Please see below a list of some of the titles that have been reviewed:
- Attila the Hun: Arch Enemy of Rome by Ian Hughes
- Caligula by Simon Turney
- Early Ships and Seafaring: European Water Transport by Seán McGrail
- Graffiti in Antiquity by Peter Keegan
- Group Identity and Religious Individuality in Late Antiquity by Éric Rebillard and Jörg Rüpke
- Julius Caesar’s Disease by Francesco M. Galassi & Hutan Ashrafian
- Legio XVII: Roman Legion at War by Thomas A. Timmes
- Lucullus: The Life and Campaigns of a Roman Conqueror by Lee Fratantuono
- Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World by Adrian Goldsworthy
- Return of the Barbarians: Confronting Non-State Actors from Ancient Rome to the Present by Jakub J. Grygiel
- Rome and America: The Great Republics - What the Fall of the Roman Republic Portends for the United States by Walter Signorelli
- A Sacred Kingdom: Bishops and the Rise of Frankish Kingship by Michael E. Moore
- The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman
- The Middle Ages in 50 Objects by Elina Gertsman and Barbara H. Rosenwein
- Women at War in the Classical World by Paul Chrystal
Author Pages
Author Interviews
- Interview with Adrian Goldsworthy about Antony and Cleopatra
- Interview with Adrienne Mayor
- Interview with Alex Johnston
- Interview with the Authors of A Year of Ravens
- Interview with Alan Cameron
- Interview with John R. Clarke
- Interview with Andrew Dalby
- Interview with Adrian Goldsworthy
- Interview with Jonathan Harris
- Interview with Josho Brouwers
- Interview with Patrik 'Klingan' Klingborg
- Interview with Caroline Lawrence
- Interview with Philip Matyszak on The Sons of Caesar: Imperial Rome's First Dynasty
- Interview with Philip Matyszak on The Servant of Aphrodite
- Interview with Philip Matyszak on Mithridates the Great: Rome's Indomitable Enemy
- Philip Matyszak on The Greek and Roman Myths: A Guide to the Classical Stories
- Interview with Nick Brown
- Interview with Steven Saylor
- Interview with Tom Holland regarding Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar
- Interview with Russell Whitfield on Roma Victrix
- Interview with Ian Hughes
- Interview with Matthew Dennison
- Interview with Waller R. Newell
Featured Book
Archive - Books
- 1177 B.C. The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric H. Cline
- A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities by J.C. McKeown
- A Companion to Julius Caesar by Miriam Griffin
- A Companion to Roman Italy by Alison E. Cooley
- AD69: The Year of Four Emperors by Gwyn Morgan
- Age of the Gladiators: Savagery & Spectacle in Ancient Rome by Rupert Matthews
- The Earthly Gods: Agent of Rome 6 by Nick Brown
- Agora (2010) - DVD
- Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics) by Tacitus
- The Alamanni and Rome 213-496: Caracalla to Clovis by John F. Drinkwater
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- In Search of our Ancient Ancestors by Anthony Adolph
- Ancient Athens on 5 Drachmas a Day by Philip Matyszak
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- An Invincible Beast: Understanding the Hellenistic Pike Phalanx in Action by Christopher Matthew
- 428 AD: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire by Giusto Traina
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- The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy by Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow
- Arms & Armour of the Imperial Roman Soldier by Raffaele D'Amato & Graham Sumner
- Arrows of Fury (Empire) by Anthony Riches
- The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political Culture by Harriet I. Flower
- Aspects of Roman History: 82 BC - AD 14 by M. Davies and H. Swain
- The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Michael Parenti
- Atlas of the Ancient Near East: From Prehistoric Times to the Roman Imperial Period by Trevor Bryce
- Attila the Hun: A Barbarian King and the Fall of Rome by John Man
- Augustan Culture by Karl Galinsky
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- Augustus: First Emperor of Rome by Adrian Goldsworthy
- Aurelian and the Third Century by Alaric Watson
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- A Year of Ravens: A Novel of Boudica's Rebellion by Various Authors
- Babylon: Legend, History and the Ancient City by Michael Seymour
- Bacchus: A Biography by Andrew Dalby
- Backgrounds of Early Christianity by Everett Ferguson
- The Baiuvarii and Thuringi: An Ethnographic Perspective by Janine Fries-Knoblach and Heiko Steuer (Eds.) with John Hines
- Battle of Marathon (Reviews of Five Books)
- The Battle That Stopped Rome by Peter S. Wells
- Beginnings Of Rome by TJ Cornell
- Belisarius: The Last Roman General by Ian Hughes
- Between Empires: Arabs, Romans, and Sasanians in Late Antiquity by Greg Fisher
- The Birth of Classical Europe: A History from Troy to Augustine by S. Price and P. Thonemann
- Black Ships by Jo Graham
- Britain After Rome: The Fall and Rise, 400-1070 by Robin Fleming
- Brutus: Caesar's Assassin by Kirsty Corrigan
- Brutus of Troy: And the Quest for the Ancestry of the British by Anthony Adolph
- Byzantium Triumphant: The Military History of the Byzantines 959-1025 by Julian Romane
- Caesar by Christian Meier
- Caesar: A History of the Art of War by T. A. Dodge
- Caesar's Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire by Josiah Osgood
- Calendars in Antiquity by Sacha Stern
- Caligula by Sam Wilkinson
- Carthage: A History by Serge Lancel
- Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization by Richard Miles
- Casting Lots by William D. McEachern
- Chariot Racing in the Roman Empire by Fik Meijer (Translated by Liz Waters)
- The Christians as the Romans Saw Them by Robert Louis Wilken
- Chronicle of the Roman Republic by Philip Matyszak
- The Chronicle of Seert by Philip Wood
- The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor by Geoffrey Greatrex
- Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician by Anthony Everitt
- Civil War (Penguin Ancient Classics) by Lucan
- The Classical Compendium by Philip Matyszak
- The Column of Marcus Aurelius by Martin Beckmann
- Commanders and Command in the Roman Republic and Early Empire by Fred K. Drogula
- A Companion to the Roman Army by Paul Erdkamp
- The Complete Roman Army by Adrian Goldsworthy
- Constantine the Great: Warlord of Rome by Elizabeth James
- The Culture of the Roman Plebs by Nicholas Horsfall
- Daily Life In Ancient Rome by Jerome Carcopino
- Dawn of the Horse Warriors: Chariot and Cavalry Warfare, 3000-600BC by Duncan Noble
- The Day of the Barbarians by Alessandro Barbero
- Death in Ancient Rome by Catharine Edwards
- Death in Ancient Rome: A Sourcebook by Valerie Hope
- Debating the Saints Cult in the Age of Gregory the Great by Matthew Dal Santo
- De Bello Lemures by Lucius Artorius Castus
- The Defeat Of Rome In The East - Crassus, The Parthians, And The Disastrous Battle Of Carrhae, 53BC by Gareth C. Sampson
- Delphi: A History of the Center of the Ancient World by Michael Scott
- Democracy's Beginning: The Athenian Story by Thomas N. Mitchell
- Dining Posture in Ancient Rome: Bodies, Values and Status by Matthew Roller
- Druids: A Very Short Introduction by Barry Cunliffe
- Eager for Glory by Lindsay Powell
- Eagle In The Snow by Wallace Breem
- The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff
- The Early Germans (The Peoples of Europe) by Malcolm Todd
- Eboracum: The Village by Graham Clews
- The Roman Emperor Aurelian: Restorer of the World by John F. White
- The Emperor Nero: A Guide to the Ancient Sources by A. Barrett, Elaine Fantham, and John C. Yardley
- The Roman Empire at Bay: AD 180-395 by David S. Potter
- Empire at War: A Compendium of Roman Battles from 31 B.C. to A.D. 565 by Don Taylor
- Empire of Honour : The Art of Government in the Roman World by J. E. Lendon
- Empire Of Pleasures by Andrew Dalby
- Empires of Faith: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of Islam, 500-700 by Peter Sarris
- Empire: The Novel of Imperial Rome by Steven Saylor
- The Enemies of Rome: From Hannibal to Attila the Hun by Philip Matyszak
- Eromenos by Melanie McDonald
- The Erotic Poems by Ovid
- Expedition to Disaster: The Athenian Mission to Sicily 415 BC by Philip Matyszak
- Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire by Janet Huskinson
- Failure of Empire by Noel Emmanuel Lenski
- The Fall of the Roman Empire by Peter Heather
- The Fall of the Seleukid Empire 187-75 BC by John D. Grainger
- Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World by Peter Garnsey
- The Field Campaigns of Alexander the Great by Stephen English
- Fighting Emperors of Byzantium by John Carr
- Fire in the East by Harry Sidebottom
- The Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found by Mary Beard
- The First Fossil Hunters: Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times by Adrienne Mayor
- Ancient Rome on 5 Denarii a Day by Phillip Matyszak
- The Forgotten Legion by Ben Kane
- Fortress of Spears (Empire Volume Three) by Anthony Riches
- From Alexander to Cleopatra by Michael Grant
- Galla Placidia: The Last Roman Empress by Hagith Sivan
- Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire by John Michael O'Flynn
- Germanicus: The Magnificent Life and Mysterious Death of Rome's Most Popular General by Lindsay Powell
- Ghosts of Vesuvius by Charles Pellegrino
- Gladiator: Rome's Bloody Spectacle by Konstantin Nossov
- Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's (Unofficial) Manual by Philip Matyszak
- Gladiators and Beasthunts: Arena Sports of Ancient Rome by Christopher Epplett
- Gladiatrix by Russell Whitfield
- God's Generals - The Military Lives of Moses, the Buddha, and Muhammad by Richard A. Gabriel
- The Gods of Ancient Rome by Robert Turcan
- The Gold of Tolosa by Philip Matyszak
- Antony and Cleopatra by Adrian Goldsworthy
- Rome's Gothic Wars by Michael Kulikowski
- The Goths in the Fourth Century by Peter Heather and John Matthews
- Great Battles of the Hellenistic World by Pietrykowski Joseph
- Great Battles of the Classical Greek World by Owen Rees
- The Roman Empire's Greatest Victories by J W Medhurst
- Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Biological & Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor
- The Greek & Latin Roots of English by Tamara M Green
- Greek & Roman Warfare by John Drogo Montagu
- Hadrian's Empire by Danny Danziger and Nicholas Purcell
- Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome by Adkins and Adkins
- Hannibal: Enemy of Rome by Ben Kane
- Henchmen of Ares: Warriors and Warfare in Early Greece by Josho Brouwers
- Herculaneum: Past and Future by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
- Hercules: The First Superhero by Philip Matyszak
- Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth by Norman O. Brown
- The Historical Figure of Jesus by E.P. Sanders
- A History of the Ancient Near East (3000-323 BC) by Marc Van De Mieroop
- History of the Byzantine Empire by A.A. Vasiliev
- A History of Byzantium by Timothy E. Gregory
- A History of the Later Roman Empire, AD 284-641 by Stephen Mitchell
- The History of Zonaras: From Alexander Severus to the Death of Theodosius the Great by M. Banchich and E. N. Lane
- A History of the Roman World, 753 to 146 BC by H.H. Scullard
- Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar by Tom Holland
- How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower by Adrian Goldsworthy
- How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life by Marcus Tullius Cicero
- The Huns (Peoples of the Ancient World) by Hyun Jin Kim
- I, Claudius by Robert Graves
- If Rome Hadn't Fallen: How the Survival of Rome Might Have Changed World History by Timothy Venning
- Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome by Robert Harris
- In the Name of Rome by Adrian Goldsworthy
- An Introduction to the New Testament by Raymond E. Brown
- Jewish War Under Trajan and Hadrian by William Horbury
- A Companion to Josephus by Honora Howell Chapman and Zuleika Rodgers
- Julian: A Novel by Gore Vidal
- Justinian's Flea: The First Great Plague and the End of the Roman Empire by William Rosen
- The King's Gambit (SPQR I) by John Maddox Roberts
- The Last Generation Of The Roman Republic by Erich S. Gruen
- The Last Legionary: Life as a Roman Soldier in Britain AD400 by Paul Elliott
- The Last Pagan: Julian the Apostate and the Death of the Ancient World by Adrian Murdoch
- The Last Pagans of Rome by Alan Cameron
- The Late Roman Army by Pat Southern and Karen R. Dixon
- The Later Roman Empire, 284-602 by A.H.M Jones
- Latin Via Ovid: A First Course by Norma Goldman and Jacob E. Nyenhuis
- Legionary: The Roman Soldier's (Unofficial) Manual by Philip Matyszak
- L'esercito romano. Armamento e organizzazione vol. 1-3 by Giuseppe Cascarino
- Life, Death and Entertainment in the Roman Empire by D.S. Potter and D.J. Mattingly
- Life in a Roman Legionary Fortress by Tim Copeland
- Caesar: Life of a Colossus by Adrian Goldsworthy
- The Life and Times of Constantine The Great by D.G. Kousoulas
- Livia: First Lady of Imperial Rome by Anthony A. Barrett
- Livia: Empress of Rome - A Biography by Matthew Dennison
- Looking at Laughter: Humor, Power, and Transgression in Roman Visual Culture, 100 B.C.- A.D. 250 by John R. Clarke
- The Lost World of Byzantium by Jonathan Harris
- Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus by Lindsay Powell
- Maurice's Strategikon: Handbook of Byzantine Military Strategy by George T. Dennis
- Medicus: A Crime Novel of the Roman Empire by Ruth Downie
- Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise of Rome by Arthur M. Eckstein
- Military History of Late Rome 284-361 by Ilkka Syvanne
- Mithridates the Great: Rome's Indomitable Enemy by Philip Matyszak
- The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome by Donald Earl
- Murder Was Not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic by Judy Gaughan
- The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos by Guy MacLean Rogers
- The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome by Annette Giesecke
- Hellenistic and Roman Naval Warfare 336BC - 31BC by John D. Grainger
- The Navies of Rome by Michael Pitassi
- Nero's Killing Machine: The True Story of Rome's Remarkable 14th Legion by Stephen Dando-Collins
- The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Hornblower and Spawforth
- The Oxford History of the Roman World by Boardman, Griffin and Murray
- Palatine: The Four Emperors Series by L. J. Trafford
- Patricians and Emperors: The Last Rulers of the Western Roman Empire by Ian Hughes
- Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West by Tom Holland
- Imperial General: The Remarkable Career of Petellius Cerialis by Philip Matyszak
- The Lost History of Peter the Patrician by Thomas M. Banchich
- Philip II of Macedonia: Greater than Alexander by Richard A. Gabriel
- Pilate's Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire by Antoinette May
- A Pillar of Iron by Taylor Caldwell
- Pompeii and Other Lost Cities (Lost and Found) by John Malam
- Pompeii: The Living City by Alex Butterworth
- Pompeii by Robert Harris
- Post-Roman Transitions: Christian and Barbarian Identities in the Early Medieval West by Walter Pohl and Gerda Heydemann
- Praetorian: The Great Game by S.J.A. Turney
- Project Lessons from the Roman Empire by Jerry Manas
- Questioning Reputations: Essays on Nine Roman Republican Politicians by Richard J. Evans
- The Real Lives of Roman Britain by Guy de la Bédoyère
- Rediscovering Homer by Andrew Dalby
- Religion in the Roman Empire by James B. Rives
- Remus: A Roman Myth by T. P. Wiseman
- The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern World by Justin Pollard and Howard Reid
- The Role of the Bishop in Late Antiquity by Andrew Fear
- Roman Architecture by Nigel Rogers
- Roman Aristocrats in Barbarian Gaul: Strategies for Survival in an Age of Transition by Ralph Mathisen
- The Roman Army at War 100 BC - AD 200 by Adrian Keith Goldsworthy
- Roman Art by Michael Siebler
- Roman Britain: A New History by Guy de la Bédoyère
- Roman Britain and the Roman Navy by David J.P. Mason
- The Cavalry of the Roman Republic by Jeremiah B. McCall
- Roman Conquest North Africa by Nic Fields
- Roman Conquests: Macedonia and Greece by Philip Matyszak
- The Roman Cult of Mithras by Manfred Clauss
- The Roman Empire by Colin Wells
- The Roman Empire (Beginner's Guides) by Philip Matyszak
- The Roman Family by Suzanne Dixon
- The Roman Games: A Sourcebook by Alison Futrell
- Roman Gaul and Germany by Anthony King
- Roman Gloucestershire by Tim Copeland
- Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius by R. Malcolm Errington
- Roman Life: 100 B.C. to A.D. 200 by John R. Clark
- Roman Life and Times Series by Paul L. Anderson
- Roman Medicine by Audrey Cruse
- Roman Palmyra: Identity, Community, and State Formation by Andrew M. Smith II
- Roman Passions: A History of Pleasure in Imperial Rome by Ray Laurence
- Roman Poetry: From the Republic to the Silver Age by Dorothea Wender
- Roman Religion: A Sourcebook by Valerie M. Warrior
- The Life of Roman Republicanism by Joy Connolly
- The Planning of Roman Roads and Walls in Northern Britain by John Poulter
- The Romans: An Introduction by Antony Kamm
- Romans, Barbarians, and the Transformation of the Roman World by Ralph W. Mathisen and Danuta Shanzer
- Roman Sex: 100 BC - AD 250 by John R. Clarke
- The Roman Soldier by G. R. Watson
- Roman Sports and Spectacles: A Sourcebook by Anne Mahoney
- The Roman Triumph by Mary Beard
- Roman Warships by Michael Pitassi
- The Roman Wars in Spain by Daniel Varga
- Roman Women by Eve D'Ambra
- The Roman World: People and Places: Art, Architecture, Religion, Society and Culture by Nigel Rodgers and Dr. Hazel Dodge
- Roma by Steven Saylor
- Roma Victrix by Russell Whitfield
- Rome and the Black Sea Region, edited by Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen
- Rome and China: Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires, edited by Walter Scheidel
- Rome: Day One by Andrea Carandini
- Rome, Inc. by Stanley Bing
- Rome's Debt to Greece by Alan Wardman
- The First Frontier: Rome in the North of Scotland by D.J. Woolliscroft and B. Hoffmann
- Rome's Greatest Defeat: Massacre in Teutoburg Forest by Adrian Murdoch
- Rome's Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Mortal Enemy of Caesar by Goodman & Soni
- Rome the Perverts Delight: Sex, drugs, brothels, alcohol, aphrodisiacs and prostitutes in the Roman Empire by Joe Medhurst
- Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic by Tom Holland
- Running the Roman Home by Alexandra Croom
- Sailing from Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World by Colin Wells
- Sand of the Arena: A Gladiators of the Empire Novel by James Duffy
- The Satyricon by Gaius Petronius Arbiter (Petronius)
- Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon by B. H. Liddell Hart
- The Hun: Scourge of God AD 375-565 by Nic Fields and Christa Hook
- The Servant of Aphrodite by Philip Matyszak
- The Silver Eagle: A Novel of the Forgotten Legion (Novels of the Forgotten Legion) by Ben Kane
- The Sirens of Surrentum (The Roman Mysteries) by Caroline Lawrence
- The Roman Guide to Slave Management: A Treatise by Nobleman Marcus Sidonius Falx by Jerry Toner
- Sons of Caesar by Phillip Matyszak
- Sparta: Unfit for Empire by Godfrey Hutchinson
- Spectacle in the Roman World by Hazel Dodge
- SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard
- Staying Roman: Conquest and Identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700 by Jonathan Conant
- Stilicho: The Vandal Who Saved Rome by Ian Hughes
- The Lion's Brood: The Story of Hannibal by Rafael Scott
- The Punic Wars: Rome, Carthage, and the Struggle for the Mediterranean by Nigel Bagnal
- Swords Against The Senate: The Rise Of The Roman Army And The Fall Of The Republic by Erik Hildinger
- Swords and Cinema: Hollywood vs The Reality of Ancient Warfare by Jeremiah McCall
- The Anglo-Saxon World by Nicholas J. Higham and Martin J. Ryan
- The Celts: A History by Peter Berresford Ellis
- Classical World: An Epic History from Homer to Hadrian by Robin Lane Fox
- The Conquest of Gaul by Gaius Julius Caesar
- The Death Of Carthage by Robin E. Levin
- The Fall and Rise by David J Winter
- The Fall of the Roman Empire by Michael Grant
- The Fall of Rome And the End of Civilization by Bryan Ward-Perkins
- The Frome Hoard by the British Museum Press
- The Gabinian Affair by Ray Gleason
- The Gladiators: History's Most Deadly Sport by Fik Meijer
- The Golden Ass by Apuleius (Translated by P.G. Walsh)
- The Great Fire of Rome: The Fall of the Emperor Nero and His City by Stephen Dando-Collins
- The Greek and Roman Myths: A Guide to the Classical Stories by Philip Matyszak
- The Hellenistic World by F.W. Walbank
- The Imperial Banner (Agent of Rome) by Nick Brown
- The Langobards before the Frankish Conquest by Eds. G Ausenda, P Delogu and C Wickham
- The Last Roman: Romulus Augustulus and the Decline of the West by Adrian Murdoch
- The Murder of Regilla: A Case of Domestic Violence in Antiquity by Sarah B. Pomeroy
- Theodosius: The Empire at Bay by S. Williams and G. Friell
- Theogony by Hesiod (Translated by Richard S. Caldwell)
- The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy by Adrienne Mayor
- The Redemption of Pontius Pilate by Lewis Ben Smith
- There Is No Crime For Those Who have Christ by Michael Gaddis
- The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity by Gregor Kalas
- The Road to Rome: A Novel of the Forgotten Legion by Ben Kane
- The Roman Army: A Social and Institutional History by Pat Southern
- The Roman Empire: From Severus to Constantine by Pat Southern
- The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus' Punica by Claire Stocks
- The Siege: Agent of Rome by Nick Brown
- The Trojan War: A New History by Barry Strauss
- The Visigoths: from the Migration Period to the Seventh Century, edited by Peter Heather
- The Wall: Rome's Greatest Frontier by Alistair Moffat
- The World of the Celts by Simon James
- Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD by Peter Brown
- Time in Antiquity (Sciences of Antiquity Series) by Robert Hannah
- Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire by Colin Adams and Roy Laurence
- Rome Seizes the Trident: The Defeat of Carthaginian Seapower and the Forging of the Roman Empire by Marc G. DeSantis
- Twelve Caesars by Suetonius
- Two Deaths at Amphipolis: Cleon vs Brasidas in the Peloponnesian War by Mike Roberts
- Tyrants: A History of Power, Injustice, and Terror by Waller R Newell
- Under the Eagle by Simon Scarrow
- UnRoman Britain: Exposing the Great Myth of Britannia by Miles Russell and Stuart Laycock
- Venus: A Biography by Andrew Dalby
- The Venus Throw: A Mystery of Ancient Rome by Steven Saylor
- Viking Nations: The Development of Medieval North Atlantic Identities by Dayanna Knight
- Why We're All Romans: The Roman Contribution to the Western World by Carl J. Richard
- Woman of Stone by Debra Tash
- Working IX to V: Orgy Planners, Funeral Clowns, and Other Prized Professions of the Ancient World by Vicki León
- Empire: Wounds of Honour by Anthony Riches
- Wrath of the Furies: A Novel of the Ancient World by Steven Saylor
Archive - TV, Movies and DVDs
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- I, Claudius by the BBC
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- Pompeii: The Last Day
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- Rome - Engineering an Empire
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