Year |
Event |
301 AD |
Diocletion's maximum price edicts go into effect. |
303 AD |
Diocletion persecutes the Christians in earnest. |
305 AD |
Diocletian and Maximian abdicate the throne. Galerius and Constantius Chlorus co-Augusti |
306 AD |
Death of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus in the city of Eboracum. Constantine named Augustus in the West. |
306 AD |
Emperor Fl. Valerius Severus revolts and invades Italy. His father Maximian comes out of retirement first in his support, then in favor of Constantine. Severus killed in Pannonia and Maximian recognized as co-emperor. |
308 AD |
Marcellus is appointed as the new Pope in Rome. Exiled in 309 and replaced by Eusebius. |
308 AD |
The Conference of Carnutum, a meeting of all of the Caesars and Augusti, eventually setting off civil war. |
310 AD |
Death of Maximian after the siege of Masillia by Constantine. |
311 AD |
Publication of the Edict of Toleration by the Emperor Galerius, ending Christian persecution, followed shortly by his death. Death of Diocletion. |
312 AD |
Constantine leads his army from Gaul, investing several towns and winning the support of most of Italy. On the march to Rome, he claimed to have seen the sign of a cross of light, and the words "By this sign, conquer". This is the basis for speculation on Constantine's Christian conversion |
312 AD |
Death of the emperor Maxentius after Constantine's victory at the battle of the Milvian Bridge. Constantine disbands the Praetorian guard. |
313 AD |
Victory of Licinius over Maximinus Daia at the Hellespont is followed by reconciliation of Constantine and Maximinius. Edict of Milan is signed by Emperor Constantine the Great and the Emperor Licinius setting a tone for peace and Christian acceptance. |
314 AD |
Peace is interrupted once again when armed conflict breaks out between the co-emperors. Periods of war and peace follow for ten years with Constantine increasingly victorious. |
315 AD |
The arch of Constantine is erected in Rome. |
316 AD |
Battle of Campus Ardiensis in which Constantine defeats Licinius. |
317 AD |
Birth of Constantine II, in the city of Arelate. |
320 AD |
Birth of the Emperor Constans, in the city of Constantinople. |
322 AD |
St. Peter's Church is constructed in Rome. |
323 AD |
Constantine drives the Goths out of Thracia. |
324 AD |
Final victory for Constantine over Licinius at Adrianople and Chrysopolis. Constantine sole emperor. |
325 AD |
The Council of Nicaea makes Christianity the religion of the Empire |
326 AD |
Constantine executes his son, Crispus, followed by his wife Faustus a year later. She was boiled alive. |
326 AD |
Constantine chooses Byzantium as the new capital of the Empire and renames it Constantinople. |
328 AD |
Birth of the Emperor Valens, in the city of Cibalae. |
332 AD |
Birth of the Emperor Julian the Apostate. |
336 AD |
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is built and dedicated in Jerusalem. |
337 AD |
Constantine had himself baptized by Eusebius, the bishop of Nicomedia. Shortly before his death. Division of the empire between Constantine's three sons: Constantine II (west), Constans (middle), Constantius (east). |
339 AD |
Birth of the bishop of Milan, Ambrose, in the city of Trier. |
340 AD |
Civil war once again. Death of Constantine II against Constans at the battle of Aquileia. |
341 AD |
Emperor Constans begins a successful campaign against the Franks. |
343 AD |
The Emperor Constans campaigns against the Picts and Scots in Britannia, whom he successfully drives back into Caledonia. |
344 AD |
Persian victory at Singara. |
347 AD |
Birth of the Emperor Theodosius the Great, in the town of Cauca, Northwestern Spain. |
348 AD |
Birth of Saint Jerome, the Christian writer. |
350 AD |
Death of the Emperor Constans after a revolt broke out under Magnentius. The Persians invade and take Armenia. |
351 AD |
Emperor Constantius II defeats the army of the pretender Magnentius in a battle near Mursa. |
353 AD |
Battle of Mons Seleucus in which Contantius defeats Magnentius in a bloody engagement. |
357 AD |
Julian defeats the Alemmani. |
359 AD |
Sapor II invades Mesopotamia. Constantius goes to the east. Birth of the Emperor Gratian, in the town of Sirmium. |
360 AD |
Julian's army proclaims him emperor and he marches east. |
361 AD |
Death of Constantius II, Julian the Apostate takes over. |
362 AD |
Julian outlaws the teaching of Christianity. |
363 AD |
Battle of Ctesiphon, in which Julian defeats Shapur II, but Julian is killed in the battle. Jovian emperor. |
364 AD |
Jovian reverses Julians anti-Christian edicts. Nominates Valentinian as his heir and dies. Valentinian makes his brother Valens eastern emperor and takes the west for himself. Permanent separation of the empire. |
367 AD |
Valentinian defeats the Alemmani at Solicinium. |
368 AD |
Valens at war with the Goths. |
369 AD |
Peace with Goths |
369 AD |
Huns invade Ostrogoth territory. |
370 AD |
Theodosius drives invading Picts out of Britain once again. |
371 AD |
Birth of the Emperor Valentinian II. |
374 AD |
Theodosius the Great campaigns against the Sarmatians along the Danube. |
374 AD |
Ambrose appointed bishop of Milan. |
375 AD |
Death of Valentinian. Followed by Gratian who also promoted his infant brother Valentinian II at Milan. Gratian is the first emperor to refuse the office of Pontifex Maximus. |
376 AD |
Theodosius the Elder is killed in Africa and his son, the Great retires from public service. |
377 AD |
Emperor Valens and Emperor Gratian combine against Visigoth and Ostrogoth armies along the Danube. Goths move into Thracia. Birth of the Emperor Arcadius, in Spain. |
378 AD |
Gratian defeats Alemanni. The Romans, under Valens are then defeated badly at Adrianople by Fritigern and the Goths. Perhaps the most terrible and unrecoverable defeat in Roman history. Valens killed. |
379 AD |
Gratian nominated Theodosius (the Great) to replace Valens. |
380 AD |
Theodosius the Great declares Christianity to be the sole religion of the empire. |
382 AD |
Treaty of Theodosius with Visigoths. |
383 AD |
Revolt of Maximus in Britain. Death of Gratian. Theodosius recognizes Maximus in the west and Valentinian II at Milan. Birth of the Emperor Honorius. |
387 AD |
Emperor Theodosius signs a treaty with the Persian King Shapur III, giving Persia four fifths of Armenia, and Rome one fifth. He then crushed Maximus at Aquileia. |
390 AD |
Birth of the Roman general Flavius Aetius. |
391 AD |
Paganism is officially ended with edicts published by Emperor Theodosius. |
392 AD |
Death of the Emperor Valentinian II. Eugenius replaces him, set up by the Germanic general Arbogast. |
394 AD |
The last showing of the ancient Olympic Games is held in this year after it is banned by Emperor Theodosius the Great. There are no games again until 1896. |
394 AD |
Theodosius and the Germanic Alaric defeat Arbogast at the River Frigidus. |
395 AD |
Death of Theodosius the Great. His sons Honorius takes the west, and Arcadius the east. The Huns invade Armenia, Cappadocia and Syria. |
395 - 397 AD |
Alaric invades the Balkans but is checked by Stilicho. Alaric set up as governor of Illyricum. |
399 AD |
Ostrogoths invade and capture Galatia, Pisidia, and Bithynia. |
Roman Timeline of Events - Table of Contents
- Roman Timeline of the 5th Century BC
- Roman Timeline of the 4th Century BC
- Roman Timeline of the 3rd Century BC
- Roman Timeline of the 2nd Century BC
- Roman Timeline of the 1st Century BC
- Roman Timeline of the 1st Century AD
- Roman Timeline of the 2nd Century AD
- Roman Timeline of the 3rd Century AD
- Roman Timeline of the 4th Century AD
- Roman Timeline of the 5th Century AD
Did you know...
Constantine's victory at the Milvian Bridge counts among the most decisive moments in world history, while his legalization and support of Christianity and his foundation of a 'New Rome' at Byzantium rank among the most momentous decisions ever made by a European ruler.