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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


The Library Blues

As usual, we line up outside the library waiting for it to open, so we can all enjoy the public internet access. Read books? Ahem. The doors open, and the library assisteant, a clean cut lad, is brushed aside as the experienced library goers are keen to log on. Poor lad nearly gets trampled to death.   Good grief, AM's friend has bought himself a new coat. Instead of the filthy padded jacket he's owned since 1976 he now wears a raincoat, very suitable for spring sunshine and long days in the



Pans Labyrinth

There's a recent spanish film caled Pans Labyrinth. For those who haven't seen it, its about a young girl in spain in 1944, at the end of the civil war, struggling to cope with reality and immersing herself in fantasy. At the end of the film, its impossible to know whether she was deluded or really the princess in exile. Its a film that doesn't baulk at showing violence and human nastiness, and one with some haunting visuals. The quality of the film is excellent.   You know, I sometimes wonder



Dual Monitors

I got myself a 22" Monitor and what a pleasure it is to have that big display in front of you. I did not get rid of my old 19" Monitor though, but instead set up a Dual Monitor display. My GeForce 7950 has two DVI connections and so it is a simple plug and play procedure. Within the Nvidia Graphic Settings it is a breeze to set up the two monitors the way you like. You can have both monitors display only one area (an extension so to speak) or you can have two seperate individual Desktops, which




A couple of y'all are aware of the fact that I took a hit in the Imperial Portfolio. I am trying to make up this short fall with a Black Sale of my monograph: "On the Rudiments of Elementary Bad Manners"; a necessity for those lacking in the matter. It is offered at the previously unheard of pre-certified pre-discounted discounted price of 69 bucks. (Plus taxes and S&H.) But wait! Order one and you'll get two! Give one to a needy friend. You'll also get a C-note rebate!

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Life Ball in Vienna

The Vienna Life Ball, Europe's most colourful charity event will take place again tomorrow. This is the craziest, sexiest, strangest ball you will ever see. It started as an AIDS Charity Event, and exploded into a fashion extravaganza that you dont see on the catwalks of Paris, Milan or New York. Unlike the Vienna Opera Ball who is the most glamarous event in Europe, the Life ball is the most colorful one. There is a huge catwalk for the first part of the event, were outside of the Vienna city h



Its a Cruel World

For a while we've had some cracking weather, lovely and sunny. Today though its cloudy, damp from yesterdays rain, and to be honest, quite a bit cooler. In fact, as I strolled across town in the mid-day gloom I could see my breath.   Then again, things ain't too bad. The rain yesterday didn't amount to a cyclone sweeping Swindon downstream in massive mudslides or tsunami's. nor did an earthquake reduce my local school to an impromptu graveyard.   Nature can be fantastic. A fluke of the weat



New Job

Friends and fellow scions of UNRV! I have a new job. Less hours, less work, more money, more responsibility. I'm happy in the new job, but where we work there is no TV coverage, no Internet, and no Cell Phone reception. These are minor trivialities really, because the job is on a tropical island building a new resort. It's a three month contract running a labour crew of twelve, a really easy gig bar the technological difficulties.   The major drawback is that I can't get to UNRV much these da



Telling it How It Was

I was fascinated by a documentary aired a couple of nights ago. A teenager in 1997 discovered a fossil in North Dakota, which turned out to be an extremely important find, because the creature was mummified and soft tissue had survived. It was a hadrosaur, a common grazing animal living in wetlands (the area found was once a wide river near the inland sea that once split north america in two during the cretaceous period).   The reamins were not complete, and a large portion had gone missing (e




I've had an ancient eMachines computer sitting in the closet for who knows how long, along with a bunch of near obsolete computer parts. While doing some spring cleaning the other day, I pondered how I could put it to any use. It would be too slow to tolerably use as a personal computer with its 9 year old Celeron processor (even though I managed to scrounge up 256MB of PC133 RAM to replace its measly 32MB) and its 4GB hard drive would be nearly filled to capacity if Windows XP or 2000 were to b



Even more motivation

The day had been typical for a weekend. Went to the Farmer's Market and the store in the morning, got started on laundry and cleaning, ate lunch, and finished the chores. The last thing to do, usually, is sweep up the backyard. My landlord essentially neglects it, and since I look onto the yard from my kitchen window, I've been taking it upon myself to tidy things up. Well, what I can, anyway.   After finishing up in the back, I went to enter the apartment again through my back door. It's



Monday Cars

I like cars. Especially the fast ones. No, thats not right...   I like fast cars. Especially the very fast ones. Yep, thats right.   But not all of them. For various reasons, either the aesthetics, personal experience, or the revealing reviews of driving journalists, there are bound to be those I don't regard as worthy. Take the Lamborghini Gallardo for instance. Now italian supercars fire my blood yet last year one trundled past me in town. A white convertible owned by a local man and it lo



Cyclone of '08

The huge storm in Burma has left as many as ten thousand people dead. Its hard to understand the scale of disasters like this. Even the secretive burmese government has felt it has no choice but to ask for foreign assistance. No doubt many people are pointing fingers and blaming Global Warming etc etc. Its as well to point that terrible storms have happened before, its just that the modern media make us so much more aware of what happens around the world now and that given we only live for a sho



Missing the First Bit

Have you seen that Tom Hanks movie about being marooned? Its a lonely vigil, here in my safe warm cave on Washout Island. Every day I do little else than send messages in bottles hoping an employer will come across it and send a boat to bring me back to civilisation. One bottle came back on the morning tide with a note inside saying - You haven't done the first bit. Oh? Whats that? Light signal fires? Jump up and down at passing aeroplanes yelling very loudly? Becoming intimately familiar with a




Since I will probably be a member of the 'Damnatio" by Evening Song, let me get this off of my chest. I am perfectly willing to return all the meager taxes you Liberarians and other neo-con job artists have ever paid on your paltry income, with compound interest at the then prevailing Treasury bond rate. I will now teach you what 'Capitalism' is. If you ever breathe the air, ching-ching, at MY rate. If you ever go to a university, hospital, ball park - ching-ching. Have a sewer line, telephone,

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

Last Blog Entry?

Komrades:   This may be my last blog due to a certain post of mine. So.... ----------------------------------------------------------   And now for some cultural reportage.   To start with, it is El Cinco de Mayo once again.   You've all heard the libelous term 'Italian Football Wedding', but you probably never had the pleasure of having attended one, since the most of you are barbarians. Herein, I shall describe one to you. But, for contrast, I shall open things with an inter-racial an

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius


Komrades:   Father M. stopped cold in his tracks at the altar. Nah, not in MY church! Millions of thoughts can traipse through the human mind at once. Was it a bosons pipe? The wind through an open window? A deranged Black Protestant? Nah, I have a Truce of God with Father F. at the Episky operation. The altar boys, who had just made easy work of the communion wine, were sniggering. They knew. A vicious glance from the kindly padre put an end to their hilarity. The nuns were alarmed and thus a

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius


I didn't realize it'd been so long since I updated!!!!   I've been keeping myself busy, I jumped right in with my Gwyddon studies and I have my first group ritual this Monday (Beltaine!!!). I've been collecting supplies, sewing robes and am preparing to set up an altar. Most of it I hope will be set up tomorrow. Unfortunately the onyx bowl I ordered isn't here yet...I didn't realize it was coming from Canada or I would have ordered it sooner. *sigh* I may wind up using a temporary one until i



Casting Votes

The news is full of our local elections. It seems the media has smelled blood, and have joyfully reported the embarrasement of our prime minister. The headlines are coming thick and fast as Labour returns its worst result for forty years. Gordon Brown of course says his party needs to listen and then they can move forward. Listen by all means GB, but people are starting to vote with their... erm... vote.   In Zimbabwe Mugabe has lost the vote, but not the war. After twenty eight years in power



I Won A Prize!

Now some god damned WOP is at it!   "" CONGRATULAZIONI "   Gentile Cliente,   Poste Italiane S.p.A. premia il suo account con un bonus di fedeltа pari a 250,00 Euro.   Per ricevere il bonus и necesario accedere ai servizi online entro 48 ore dalla ricezione di questa e-mail.   Il bonus le sarrа accreditato nelle prossime 72 ore.   Importo bonus vinto: 249,00 Commissioni: 1,00 Importo totale: 250,00   Accedi ai servizi online per accreditare il bonus fedeltа

Gaius Octavius

Gaius Octavius

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