Ancient Roman Aqueducts

The great and highly advanced Roman waterway system known as the aqueducts, are among the greatest engineering and architectural achievements in the ancient world.
The running water, indoor plumbing and sewer system carrying away disease from the population within the Empire wasn't surpassed in capability until very modern times.
The aqueducts, being the most visible and glorious piece of the ancient water system, stand as a testament to Roman engineering. Some of these ancient structures are still in use today in various capacities.
How and Why Were Aqueducts Built?
Roman aqueducts were built from a combination of stone, brick, and the special volcanic cement, pozzuolana.
While their visible remains leave a definite impression, the great bulk of the Roman waterway system ran below ground. Channels bored through rock, or dug below the surface carried water where it was convenient and possible.
Of the approximately 260 miles in the aqueduct system, only 30 miles consisted of the visible, mammoth arched structures.
The aqueducts were built only to carry the flow of water in areas where digging, burrowing, or surface grades presented problems, such as valleys.
The entire system relied upon various gradients and the use of gravity to maintain a continuous flow; and the engineering at the time was remarkable. Without the aqueducts it would've been impossible to maintain the flow of water at the proper grades required.
When water reached a town or city, it flowed into enormous cisterns (castella), which were situated on the highest ground. These large reservoirs held the water supply for the city and were connected to a vast network of lead pipes.
Everything from public fountains, baths and private villas could tap into the network, sometimes provided that a fee was paid.
The water system was as politically motivated as any other massive public works project. Providing additional sources of incoming flow, feeding the baths or simply providing water access to more of the populace could grant great prestige.
Maintenance of the water system was a continuous task, and the Romans assigned a Curator Aquarum to oversee this undertaking. The Curator Aquarum maintained the aqueducts of Rome, while similar curators oversaw those in the provinces.
Paid laborers, slaves and the legions all had different parts to play in building elements of the water system.
Just as they were the great road builders of the Empire, legionaries most assuredly took part in aqueduct construction. Also, when building new colonies or forts, the legions were responsible for providing their own water supply.
Aqueducts Supplying Water to Ancient Rome and Beyond
Eleven separate aqueducts supplied the city of Rome, and were built over a span of 500 years.
The first, the Aqua Appia, was built in conjunction with the great southern road, the Via Appia, in 312 BC.
The Aqua Novus stretched the farthest from the city, reaching approximately 59 miles away.
At its largest extant, nearly 200 towns and cities within the empire were supplied by aqueducts, far surpassing the capability of any civilization before or after for nearly anothertwo millenia.
The last Roman aqueduct built was the Aqua Alexandrina, which was constructed in 226 AD.
At the height of the ancient city's population of approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants, the water system was capable of delivering up to 1 cubic meter of water per person in the city, more than what is commonly available in most cities today.
Aqueducts and Water Supply at the End and After The Fall of the Roman Empire
In the waning days of the western empire, invading Germanic tribes cut the supply of water into Rome. Only the Aqua Virgo, which ran completely underground, continued to deliver much-needed water.
During the Middle Ages, a couple of the lines were restored, but full access to running water wasn't re-established until the Renaissance period.
A List of Notable Aqueducts
Aqueduct | Date | Builder |
Aqua Appia | 312 BC | Appius Claudius Caecus |
Aqua Anio Vetus | 272 - 269 BC | Fulvius Flaccus |
Aqua Marcia | 144 - 140 BC | Q. Marcius Rex |
Aqua Tepula | 126 BC | G. Servilius Caepio L. Cassius Longinus |
Aqua Julia | 33 BC | Marcus Agrippa |
Aqua Virgo | 19 BC | Marcus Agrippa |
Aqua Alsietina | 2 BC | Augustus |
Aqua Claudia | 38 - 52 AD | Caligula and Claudius |
Aqua Anio Novus | 38 - 52 AD | Caligula and Claudius |
Aqua Traiana | 103 AD | Trajan |
Aqua Alexandrina | 226 AD | Alexander Severus |
Did you know...
The first thing the Romans did upon entering a new region, after winning the war that gained them their new territory, was construct roads, bridges and a water supply. That was the quickest way to "Romanize" the new areas.
Did you know...Related Page: Roman Tub - A modern-day Roman bath in the comfort of your own home.
Aqueducts are a man-made conduit for carrying water (Latin aqua, "water," and ducere, "to lead").