friend, one Pertinax. I thought it only mete and just that I refurbish my beaker with a refresh

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Emergency Blog!

Greetings & Salutations:   In re the new $5 bill - good for one gallon of petrol:   Soon, it will be a Ten Spot! Follow me: It costs a little less than 10 bucks to get oil out of the ground. The 'Spot' market is ~ +$110/barrel. But, I lied saying that oil comes out of the ground - it is produced by the 'Spot' market. Get it so far? It is well known that such as Exxon have no $10 oil. (As a matter of fact, they have no oil at all!) No depletion allowances, (aka nanny government tax subsid

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Getting It Wrong

Yesterday I was strolling home from a visit to a supermarket a few miles away from where I live. Its an old country road that was swallowed by a huge redevelopment of the farmland around west swindon back in the 70's. In fact, for cars its a dead end, because much of the road is now a deddicated bus route.   Imagine my suprise when a car drove past gently. The driver had come down the road, seen the NO EXIT sign to the adjacent main road (the slip road is for buses only!) and proceeded to driv



Franglais Fury

The french are upset. Their entry for this years Eurovision Song Contest is to be sung in... wait for it... English! No, surely not.... The French are proud of their language, once the language of diplomacy. It seems that a nation whose quest to eradicate english words in their conversational language has now reached the ultimate irony. French politicians are dismayed - but good grief people, are you really taking the Eurovision Song Contest seriously?   Worsening Situation of the Week This



Red Tape and Red Faces

Bureaucracy - don't you just love it?   The problem with being poor in Britain is that you have to prove it. Seriously, its no good turning up to a dole office unshaven, haggard, dressed in rags. You need documented proof that an agent of the government can photocopy and study in every detail. Even if you give them the proof, you can guarantee you'll be getting a letter four weeks later asking for the proof you submitted originally. Oh and it must have your name and address on it. My bank is f



Me and Karma had a talk...

This week was the shits. Absolutely one of the worst in my life. So, I made an appointment with Karma and we had a chat. It was a good airing out of grievances; I made it clear that her mechanations this week caused me to have a craptastic week, and she got a good laugh. But she promised that things will look up. I'd like to hold her on that, but seeing as how Karma is a wee bit fickle, and a bit of a bitch, I don't totally trust her. Her sister, Fate, is a lot nicer to me, although quite



Stand Up Guy

I had my first go at Stand Up Comedy last night. It could've been better, but then again, it could've been a whole lot worse. Luckily, there was your archetypal drunk-guy-who-thought-he-was-hilarious on before me, and he made me look good, and I was able to take the piss out of him mercilessly and get more laughs. Later on I bought the guy a beer, not out of pity, more out of thanks! My routine was based around lampooning race relations in this country in the main and I was glad to see that



Body in the Water

Coate Water is a local beauty spot. Built as a reservoir for the convenience of the 18th century canals that passed through the valley, its now a nature reserve and a pleasant walk. In the local paper however I discover that a weekend walker had discovered a body there. Apparently it had been there for months, almost reduced to a skeleton, hidden in a stagnant pond near the lake itself. As yet no-one knows who he is or how he met his fate, but the disturbing thing for me is that I've walked past



Anyone need a worker for the summer?

Originally I was set to teach a course in the summer, one which was meant to include local high school students. It was a great program--the thought is to include them on certain popular courses so that their transition to college (be it community college or a 4-year college) would be better. 6 weeks, and a collegiate course. It was going to be tough, but hell, I was up for the challenge!   News just came down the pipe...the high school district just now realized that the high school studen



Five Million Quids Worth

This morning I popped into Lydiard Park. What a difference! After a five million pound restoration job the park is looking manicured and tidy.   But.... Its also lost that rustic charm. I was young when I first starting going to Lydiard - it was a country park a few miles out of town back then. Now its on the edge of Swindon, a public open space, and the old untouched woodland has gone, undergrowth cleared, replaced by wide grassy meadows amongst the trees. The old lake has been cleaned up bu



Free Trade and the State of U.S. Manufacturing

I blogged earlier about the robust health of U.S. Manufacturing, so I was miffed to read that the word hadn't gotten out to the Washington Post, where Harold Meyerson recycles the same old myths in his critique of NAFTA.   The amazing thing about the free-traders' arguments is that they never change. Today's free-trade commentaries make the same points as the pro-NAFTA editorials of 1993-94. Now, as then, bilateral trade is a win-win proposition for the peoples of both signatory nations. It r

M. Porcius Cato

M. Porcius Cato

Moses Came To Swindon!

Following the passiing on of Charlton Heston, it turns out that the man himself visited grotty old Swindon in July 1968 because his families nanny, one Murial Loveridge, was a swindoner. He happened to be in britain at the time, appearing on stage in Bath, and popped across discreetly. Apparently he called in for lunch to the Riflemans Arms in town (now the Plum Tree - why do people have to keep changing pub names these days?) which caused a bit of a stir. I've fed and watered myself in that ver



It's Here!!!!

MY NEW LAPTOP IS HERE!!!!   Her name is Josie. I had to practically chase the mailman to get her but she's HERE!!!!   I spent a few frustrating hours getting her set up, but now I'm laying on the couch watching TV and posting blogs like a good little lazy techie.   It took a little while, but I'm getting used to the keyboard and touchpad and I LOVE IT!!!!!   :D :D   Now if only Kitten would get on so I can bug him on webcam.   Tomorrow is Friday. ME SO HAPPY!!!   I didn't think



Woke Up This Morning

Today I'm setting aside my usual commentary on the World and its problems, and shall therefore describe events in a normal Caldrail Day. You know the sort of thing, that blues song..   7:00am - Wake up.   7:01am - Roll over and go back to sleep.   8:30am - Neighbours go to work.. wardrobe doors banging.... giggling and shouting..... Car starting up and driving off....   8:35am - Garage across the yard opens for business and the yard fills up with customers cars. Engines making all sorts



A New Kind Of Pain

I've been through a whole heap of painful crap in my life, more than most people I know. I have always subscribed to the belief that if it the pain isn't enough to kill you, it can only make you stronger. I honestly thought that given all that I've been through, I can get through any kind of pain that comes my way. How sadly I misled myself. My children will soon be moving with their mum to another city, far away from me. I'm hurting about it, real bad, and so are my three beautiful little



Revealing the dirt on vans

People just can't resist it can they? A white van covered in dust is an invitation to add your favourite gag. usually its Clean Me which is probably a little obvious.This morning I passed I wish my girlfriend was this dirty. Oh wow, that was original, number two on the best selling dust graffiti list. Number three is of course your favourite football team, number four a crude reference to sexual activity, number five a statement of undying love in a heart shape.   Swindon does not score points



Ma Africa

Africa - Land of the future's gold Land is for everybody young and old The place that holds a single bright future But what happens when the future turns to torture? Ma' Africa What went wrong with your brains? You kill each other into strife and no human dignity Africa - Lets stand together And make Africa the Land of Hope   Ma' Africa From the album 1 Giant Leap (2001)   Africa is such a place of contrast. Great natural wealth and beauty, a place where children play joyfully in the



YAY (and also, shit)

I now have DSL (it was really pretty painless) and my laptop is in Allentown, so it should be here sometime early next week (provided DHL Express doesn't decide that they won't deliver it to my house, grrr). I'm really excited to get it. So YAY.   I got to see my therapist on Wednesday, and she says I'm doing really well. Major improvement from last time. But I am really glad I got to see her, because I needed to. The newest thing I have to deal with is that my best friend has an excruciating



The Long Lost Blues Sister

First, if you've never heard of the Blues Brothers, educate yourself.   Well, for many years now I've been convinced that I'm a/the lost long Blues Sister. Yes, true, I never was an orphan growing up in a convent; true enough, Curtis and the Penguin were never my mentors in life. But the blues live within me. As does Rhythm and Blues. It moves my soul, makes me sway to the beat, and makes me want dress in black suit, white shirt, black tie, and Raybans. Ok, so I was born in the year that



Hanging Up The Boots

The Old Dude I've decided to give up football (Rugby). This is a sad, sad day for any self respecting traditionally Kiwi male. I'm the 'Old Dude' on my team, and now even outright spite and denial cannot keep me going. I stopped playing Rugby League (Rugbys more brutal cousin) three years ago because I was getting too many injuries. Now I'm hanging up the boots for good and I feel like less of a man because of it. Since I can remember, Saturdays have e'er been the same. Get up early, go and



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