Story #10 - For the future of Briton - Will Brown - RV forum Holymeth 850 words
Ever since I was netted by Chersuci during the time of Imbolc, I have been a faithful companion for her and her people. I was wedded after Chersuci and some of her closest friends came upon me when I was bathing in the river and they then seized me and brought me to her father; the thane of the tribe. Though at first I was ashamed that such a girl could net me, I soon found out that it was but I that was lucky to have been chosen by her. I was dazed at first, being seized that is and being taken away, for I had only seen her on a few occasions usually before our tribesmen went out to war against the dark haired intruders from across the sea and other barbarian tribes.
She had always said farewell before I left off to such adventure, but I didn't think much of it for I was in a bloodlust state and could barely control myself, for I would get ready for battle before it had begun. After I was netted by her, I swore she would get all the jewelry and ornaments that I got in my near future raid. When I returned from the raid, I gave her all the amulets and tokens as a wedding gift from the deceased bodies of my enemies. Her parents were angered at first for me giving her the symbols of the false gods which the Romans brought with them, so I went out to go to the local smith and asked that they be melted down and give them to the local godhi and vikti to be crafted into charms for her and her family.
Though, that was years ago, now I am the leader of the clan, and can sit with the elder's council. She has brought many heirs into mine and hers line, giving birth unto two boys and a girl. Today though, is a very special day for me, for my eldest son is now of the age to be wed, and has found the girl that he wants, but the girl's family has demanded that he prove his worth for her. I have called the able fighting men of my village to go out a raid a nearby village that has for years practiced much evil in the eyes of many of our gods, for the tribes vitki and spae-workers engage in sexual activities with their same sex, to complete magical spells.
To me also, this is a chance to prepare Derhm, my son, who will one day take my place as thane of this tribe, and therefore must have heirs and honor to hold such a position. For being the warlord of a tribe is not easy task, for you must duel those who challenge you for your title. Today, with the fog in the air, making it cool and pleasant to those of us who are of Celtic origin, as all gathered here are. Soon, we shall head out and raze the tribe's temples and houses, to set an example for many others.
Ah, finally, all the men are ready, for the women have said their farewells, and the men have drunk to their contempt. Onwards, onwards to Victory! "Onward men, let us wipe out the evil polluters!" I yell to the men gathered in the village, a loud rumbling of "YEARGHHHHH!" is heard from the band gathered, telling me that they too are apparently ready. The village that we are to destroy is not great in size, rather feared because of all the magical vitkis and godhi there. The men spent much of last night having magical items and spells bestowed upon them by the godhi, I hope that our godhi used powerful enough spells and blessings to protect against any curses that the Evil Vitki have put around their village.
I now call for my elite warriors; the berserkers, to ride beside me, for these men are valuable to our army and people. For now, they ride, but now that the battle begins, and they charge out across the field, leaping from their horses' just yards from the tribesmen and fight the enemy face to face! The foolish godhi and Vitki expected a cavalry charge and prepared for the basic charge. My men now close in and move into the scattered disarrayed army and slaughter the Evil magic users, taking off their opponents heads to for prizes of war.
My son in his chariot riding around the battlefield throwing his spears, piercing his targets almost every time, to see him gives me much pride, and is sure proof that my son is worthy of his bride to be. Even as I watch my son battle those who oppose us, I can but not help think of the wedding coming up, oh how proud I will be when my soon to be daughter in-law goes into the house of my son. I hope that the girl whom he desires shall bestow many children upon him, giving the assurance that our people shall live!