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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Murphy's War

Seven months after he vanished from his Gloucester home Murphy the Gnome was found alive and well on his owners doorstep, along with a photographic record of his travels around the world. This heart-warming tale just goes to show there's more to gnomes than meets the eye.   Usually these quiet citizens of our front gardens don't travel at all. They lead a static existence, holding fishing rods and sitting there even in the worst inclement weather. They're good neighbours. They never get angry



Finally I'm catching up!!!

I just finished Gladiatrix last night, and just submitted the rough draft of the review today. WOOO HOOO!!!!   Update on Flash: he has been eating his tail. A whole 1/4 inch it seems like disappeared one day- but I have an idea why this might be happening. Turns out, the poor guy's bowl was in the sun for several hours a day! I was at work during this time, so I had no idea. I have taken measures to make him feel safer, and to stop the sun from shining on him. So here's hoping the situation im



Bears With Sore Heads

On the tv news I saw an old woman despairing of having to face the consequences of another war again at her age. "Why can't we all live in peace?" she asks.   Why indeed? Because human beings aren't a peaceful species. In order for us to survive, nature has developed us to be social animals, competing for resources, survival of the fittest, and so on. In the modern world, those instincts are still there. It isn't just politics and war though. We see the same instincts played out in business, o



Sleepless In Newcastle

Its Friday night in Newcastle. Having spent the day travelling there by train and then searching the city center for historical relics, we were in the mood to relax. Drinks all round then. The barman in the hotel suggested we might want to try a certain game played with dice in a box, and that kept us entertained for a few hours. Inevitably we were getting tired, so it was good night and off to my hotel room.   It was hot. Even with the window open I was gasping for breath. Are the radiators o



Upcoming semester

Well, I just received my final mails on what courses I was accepted into. Besides trying to kill myself taking 225%, being accepted to everything I wanted to, there is one more thing that I was very happy about and that I would like to share.   I tried getting into a course called Vatten - resurshantering och probleml



Now That I've Mentioned Paradise...

Just around the corner from where I live is a nice little spot called Queens Park. Its the remnant of an abandoned railway tunnel entrance that was turned into a public park, now surrounded by housing developments that sprang up in the 20's and 30's. Its a lovely place with a natural patina thats difficult to achieve deliberately. The central lake is surrounded by thick bushes and trees, lots of overhanging willows and pines on small islands, and the local waterfowl use it as a hotel with free r



What do Repub Read Online?

As a Republican, I have my own lists of blogs and news sites to read( the following are only a fraction of stuff I look at):   http://hotair.com/   http://www.drudgereport.com/   http://www.michaeltotten.com/   http://michaelyon-online.com/   http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/   http://www.breitbart.com/index.php   http://www.drudgereport.com/   http://pajamasmedia.com/   http://www.longwarjournal.org/   http://www.politico.com/   http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/

And the whirlwind tour is done!

Ok, I'm back. Here's the gist of things:   Wednesday: we all get in around 9am, take the shuttle to our hotel in Queens. Since we can't check in yet, we decide to change and take the subway out to Yankee Stadium. The bad news: since we have bleacher seats that day, we can't tour around the rest of the stadium, but that's ok. The game went well--Yankees won convincingly--and the bleachers were just as I love them: great crowd of people, lots of kids, and a good time all around. (And no alco



Making Excuses

As an unemployed person I have to say there are one or two disadvantages to being on the dole. One is that everyone else think you're a lazy good for nothing sponging off the state, the second is that your Claims Advisor thinks you're a lazy good for nothing sponging off the state.   She called my name out and as I stepped forward to her desk, she raised her eyebrows at my suntan. Fresh from my journey home from Newcastle a few hours earlier I looked like I'd spent the weekend on a tropical b



Paradise Found

I've just watched an advert on tv. Its sponsored by the government, and tells us that if we don't act now our world will become hotter with dire results to our comfortable lives. It ends with a a view of the world wrapped in a red hot atmosphere. Thats a chilling message isn't it? It is of course designed to frighten us out of our complacency. It is, without doubt, propaganda.   Our government is socialist and whilst it has politicans in the public eye who proclaim their wish to further the pr



I'm Not Dead

Just busy.   I got a new fish, pictures posted Here.   He seems to be doing well, still won't eat. BUT his beautiful tail that you see there, is in shreds!!! He must've got it caught on the plant (I removed the plant) and it looks just awful but I'm so worried about stress on him and the possibility of fin rot.   My poor, beautiful baby. And his poor tail. I just fell in love with that tail. I am so sad.   I'm still reading Gladiatrix and I must say, I am pleased with it. I'm almost don



Out Of This World

Swindon to Newcastle is about six hours by train. Time to settle into the seat, relax, let the train take the strain. I watched the towns and countryside roll by. It was all going too well. The stop at Sheffield Station was a long one. The minutes ticked by and there was no sign of movement. Platform staff who usually shepherded the trains away were curiously absent. Please don't tell me another strike is in progress... Then the tannoy bleeped into life to make a passenger announcement.   "If



Vacation 2008: The Shrine and the Temples

If you are a baseball fan, you are about to be immediately jealous of my vacation trip this year. If you're any kind of sports fan, you also might turn a bit green. For the rest of you, I will explain. My mother, my brother Matt and I are about to embark on a trip to the Shrine and two of the Temples of Major League Baseball.   Tuesday night: we take the red-eye to New York, get in Wednesday morning. Wednesday: afternoon game at Yankee Stadium (vs. the Baltimore Orioles) Thursday: night g



Bunny's Off The Boil

I read this mornings local paper with a smirk. It appears that a local club (the Lava Lounge) hasn't got a music license so under british law it cannot provide music for its customers without incurring a large fine - and they already have to pay more than



What Went Thee Into The Wilderness To Find?

I'm watching the news this morning and one of the featured stories is about knife crime. One more young man of 19 has been stabbed to death in London recently. The family have organised a protest march to demand action from politicians. The brother of the latest victim is interviewed in the studio. Now I've no doubt whatsoever that this family have suffered a grievous loss, yet there was something artificial about that interview. It's hard to put your finger on it. The modern media are very slic




Hey! I'm back, for those of you who care. The job is finished on the islands and the resort that I was working on but they wont upload. I'll keep trying so you can all see where I've been at and be appropriately jealous. I hope everybody has been well and all is good in your lives. God, I missed UNRV. Great to be back!



Having a Laugh

Aww not again... The guy downstairs has fired up his expensive state-of-the-art hi-fi and the carpet is vibrating. At least he's not pushing the volume as high as he had. Trouble is, whilst I can't hear the music as such, the bass frequencies travel up through the floor and its literally going right through me. I don't feel like another confrontation, so I need something to take my mind off it.   Its not as if I can read a book.in these circumstances. Walking out the door and socialising is on



Don't know where I've been

It feels embarassing to be back here but here I am. I've been away for so long because I felt too stupid and unknowledgable on Latin and Roman History anymore. Honestly, because of my poor showing in my AP Latin Vergil class(failed almost every test), I almost gave up on Latin. However, what do ya know, I got a giant 5 on my AP exam. Don't know how I did it, but now I faithfully have renewed my interests in Latin and Roman history.

Even More Library Woes

Noisy pensioners...   Noisy youths...   Noisy kids...   Could it get any worse? Well yes, actually. Now we have noisy strikers. Council workers are on strike for two days to get bigger pay rises than oil tanker drivers, and so the libraries are shut. They're all lined up outside council premises with printed placards (I wonder how much that cost?) declaring their strike action and calling for public support. They haven't got mine at all.   So its off to the local internet cafe and spend



Another Foreign Legion

Its the turn of the french to hold the presidency of the EU right now. What are they suggesting? They want each member state to stump up 10,000 men, plus tanks, planes, and ships, for a european defence force. This is interesting because a european defence force was part of the Treaty of Lisbon, which the french people didn't want, nor did the dutch, and neither - somewhat more pointedly - did the irish. But it seems we're going to get a Treaty of Lisbon even if we didn't want one at all - Which



Getting Wealthy - side effect

...after two months into my adventure becoming really wealthy, i experience side effects i did not expect...   While the focus of this two months were to slash costs on not necessary stuff, something else happend, as i think, breath and act as if i already have those millions on my bank account, the following is happening...   I seem to attract rich people In the last two months i had an unbelievable amount of interesting encounters with wealthy people, at the weiredest places, i think the



A Day In The Life Of A Jobseeker

Time to get on with my search for gainful employment. I think I'll phone Jobseekers Direct - its a happy friendly service to help idiots like me get a job by finding vacancies on their extensive database. After the usual identity checks the woman asked me what areas of employment I was interested in.   Warehouse, distribution, logisitics.   "We've got one vacancy for a warehouse supervisor.."   North Swindon? Yes I've applied for that.   "Well thats all we've got. Have you done any stock



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