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Sodding Bank!

Having left one my lessons early by means a rather flimsy excuse about a doctor's appointment, I was well on my way to getting into the City Centre before the shops closed. I was, however, absolutely dismayed to find that my hard-earned wages were yet to come through. I guess I shall have to wait another day to purchase my dream guitar... *sigh*



A Few Less Journeys

It had to happen. I've watched news reports and read the papers about how one company after another has raised energy prices enormously, and felt very smug that mine hadn't.   Until now....   Usually I get pamphlets from them telling me about various offers and schemes (which cost money of course) but this time I got the letter that said sorry, but you're going to have to pay more. They're raising my electricity and gas prices by a third. Ouch! But then the prices they pay are nearly 200% hi



Marcus Aurelius - a Guru?

During my current adventure to become filthy rich, i read lots of books on how to become just that. Those are financial books, self help books, books to get things done, books on making your life filled with purpose, and almost in all of them is at least one quote of Marcus Aurelius...   ...for example;   Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish.   Begin - to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt h



True comfort in food

There are certain smells that just call to us as individuals. Some come from outside--the smell of sweet jasmine in the summer, or of freshly-cut grass. Some come from the inside of an oven, or on top of a stove...perhaps even on a grill. These scents awaken our olfactory system, setting our bodies in motion for a culinary experience which is second to none. Oh, perhaps it revolves around a 5-star feast that would make any gourmand melt into a pile of goo, but more often than not these gastr



Boo The Black Hats

I saw a mention earlier that there's been a call to ban 'cartoon' villains.   Pardon? Which idiot thought that one up? No doubt they're concerned that our little offspring will be irrevocably harmed by exposure to images of bad guys and grow up as adult Dick Dastardly's.   Children are not blank slates. However primitive and limited their experience of the world might be, they are born with a character of their own. Nature does this as a survival strategy. By including a diverse set of prim



Peace and Quiet

Its all gone very quiet. Now the main library is hut while they move premises, I walk down to the sports centre and use their facilities. Strangely, it all seems very empty. The creche isn't huddled in a group by the window chanting nursery ryhmnes tunelessly. Kids aren't re-enacting the Battle of Britain.   I know whats wrong. Its AM. Its been so long since I've seen him have a good whinge or stop the world because he can't send his emails. Good grief - don't tell me he's actually done what



The fusion cuisine of Casa Armone

What's a girl to do? I've got leftovers of a seasoned long-grain and wild rice mix (which is excellent), and I don't really want a ton to eat. Well, you create new culinary delights!   Ok, that's going overboard...but somehow I got in my head that a Mediterranean Fried Rice was in order.   I've been making fried rice for years...it's actually really easy, but requires regular rice, either white or brown. Wild rice does not make for good fried rice, at all...it's too chewy, and doesn't abs



Apologies for Autumn

Autumn is here all of a sudden. The weathergirl apologised last night and told us so. Very nice of her, but to be honest I was expecting it. The air is a little colder than a few weeks ago, the leaves a bit yellow, a and sure enough, its starting to get windy.   Not quite as windy as the hurricanes that hit Taiwan recently, nor those of any other areas such as southeast america, but I remember a time when we didn't get this high winds as a matter of course every year.   I suppose I could bla



Obama vs. McCain, Round 1

For the record: I'm a moderate Independent, one who is completely undecided. I didn't vote for either of these candidates in the primaries; Independents in California only had open access to the Democrat ballot, and not the Republican, so I gave no vote either way. ___________________________________________   I really enjoyed listening to this first Presidential debate. Some of the items were to be expected: Obama linking McCain to Dubbya, while McCain consistently saying that Obama was in



Walk This Way

Today I decided to wander down to the sports center. Not by my usual route along the main road, by the back trail, an old abandoned railway line. This railway runs through a cutting near the old town station site (now an industrial estate) which is composed of Jurassic rocks - I've mentioned it before. So, in the spirit of optimism, I climbed the muddy bank to have a look at the rock face.   The imprint of a barnacle shell. Large too, about three times the size of those I picked off the beach



Messages In A Bottle

About six months ago my boss, AD, threw me over the side and sailed away into stormy waters. Well, he just rang me. Again. Apparently he's under the illusion that I work for one of the companies he deals with.   No, AD, I'm unemployed.   "Oh... Ah.... So.... How are you?"   Unemployed.   I think the old guy is slowly losing it. Apart from the fact he's still employed beyond retirement and driving around in expensive luxury saloons. It does make you wonder how the old ship is doing....  




Ok here is one section picked at random by my calculator from my book. I would love feedback, usually i keep everything to do with my writing very close to me but whatever.   A bit of background, my lead has escaped his room on the day of a fictitious (I Think) festival (In March - if anyone knows the real name of a festival sometime in march that has something to do with the god Mars I would be very grateful.)   Shrines and temples were filled with boisterous men cheering and jeering as a

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Truman needs to remind us where the buck stops

At 10ish this morning, my phone beeped at me...another news bite from the Associate Press. Thank God I was just walking, and not driving or chopping vegetables when I read this:   Paulson states that the economic crisis is "embarrassing to the United States of America."   The full quote is here (click here for the full article), with the emphasis being mine:   It was an interesting reaction that sprung forth from me as I read that initial news blurb, and then later the article. Fury and



Taxing Moments

Rumours of tax rises are doing the rounds. Just what we needed. Now that food has become more expensive, petrol more expensive than ever, and energy prices attempting to land on the moon.   When Tony Blair got Labour into power with white grins and visions and promises of turning over a new leaf, what did we get? A Labour Party with a sneakier gameplan. Instead of taxing people in their wage packets, lets spread the taxes into new territory like pensions, insurance, and travel. When we complai



The Month of Siesta.

I like September. here in Britain under our ever-warming climate its become a respite, a chance to relax. The humid thunderstorms of the August rain season are passed, and the gales of October are yet to arrive. The air is cool and the sun warm.   Its not just me. I do notice other people are more relaxed too. I pass employees quietly sitting in the sunshine outside their workplaces without any of the insidious mickey-taking of passers-by. i wonder if this has to do with kids going back to sch




Well, to make a perfect end to the clusterfluck week...I wound up having (minor) surgery today.   I had a cyst near my belly button...as a result I had to be cut open and it drained. I had to remove the jewelery until it heals which means it'll probably grow shut and need repierced. *sigh* That's the last thing I wanted (well rejection would be worse but...) but right now I'm more worried about the wound healing than losing my navel ring.   The PA that did the procedure is awesome though.



The Hotel Industriana

It was quite a sight this morning. Further down from the library I inhabit is a hotel, a building that might not be the tallest in Swindon but certainly towers over everything else around it. There was a column of thick dirty brown smoke pouring out of a roof vent like one of those dark satanic mills the government banned so we could all breathe. Can you imagine booking a room there?   "Can I help you Sir?"   I'd like a room please.   "Certainly Sir. We have accomodation in Admin, Mechanic



Pointing Guns

On my way to the sports center I passed a billboard announcing the latest headline from our local rag - Man Accused of Pointing Gun At Policeman. Well I can understand his frustration, but its more evidence of the steady creep of gun culture here in Britain.   Following the Dunblane Massacre, the government effectively banned the private ownership of guns, aside from shotguns but you still need to justify that ownership to the authorities. The sort of massacres we see played out in America are



Will There Ever Be A Star Trek?

Back in the sixties Gene Roddenberry sold an idea to a film studio for a tv series about 'A wagon train to the stars'. It was one of those simple and cheap concepts that studios loved at that time, and they weren't expecting anything more intellectually challenging than Lost In Space. Instead of Bonanza with ray guns, they got spikey ears, emotionless women, and a plot you actually needed to think about. That was quite a shock for the time.   Now of course the original Star Trek is a much love



Planet Alleyway

And now on Channel UNRV, we go deep into the rainforest as Caldrail Attenborough presents Planet Alleyway...   (Cue theme music and titles)   Hello. I'm Caldrail Attenborough, and this is a typical back alleyway in the depths of the rainforests of Darkest Wiltshire. In the next hour we'll looking at the rich variety of wildlife that exists in this remote corner of England, and hopefully, we'll discover some of the more exotic and reclusive creatures that live in Planet Alleyway.   We enter



Locker Room Conversations

First, an eye-opener for all you men out there: we women talk a ton of trash. About our significant others (both temporary and permanent). About others. And honestly, I can't tell you who's worse, men or women.   The scene: I'm in the changing room of my gym, getting dressed to go home, and I overhear a conversation in the next row of benches. It's two women, both lesbians, talking about their conquests from the previous night, and the hopes for the weekend. On and on for quite a few min



Darwinism strikes again

Front page of the San Francisco Chronicle (link to article): A car-burglary suspect fell to his death early today after he climbed over a wall on San Francisco's Telegraph Hill while trying to flee from police, authorities said. The incident began at 12:30 a.m. when police received reports of a someone breaking into a car on the unit block of Alta Street near Montgomery S




Although I really shouldn't I believe it is time for me to put the book out of my life, not forever but until I want to come back to it. Any advice on if I should stop at 80 thousand words and see what happens. Or go to 120 k go off with that or even go to 240. The book was always going to be split in 3 (Rome, Travel and Mediolanium)why not make it 3 books. Unbelievably I have a few notes on another book - nothing to do with Rome. I am not even sure if i write particuarly well. So if enough pe

Vibius Tiberius Costa

Vibius Tiberius Costa

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