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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


Selling Slaves In Swindon

My search for gainful employment continues. Here in Britain we have job agencies, people who sell people to companies as employees. I don't know about you, but thats perilously close to slave labour in my view. However, the reality is that if I want a well paid job, then I'll probably have to do business with them. Then again there are job agencies and there are job agencies. Some inhabit plush air-conditioned office, others have small dingy first floor rooms with coffee making equipment that wa



Hello Old Friends.

Just saying hi, as I don't have much for homework tonight. Seems that college may actually be easier than high school. Sorry I haven't been on for maybe a year. Too much going on these days. A nuclear engineer wannabe has lots on his plate. I may make a conscious effort to try to hang out more, but I think I may have overtired my interest in history. Actually, to better put that, I've learned enough here to satisfy my interests, which is mostly the combat. There's prolly a boatload of ppl here t

Antiochus of Seleucia

Antiochus of Seleucia

The past year (or so).

Hello again,   Over the past few months I have neglected this here humble blog. This is mainly because of two things: both my innate sense of laziness and the fact that, as well as being the busiest, this has been one of the most exciting few months of my life.   So, I may well begin with where I last left you - as you may well recall, I was wrestling with the Home Office, demanding a passport from them. Well, I got the passport not a moment before darting off to America for a University-run



Nothing like a worm to ruin your meal

In the figurative sense:   Tuesdays are my long days at one campus: 11am class, follwed by office hours in the afternoon, followed by a 6pm class...get home about 9:30ish. Anyway, I usually eat at the school canteen for lunch, since it's easier to bring one meal instead of two, and after 3pm the pickings are rather slim. Anyway, I'm at a table in the common area, really only paying attention to my Turkey Ciabatta sandwich, when I hear the following conversation:   Dude: Wow, I could murder



More Rain Predicted

The last week has been a miserable procession of rainy days. Not those romantic downpours so beloved of Tina Turner, its those claggy dull grey squalls that we British like to call weather. But now I think about it, what happened to August? We hardly had any sunshine at all, and the indian summer we sometimes get in September looks like being a washout.   Its hardly Global Warming is it? But then it occurs to me that since we get most of our weather second-hand from America, and that they get




It has been almost 10 months since I've been on UNRV and i have missed the knowledge and people. I have been struggling and grappling with my final year at school. I have only written 5000 words at best in 8 months breaking about 110000 words (only another 100000 - 150000 more). I feel that the book is slipping away and will never be finished. It is hard to combine history with story, i have had to completely bend huge aspects of history but not break them. On an aside note should i just write

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Countryside

I was walking through Lydiard Park on my home from a hike in the country the other day. The weather was officially sunshine and showers, though as it hadn't rained, the ground was pasable and there were some excellent cloudy skies, full of mood and drama. I'd write a poem but lets be honest, I'm not poetic in the slightest, and since a picture tells a thousand words, I took some photo's instead. None of which were any good. C'est la vie.   Anyway, I came round the corner of the house (Open to



Scumbags of the Earth

Quite honestly, I think the Daily Kos is full of notorious and mischievous scumbags. I don't even think these idiots are human. They act like feces throwing primates with their smears. Heck, even the monkeys know not to act irrationally.   You know, I wouldn't mind waking up tomorow and seeing Mark the Jackass Moulitsas(whatever the douche's name is) dead.

Looking For The Right Car

There's a car advert thats been shown on tv for some time now and it still bugs me. A stylish young man in his dayglo green Mazda hatchback does handbrake turns around the studio with beautiful female dancers trying to stop him from drving away. It never did look right. Firstly, the hatchback is the same as the car his granny would drive. Without the body kit, spoilers, rubber-band tires, and a twelve pounder cannon sticking out under the back it just wasn't the sort of car he would be seen dead



Getting Wealthy - Share your Riches

I am doing great, much better then expected and at a much faster rate. (Just got an 20% increase)!!!   I decided that I need some extra Karma , and joined the World Vision Sponsorship, thats 30 Euro a month to support a child in need! This is such a wonderful organization and if you read up on how much my (your) 30 Euro per month can change a whole families life, it makes one really humble. I could choose the gender (I have choosen a girl) the age (below 7 years) and the country (mozambique).



Early Morning Call

Those lads have done a grand job painting the outside of the house. For me the best thing is that they've run out of Perry Como songs, but at least the paint looks fresh.   They did carefully lay out dayglo 'wet paint' tape everywhere to stop people getting paint all over their clothes, which sort of made the place look like a crime scene. And since it was necessary to leave the outer door open last night (to avoid the wet paint gluing the door and keeping me trapped inside) some wag decided t



Almost halfway way through classics major

Regarding my Age of Flavians class, I was (jokingly) told that I was halfway through my classics major even though I'm not majoring in it. Apparently, 4 years of Latin does get you somewhere. Perhaps I will have to consider classics now. Additionally, turns out that I'm the only freshman(to the light-hearted jealously of some seniors, wait until I tell them that I already had a year of greek done), the only other one freshmen seemed to have bailed out. Lastly, two of my classics classmates are g

Woke Up This Mornin'

What a morning - it's all go at the Caldrail residence. This morning, at the ungodly hour of half past eight, I was dragged from my bed by a knock on the door. Before me were two suspicious characters who cheerfully said "All right mate? We're just gonna paint the house..."   Well thats very kind of you. Just wait there will you?.... I'd not received a letter about this so I proceed to phone the letting agent who phoned the landlord who phoned the property maintenance firm who phoned the landl



Bright Lights and Cash

I can remember how it felt during the 1970's Munich Olympics. Is was as if the entire world had stopped and taken time out to show every single event. To some extent thats the case, because with limited tv channels and dire programming what else could compete with it?   These days there's hundreds of tv channels with all sorts of specialised programming that wouldn't even consider showing olympic footage. Is that a good thing? I'm actually starting to wonder. The media hype about events like t



Getting Wealthy - Debt

I managed to move all my current debt into a single low interest loan at my local bank. Which means Credit Card, consumer credit and overdraft (both with high interest) are on zero (and will stay that way). This move which took me less then 60 minutes reduced my monthly payment to service all my debt by 12% and shed a good year of paying back too...   I am really cruising nicely along right now, i am ahead of plan!   The interesting thing is that the more i think of getting rich, the more i



The joys of August

It's hard to come up with a 'favorite month', but if I had to, it'd be August. Let's weigh the facts:   PRODUCE!!! The tomatoes right now are unreal...just the most amazing thing ever. I know people swear that canning tomatoes helps 'seal in the goodness,' but even the most awesome canned tomatoes pale in comparison to the goodness at my farmers' market right now. Holy Christ, I eat them as fruit. And that's nothing to say for the peaches and nectarines (surprising, as we didn't get qui



My College Class Schedule as a Freshman

Hist 101- Evol Wst Idea/Inst to 17c LATN 287- Age of Flavians PLSC 101- American Politics Theo 110- Intro to Bible Theo 180- Theo and Intrdis Study UNIV 102- Loyola Seminar   I go to a Jesuit University by the way, so religious classes are mandatory(people actually like them though). The only interesting classes I can see is Age of Flavians and my history class. I have no darn idea why I chose something advanced like Age of Flavians when most people haven't even taken Latin like I have.

The Library Doors

Waiting outside the library for opening time has become something of a ritual for me. Its funny how its a daily ritual for a lot of others too, and the same faces keep on turning up. We pretty much arrive at our usual times, and line up in the same positions. The wonderful diversity of life hasn't quite colonised Swindon then.   As was easily predicted, the same librarian unlocked the door (We'll call her Miss K) , a fidgety thin girl who rushes around like a housefly. There's a power operated



Boys Will Be Boys

Manhood is a difficult quality to define, for no other reason than it means something different to everyone, and even then the definition can vary according to the situation you're in. In general, its defined by the various social groups by their own standards.   I remember my school days. The 'lads', the dominant members of our youthful community, would always inhabit the toilet so as to smoke cigarettes in seclusion away from the disapproving gaze of irate teachers. They regarded smoking as



All Quiet on the Western Front

Its all quiet on the western front. There's nothing moving in no-mans land, and here in my trench, eating ration packs and latrine duty are the norm.   The weather is typically british. Its sunny one moment, raining the next. The skill of dodging rainshowers and going about your daily business without getting soaked is something picked up from years of practice, and right now its proving very useful in keeping dry.   The noisy young lads don't seem to going to the library anymore, or perhaps



Wedding, Russian, Monk, Unrv

Yesterday was my cousins wedding, i was invited there and although i thought it was going to be a complete disaster, it was bloody cool!   The bride was from Russia and couldn`t speak a single word of german! He met her while he was studying technical physics in ST. Petersburg. Luckily she speaks fluent english, so at least 90% of the guests could have a conversation with her, plus a good friend of the family knew a russian girl that lives now for more then five years here, so we had a transla



Talking With Animals

On a hike through the countryside yesterday I came across a group of horses in the field I was crossing. I've always got time for animals, and whilst I know absolutely nothing about horses in particular, I always stop for some quality time if I can. The horse gave me a sniff - they all do that - and for a moment let me stroke it. Then it reared its head and bared its teeth at me. The funny thing was, I knew exactly what that horse was saying.   "Ok, you've said hello, now get lost".   I to



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