Decimus Junius Juvenalis (47 - 130 AD)
Decimus Junius Juvenalis was a Roman satirical poet. His verse was generally a harsh, indignant satirical attack on contemporary policies, social situations and personalities. One favorite target was the emperor Domitian, and his verses often got him into trouble with the aristrocracy. However, very little of his life is known, even though his verses are a wonderful insight into life in the Roman Empire.
The attacking tone of his works is uniquely done, especially in the ancient era. He denounced extravagant and luxurious society, the tyranny of various emperors, the immorality of women, and many indiscriminate social behaviors.
Several modern quotes are also attributed to Juvenal including, "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses) and "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" (who shall guard the guardians).
Did you know...
"Panem et Circensus", literally "bread and circuses", was a political strategy to keep the poor Roman population quiet.